If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

See? It’s not even funny. It’s just sad. Nothing more pathetic than a troll who can’t even troll.


Nobody is talking about legacy flying.
They are not going to let us fly as we know it now in the Dragon Isles, Dragonflight only in the next expansion in the new zones coming in 10.0. This is, as of right now, a fact officially confirmed by Blizzard.

Guild Wars 2 does it right. They have the best mount system of any game I have played. No other game can even compare. Let’s see how Blizzard implements this. I don’t expect it to be as good as GW2, but I definitely think it’s a step in the right direction.

I absolutely love Guild Wars 2. I have played WoW since Vanilla and Guild Wars 2 since the first closed beta. It’s honestly a tossup for me anymore which game I like best. I find myself going back and forth between WoW and GW2. Both are good games in different ways. I have to say though, I think GW2 does many things better than WoW and is just a better game all around. But WoW was the first real mmo I played and after many years playing, I will always love the game I’m sure. But if I had started GW2 and WoW on the same day all those years ago, I fully believe GW2 is the game I would have been hooked on, not WoW.

GW2 is doing very well. They recently said they have more than doubled their active player base in the last few years. Not bad for a game about to turn ten. Most games lose over time, not gain. I’m just hoping they don’t go changing what is obviously working and ruin a game I really love. I know many here don’t like the game. It’s definitely not for everyone.

Let me put it this way because this was brought up last night:

If you could fly over all the obstacles in Mario to the very end, it would defeat the purpose of the jumping mechanic to get over obstacles.

If you could one-shot anything in The Witcher, it would defeat the purpose of the RPG mechanics and building your character.

If you allow regular flying in Dragonflight, it would defeat the purpose of the dragon riding mechanic. Dragon riding is intrinsic to the world’s design, therefore flying as it currently is in-game completely erodes that.

That is why they aren’t allowing flying. This isn’t that complicated of a subject.


I’m not talking about one person, this isn’t a hivemind, there are other persons and other reactions.

guess all that wasted time getting mounts thru all this yrs was for nothing eh? great design blizz keep it up.

All those collected mounts will still work as ground mounts, and fly outside of the dragon isles.

This makes no sense. Unlocking flying via the flappy bird game is one thing but to say one type of flying erodes the game while another does not is well, kind of absurd.

This is sounding like the covenant system having no rip-cord and being hard wired and blah blah blah… until they realized subs were dropping the magical rip-cord appeared.

I don’t know how this system is going to work yet because they haven’t said much. With what I’ve seen so far, I’m very leery of their claims but I am trying to keep an open mind. They have a history of misleading the customer base with claims like this.



This is probably one of the bigger investments in the expansion. It’s in their best interests to be able to show 100% engagement with it.

Defining “we” is the million dollar question.

Before WoD, when they hamfistedly tried to “solve” the problem by outright removing flight, there were thousands upon thousands of posts by people swearing up and down they didn’t care about the challenge. Many suggestions were made to instead fix it by adding flying enemies to avoid, or making flight more realistic/engaging.

If one went back, found all the people who suggested (or liked posts which did) making flight more engaging, tallied up people complaining now, and made a venn diagram, it would practically be a single circle.

Likewise, with the zm birbs, one of the loudest posters at the moment went from suggesting having flying enemies for immersion instead (and claiming they would enjoy it!), to complaining about zm in like the span of five minutes.

“Do X because it would be fun but I hate it” isn’t exactly actionable feedback.

As for the issue of existing mounts, I would imagine Blizzard is in wait-and-see mode on this. If people like dragonriding, it might make sense to expand it to other mounts. But if it ends up unpopular, it wouldn’t be wise to work on all the extra animations now.

Like the engineering portals which sometimes make you go splat in Gadgetzan? Or anient Dal portal? :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t wait to run on the ground with my Dragon mounts! Especially the ones I unlocked 15 years ago doing flight only content!!

Did I do it right? :clown_face:

If it’s timed flight with an obstacle course, I probably won’t be able to do it.

I’ll try but if it’s a requirement for flight, I may not make it.

Flying yes, dragon riding at this point no.

They could have just done the WoD/Legion/BFA/SL thing again.

RIP the poor guy who finally gets invincible to drop the day before DF launches

Tell me you’ve never played GW2 without saying so :wink:

You’re right, let me clarify:

I’m willing to give dragon riding a try.

They’re hyping it up because if it’s even half as fun as GW2’s flying it’s going to be absolutely lit.

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Or they could have just let everyone fly from the start. Easy win with a big chunk of the population.

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But what exactly will it add? just to make loop-de-loops more easier to pull off?