What did you expect to happen? The OP opened with an explanation on how you should/shouldn’t talk about the LFD stuff going on. This was a troll bait thread.
Hes trolling since 04/19
Lol, I posted a long pro / con post, and I got censored.
WTF bliz.
I read your post and I have no idea how it got axed. Might be some automated catch.
Nah they could get rid of the reward from using it and it wouldn’t have a noticeable effect. In fact its kinda funny that the anti lfders even use the reward as an argument for their side.
Dang, I was just about to respond to it as well. If I had to guess, someone mass reported it using sock puppets. I had the same thing happen to me a few times in General Discussion over the High Elf threads and why I thought they shouldn’t be playable for Alliance.
Instead of having tirades on “why my solution is better”, let us try to do a pro/con list.
Con of LFD:
- You cannot select the player with whom you play, potentially leading to groups with people not speaking your language, semi afking, people not knowing how to play their classes. Even if mitigated by kicking function, it is not ideal.
- You diminish immersion as to the “all get to the dungeon”.
Pro of LFD:
- If you are not meta, you do not get a wall of “class X is garb, get lost”. With LFD, all players get to play.
- If you are dps, you do not need to beg for a spot “super geared, trust me bro, see my shiny achiev”. You are patient, and it comes.
- If you are a dps, you can totally avoid the “blue, XX rez” situation that a lot of player dislikes.
- You can totally avoid the chat spam.
- With the dungeon difficulty having preliminary gear level, you don’t need to sit in a specific city to inspect the player. Preventing you to gather, complete quests or others.
- LFD does not forces its usage, people will still build asking “LF X for achievement”. like it was happening in WOTLK.
- Access to low level dungeons previously (see tbc) totally unfrequented.
- Reduce strongly the need for boosters at low level. It merely becomes an option.
- You remove physical transport barriers to access dungeon “I am too far, i’ll pass”.
I cannot help but see an overwhelming advantage of having the LFD. And i tried really hard to find more Con of having LFD, I just couldn’t.
Hopefully they don’t remove it again…
Yeah, that’s such a non-issue. Like others have suggested, just move the rewards to a quest giver in Dalaran.
But, when you finally did get picked for dodgeball? You brought the heat
Quoting for posterity.
As far as the cons are concerned, the first can still happen without LFD, and the 2nd is a non issue because raiding is the end game, not dungeons. In other words, there really aren’t any cons.
Going to trust the same company that took 3 expansions to realize burrowed power was something players didn’t want?
Literally all Blizzard had to do was release WotLK as it was, shut up, and take our money. How could they not even get that right?
Part of me thinks them announcing it was purely to spark conversation on the forums. There’s still hope that they add it to the game.
It’ll be in Wrath, then we can all sit and watch the epic forum show
This is a laughable attempt at neutrality.
Your “pro” list is severely bloated and subjective to anecdotal experience, and quite frankly, stuff that simply doesn’t happen or is a non-issue.
Ergo decedo is only a logical fallacy when applied to a lack of choice. If you have the choice, it is not a fallacy, if you do not, it is.
Mate, the only thing you did was to say “laughable”.
You never pointed out which point was invalid and why, nor helped to complement the list.
Are you just demeaning due to the lack of arguments?
The whole point is that there is an effective lack of choice, and hence.
It’s like telling people in retail that if they dislike the implementation of flying, they should just walk everywhere.
It’s so besides the point, whether the person uses it specifically themselves or not.
This is a fallacy.
These features are not comparable.
And it is viable to ignore LFD. And per my own experience, I still remember advertising for achievement runs in /world.
So it is not an effective lack of choice. This is your interpretation.