"If you don't like it, don't use it"

Totally relevant and on topic post. Great post.

Now if only you could name change to Manuretalk then all would be right with the world.

I’m certainly okay with it if it ends up being server limited w/o the teleport. But it’s not like that opinion is shattering any new ground. Just feels like the devs have their opinion on how they want it to work and that’ll be what we get regardless.

Neither side is obligated to have good argument. If you think another term than side is more adequate for the discussion enlighten me.

My point was and remain if you single out a side when both side are guilty of the same thing. You appear to have a double standard.

Are you implying that there are no good argument because bad argument exists? Or just that for LFD no good argument exist and only bad ones exist and you use that one exemple as your proof? I am confused. Bad arguments will always exist just ignore them as they should be. You can point it out in hope to enlighten the perpetrator’s mistake but most people don’t want to admit to their mistakes, just dismiss it if you think the other person isn’t worth the time and effort.

I don’t know how making it clear that you do not have double standard would stop you from achieving that goal. And the way you phrase things it seems to imply that nobody has good arguments or is having good faith discussions.

If your goal is having a world where nobody that “need” to make a good argument make bad argument. That is not gonna happen and that never happens. Consider all arguments then dismiss the bad ones and keep the good ones. Then you do a pro vs cons list.

I’m not sure what argument you’re trying to make here…the dungeon teleport is part of why RDF is bad, that can’t be denied.

Sure it can be.


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It’s in line with teleporting…

You prolly don’t play Classic tho and are just here to troll like the druid.


Can you elaborate on what you’re trying to say here? You’re spamming a clown emoji as though there’s some kind of contradiction but I just don’t see what point you’re trying to make.

What does mentioning the teleport have to do with any argument you might have for why RDF should be implemented?


Blizzard said they’re open to feedback, so presumably if you present a good enough argument that they agree with or understand, they could potentially compromise on the implementation of RDF.

Currently all we know is they plan to just not have it.

So, you objectively need a good argument (unless of course Blizzard is swayed by terrible arguments).

We already do that. Point of the thread is to say, “When you use this argument, nobody listens and it makes no ground in the discussion”. The point of saying this is because people continue to use it, regardless of it being (rightly) rejected every time it is used.

It gives the same rewards so no it is not heavily incentivized. You literally get the exact same rewards whether you join as a group or solo.

But it teleports you to the dungeon!!

Extra badges is the same as no extra badges?

… you may want to redo your math on that.

This is using rdf vs not using rdf. Not a group using rdf vs a solo using rdf.

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Pro tip you get the same extra badges if you join as a group. And yes it is a group using LFD vs solo using LFD, LFD replaces the daily quests from the quest givers.

The first 1 gives you the bonus badges like the daily heroic but I’m sure on launch it gave previous tier badges but we won’t have any previous tier badges so it should only give you the bonus the first time.

I could be wrong tho. Was a long time ago.

I thought it gave the current tier badges as a 1 time reward then gave you previous tier badges. Since we will only have current tier it will only give you the current tier as the daily heroic.

That’s exactly how it worked, your first run gave you 2 badges from the current tier and subsequent runs gave you badges from the previous tier. There was no bonus for joining solo.

That wasn’t added until Cata and was role specific when needed, not a general bonus for using LFD.

Wait…are you referencing the satirical thread I made as an anti-same faction BG reference?

If that’s really what you keep basing this constant mention of teleportation on, I have unfortunate news for you on who the clown in this room is lol

Except that’s not what not “having to use rdf if you don’t want to” means.

It’s a case of using rdf vs not using it.

There is a difference in badges you get.

I mean it’s no different than doing the daily heroic.

Once the daily is done the bonus is gone.

Can’t talk too mad that it teleports me to the dungeon.


If you’d followed the thread we’re talking about the group finding portion of LFD. You know the part people claim they have to use if it’s added because apparently spamming chat is so integral to their play experience.

Which is completely incorrect, there is exactly no incentive to solo queue vs forming your own group then queuing. You get no extra rewards for doing so. So there is no reason not to continue forming groups just as you do now.

Except rdf isn’t just a group forming tool.

It’s extra badges, a teleport, cross realm, exc.

All benefits which are available regardless of how large your party is when you join.

If you are doing dungeons with friends/guildies now LFD does not give you any incentive to stop doing so. Not to mention cross realm is irrelevant if you are preforming groups.