"If you don't like it, don't use it"

Thanks for your assessment, sensei.

The problem is that one side already has what they want, and the other side is trying get what they want at the loss of what the former side wants (and has).

It means players like me are not under any pressure to defend a non-RDF WOTLK, because that is already confirmed.

It is those who seek change that need to make an impact with their words and statements.


Maybe not you in particular or this thread but that has been stated. Quite often.

Did you have a point to make or does making stupid comments earn you bonus miles on your credit card? If so, congrats, you earned a few round trips around the planet.

No one is debating the existence of these things. Like, get a clue.

Oh yeah, day 1 vanilla player btw, not that it matters.

The OP’s point is the argument mentioned is bad and he explains why. Any discussion outside that topic is irrelevant. There are plenty of other thread discussing whether the game would be better with or without LFD. I have partaken in some of them. I don’t know how anything you said relate to the paragraph you quoted.

That’s a nice conspiracy theory there. Is that red hood painted tin foil?

You wrote a small essay about the validity of the OP (which is me) and the information presented.

I’m saying that your assessment of the validity is irrelevant because I’m not making an argument for not having RDF.

I don’t need to. It’s not currently slated to be in WOTLKC.

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He might have earned enough for a trip to the moon.

He seems to have failed to even realize that dual spec in tbc part and somehow assumed it was about wotlk…

Reading comprehension seems to be a big issue for him.

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I always went to my guild and friends list first when I wanted to run dungeons. Sometimes we got a full group and just used the lfd for the teleport. Sometimes we got 4 or 3 or only 2 and used it to fill out the group. I almost never queued into the lfd solo.

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This seems to be a reoccurring theme with players who believe that they hold the reigns to the design direction of WoW. Like, whenever they come on this forum, everything they speak is some kind of prime directive that Blizzard is required to hear and oblige to.

Their arrogance won’t let them see logic.


“burden of proof isnt a real thing hurr hurr…also please provide proof for…”


My “small essay” is just the way I express myself.

I apologize I should have separated the with paragraph to make myself clearer.

The main point of my reply was “Any discussion outside that topic is irrelevant.” and the last sentence “I don’t know how anything you said relate to the paragraph you quoted.”. Not the following mention that if I was to argue LFD it wouldn’t be here.

You did not argue for or against LFD so it’s true that the comment was out of place. But why is that the only thing that mattered to you? Your reply to the quote you used was about forum activity being skewed towards the dissatisfied portion of players because they are the only one who have cause. I still don’t see how that relate to the quote and I don’t understand why you assumed I wasn’t already aware of that.

Think of it as me attempting to do “pro-RDF” players a favor.

It’s a bitter pill that most people won’t be able to swallow but bear with me for a moment.

Blizzard already made their choice. Some of us see the positive outlook on that choice, and others do not.

So now we’re in a situation where the people that don’t are seeking to change that, and have Blizzard effectively reverse that choice.

That’s fine, they’re perfectly in their right to campaign or make a case for a feature they want. I’m all for the discussion.


One “argument” that is not going to work, and is the focus of the OP, is telling those who are satisfied with Blizzard’s choice: “If you don’t like it, don’t use it”.

The fact of the matter is we don’t have to use it, and nobody will as it currently stands, so this argument is not only flawed by conception (because it dismissed the actual debate over the merits or demerits of keeping RDF), but it’s an arbitrary demand. It simply seeks to skip that discussion entirely because the user of said argument is implying that there is no debate that needs to be had at all. RDF is a perfect, unflawed feature with no downside so any discussion of it’s negative aspects is pointless.

Except Blizzard removed it for a reason.

So unless they can provide an actual argument that seeks to contend with the reality that their prized feature has negative aspects, they are perpetually appearing to miss the point.


So that is the reasoning for your double standard.

Fact is both side on these forum use bad argument. You only call out one side. If you do that it will make it seem like you have a double standard.

I don’t know why you are explaining to me further why “If you don’t like it, don’t use it” is a bad argument. I said from the start that it is a bad argument. What’s the point?

There are many things in this current reply I have an opinion on but they are unrelated to your OP.

The part you aren’t getting is that my “side” isn’t really obligated to have a good argument at this juncture.

Of course that doesn’t make it less of an infraction on the rules of argumentation, but ultimately we already have what we want, so we aren’t under pressure to change hearts and minds…Blizzard already agreed with us.

The people who want RDF back do need a good argument. What they want is at stake because they are coming from a position of needing to prove that the game needs RDF.

Of course this doesn’t mean I’m not down to get in to the weeds and have a good faith argument on the basis of neutrality on whether RDF is a good feature or not, I’m just trying to guide RDF players in to making arguments that aren’t crap for their cause, so those good faith arguments can actually take place.

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You have a great argument already.

“It teleports me to the dungeon”.

Literally case closed.


Not sure what you mean.

And to quote the corpse…

“You don’t need to sign your post with a selfie”

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Thats a nerf to the game whether you are cognizant of it or not. It might not be a big deal in comparison to other nerfs but the game is still easier as a result.

Does this refresh your memory?

This is all the argument you need, case closed!


I’d ask how you get to MH or BT or how you will get to sunwell but you’re level 60.

So it helped instead of hurt the community? Imagine that.