If you dont fix Enh Shaman ASAP youre goina lose more People

bad news for you buddy, warriors wont be viable till 60 with naxx/HWL/GM gear. see you then i guess

Yup your more likely to see me on my mage or druid

LOL… did I hurt ur feelings?

Stop playing the game with your eyes closed.

If this is true then why was the playerbase at its highest when Hunters were more OP in phase 1 than shamans are in phase 2?

They need a flat damage cap. On all classes. Alliance aren’t even queing now. They should nerf Shamans to where they are not even playable. Let players move on to other classes.


nice cope :expressionless:

Youre always hating on SoD. What gives?

You mean like the same 3-5 people who have hundreds-to-thousands of posts frantically attacking anyone who thinks Enh is over performing?

Glass houses, my guy.


They’ve done studies and found 60% of the time, it works every time.

Bro where were you phase 1?

You get a month of hotfixes and balancing and then 1.5 months of radio silence lmao.

Luckily for me, I haven’t queued for a single battleground this phase. Two and a half months of phase 1 WSG with priests and hunters has officially cured me of any desire to do instanced pvp.

I would agree warriors need some love. It’s rough for the brown boys. But come back at 60 when you’re the unstoppable killing machine we know you’ll be.

Honestly, as a warrior, I am ok with how we are now. I know it will get better and I’m not here to play the Meta. I literally when they announced SoD said to my buddy, I’ve never played a warrior and am sticking to it. I think too many people want to be the #1 all the time and when someone else has their day they cry about it.
That being said I do think that the amount of AP from Rockbiter is dumb and on top of that the 20% from Loyal Beta just compunds the issue, but idc enough to complain everywhere. This is SoD, they are doing something new and revitalizing a 20yr old game, they are bound to make mistakes (feral bear tank runes) but hopefully they learn and figure it out.

If they were so busted then why were they so easily cc’able and not invited to any premades?

Why do I enter these forums? This is the mental health ward, most people here are insane lol.

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Post on your LVL 25 pally character

Lie. My gnomer geared almost full bis feral with 2.1k+ hp was globaled from 100 to 0 by an enhance shaman. I tried to pounce on him again in bear form and he deleted 80% of my hp in matter of seconds. I am a tank btw, so my gear is stacked with armor and stamina.

Broo I would love to see all them nerfed. nerf everything and buff warrior everyone wins

This is the alliance mindset. If we can’t win 100% of the time, it’s not fair. Shaman were useless P1. Welcome to balance.

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What was it they used to cope and tell us when enhance was absolute gutter tier all of P1 and they wouldn’t buff us to get wild strikes or do any damage and we were .7% of the dps parses and the eles were so bad they just played resto to get into raid but that also was bad because priest was broken and you only needed one healer……oh yeah.

“We are just level 40 people don’t have all of their talents and kit yet. We just have to wait…”