If you dont fix Enh Shaman ASAP youre goina lose more People

Show me where I asked for this



I just unsubbed. A month of nostalgia and trying new/old skills through rune combos was pretty cool. Unfortunately, they already started nerfing my character a week after hitting 40. I will play my remaining week or so and move one was fun gaming guys.

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Nerf shamans IMMEDIATELY

Nerf pallies priests boomkin and mages IMMEDIATELY!

oh does it not work with classes alliance can play?


You should have researched what class Aggrend was playing. He started as a hunter. Just a coincidence how OP they were.

Guess what class heā€™s playing now?

That would be popular, you hating that idea doesnā€™t change the fact people like fresh.


Please nerf shamans immediately this is getting out of hand.

He plays a Paladin.

Funny how in-game no one seems to care or complain. Itā€™s just a forum thing.

Thatā€™s because the forums are wah wah land.

Please nerf shamans their ability to global anyone in sight is insaneā€¦

Shamans seriously need to be tuned downā€¦ they are broken at the moment.

A Shaman looked at me onceā€¦

I dont remember anything after but my eyes opened and I was in the Graveyard.

Druids had a total of 3 whole days before they got a hammer, so there wasnā€™t a lot of forum posts and uproar about it.

Spriests and mages feel a bit busted, more so spriests with the 90% damage reduction they can use every two mins as a free spell and not take a rune. No other class gets this wall.

Shamans are broken in pvp. *Exception would be resto, seeing as theyā€™re dog water in both pvp and pve

Mages can get lucky and global you but they do have a counter.

If they spec into arcane surge they go oom with a (30% chance to 1 shot you)ā€¦ once a mage is oom they are dead, right after.

If they are fire - they might get a lucky streak and pyro you for 1200-1400. But you can cc them, interrupt fire spells, and once they are oom they die in 1-2 shots.

Frost mageā€¦ when is the last time you saw or died to a frost mage?

While Shamans have no Mana issues, 1-2 Shot you, Immune to cc (Grounding), got gap close + frost shock, canā€™t be feared (Tremor), insane range dmg.

its funny how you flippiantly throw about the downsides of mages and somehow try to include everything you think a shaman has (youre wrong btw) and up play it to the point of moral panic.

shaman who arent running shamnistic rage have very large mana problems.

the only people getting 1 to 2 shot by shaman are low health mages or people with irradiated gear (assuming you mean the way of earth dual rockbiter shaman who are actually a bit busted).

if you dont mean those i can tell you from experience running wf/rb that i get stunned and 1 shot just like everyone else in fact i would argue its almost worse than some others have it.

wand the grounding.

no gap close other than a snare that also puts our interrupt on cooldown (btw if you are against a way of earth shaman their interrupt is melee range).

wand the tremor.

what type of shaman are you talking about btw im confused.

do you mean ele shaman?

if so i was wrong.

if not then no we dont have insane ranged damage.

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Yeah im out until this game shapes up P2 is not it. especially as a warrior.

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That is a rune. Dispersion is 100% a priest rune.

I swear people on the forums just make up things to be mad about these days.

you have the iq of my room temperature rn.