If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

My point is why are they paying 15 a month for a game that is doing what it has been doing for 16 years?
There is a great critique about PvP meta, Solo que is needed, spec specific CR, and more. Those ppl in the Skillcapped YoutTUbe video are not saying this xpac is lazy, boring story, broken systems, broken balance, bad torghast, bad maw.
THey do say, no one is paying for this game bc of Troghast or the MAw, they want to PvP, arena, BG, raid, M+.
All of this are signs of a good xpac that could be better. THe game could always be better. So post, good xapc, but X and Y should be changed bc of reasons.
No insulting the devs.

We do it to annoy you and your ilk.


Here’s a wakeup call for you:

Blizzard doesn’t design the game for Your Highness. Blizzard designs the game and decides to keep the game going based on how many people are playing the game. That includes people who like it and don’t like it.

If people like you keep driving away players like this, then over the years, someone like you will be creating a useless dumb sob story thread as to how “A game which existed throughout my life” is shutting down.

It’s up to you whether people like you who drive players away take it as a warning.

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Here is your wake up bud. Game been her for 16 years. People been saying a dead game for 15 years.
People have been defending WOW and hating on it for 15 years. WoW aint going no where for a long time. Might take 3 bad xpacs in a row to kill wow to sub 100,000. SL is not bad.

It’s bad enough the game drives people away.

Don’t add to that. I’ve said what I can. If you don’t understand the common sense and don’t realize that the rot is trickling slowly, there will come a time where WoW will not exist anymore.

Do not help the rot.

The fact you see people leaving on the forum this early is not good.
Also I am back to seeing a 4 to 5 hour time frame on my server where all i see is XR players. Yes I play on the Oceanic server and I live in the states. But when I logged in last night it was 11pm Adelaide time in Orgrimmer was a ghost town! where before when the expansion started it was loaded with players. So maybe you can explain the sudden shift in dynamics cause I do see worrying signs here.
for as long as I have played I have never seen a horrible troubling expansion like this one and I honestly thought Cataclysm was the worse expansion then comes this stinking pile stupidity to prove me wrong.

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as posted on another thread, last week i did all 10 LFR bosses on 8 toons and got a total of 3 drops (2 of which i already had) - today ive queued 3 times for a total of 2.5hrs on my shammy , all i want is the first boss from the second wing and it keeps throwing me in on the second or third boss- everytime i leave i get the debuff and have to log on another toon for half hr.
absolutely ridiculous , im lucky that this game has cost me no sub money for about 18 months (ive been using tokens bought with gold i had) - i have 1 token left then im off to try FF.

I do plan to leave. I’ve almost reached gladiator on my alt. Honestly the real reason I go so hard at this game atm is because I have a brother that told me I’ll never be able to do certain things in this game because he was SOOO good at being a computer gamer there’s no way I can get better then him from being an in general console gamer. There’s no way I’ll attain gladiator and there’s no way I’ll reach and complete mythic raids ever. This expansion I’m able to get gear through pvp and rise ALL the way up to mythic. This is honestly just a “hold my beer” moment for me. But I didn’t entirely enjoy this game no. Sibling rivalry at its finest.

I never bought system lands. Acti Bliz made it clear where they were taking WOW, and apart from nicer art work and prettier xmog pixels, they made it clear that casual players would be treated differently this time around. Fairplay though, it is their game after all. See ya @ Sha (those mounts will be mine one day).


Here, have a wakeup call. People like you have been whining that too many of the wrong people have been permitted to pay for the game for 16 years. A tiny minority of posters in the forum have been saying the game was dead, and they have left, because it was dead to them.

If you can’t stand other people, go play a single player game. Don’t try to force out the majority of paying customers because you think reducing the game to 1% of what it is now would be an awesome success story.

Is somebody paying you by the number of subscribers you drive away? Just curious…

Shadowlands has its problems, but it’s heaps and bounds better than BFA.

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SL is a step on the right direction but good? maybe for pvpers
The Maw, Thorgast, Covenants, all of these feel like they are incomplete ideas that didnt had time ‘cook’.

Its even clear when they keep changing them here of there every opportunity they get.

What is the point of having more than 1 spec per class now when most of the time if i pick a covenant it fits only to one making the others straight up trash?Why have more than 1 option when most of the time theres a mandatory covenant for your class to perform decent?

The Vault gives me free loot and of course i like it but also when all you do is checking a box for the vault, running m+ and raiding feels even more unrewarding because the chances of getting good loot from them is just low af.

I mean why would i go for heroic raid if i can break some +14 keys and have a guaranteed 226 on the next reset? Vault to me was supposed to help to get loot from PVE but right now it feels like the only to get it. Really hope that Valor points fix this.

I do enjoy SL but feels like devs are kinda lost on its ideas and goals for existing systems.

Also most of players come to the forums because they care about the game and want to enjoy it, the minority of them are trolls and those are easy to spot.

i dont want to get fully geared in less then a week just because i have time to run dungeons all day, i just feel like openning a chest after raids or m+ should feel exciting and its just boring right now

Was going to say this is the lol thread of the day. But since it was a couple months ago I bumped it for nothing :laughing: Now I’m off to find the real winning thread of the day. Modern day that is :crazy_face:

Jokes on you, I love diet Coke.

I can agree that it makes no sense for people to keep complaining while keeping their subs active. SL has felt rather linear to me, which is fine for the main but so boring for alts. Apparently once you finish the storyline with your main, your alts can start out wherever you like? I don’t know if this is true. I was out of commission for the opening and just recently finished going through the storyline and choosing my covenant. I hope it’s true, because I really don’t want to replay the same thing over and over again. I have a lot of alts! Other than that, I’ve really enjoyed Shadowlands. I hate the Maw, though. Hate it.

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I like Shadowlands.

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Don’t worry, in a couple of weeks I won’t be able to post anymore.

Sorry that so many people hate your expac.

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I seriously stopped reading here.

It’s nice that you like Shadowlands.

Oof… I read more…

Really? What metric are you using to determine quality? What is success? Better than BFA?

Are you really just a dev in disguise? It’s clear you’re white-knighting hard here but making baseless claims without recognizing the game needs work doesn’t help you convert any naysayers.

Here are some things for you to consider:

  1. The evolution of artifact power → azerite power → anima (power) has been one fraught with repetitive grind that does not result in more quality content. It results in repeating the same content over… and over … and over again. Some folks don’t like this and see it as a cheap way to try and extend an expansion with little effort.

  2. The community was told that professions would be more meaningful. There are two problems with this. a) The botting is so far out of control that the market has sunk on professions (nevermind that multiboxers were scapegoated here) and b) professions were not meaningful in this expansion as the time between crafting and acquiring new gear skewed the reward to result ratio.

  3. The removal of quality of life items has been seen as a way to hinder efficient travel through Shadowlands - yes, I’m looking at you flight whistle as well as the placement of World Quests in relation to packs of mobs, the density of said mobs, the reduction in overall flight paths, the disconnected aspect of the Shadowlands to the center hub of Oribos… seriously - this expansion is hot garbage and the shortcuts that the devs took to get it here show.

Ok, I probably shouldn’t have fed the troll… but really needed to get that out there.

I mean, really, if anything’s taking out SL, it’s people like the OP that refuse to acknowledge there’s valid criticism of systems no one enjoys, such as timegating, anima, and the false promises of Torghast.