If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

The bar was set so low with BFA it’s would be almost impossible to make something worse.

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I am not a troll. I will answer you issues and continue the debate, and not with bombs of blanket, overgeneralizations.

Not a dev either. Played the game since 2005. Took breaks, but have played every expansion. White-knighting…yes I love this game, a game that has been amazingly popular at times. Time…the game is on its 16th year with over 1 million subscribers, peaking at 12 M. The game is clearly successful; you should not be surprised people will defend it with passion, like myself.

From OP.

From Edit 1 in OP.

From post 818.
There are more if you look, read.

Would I prefer another row of talents for each spec, YES. Two rows? YES.
Is this a system to get the players to spend more consistent time in the game, YES. Does it still provide a minor sense of accomplishment and progression, yes sure. Does it bother me, not really. Not the SL version of it. Legion had the problem of people feeling like they could only play one spec to power their artifact, but it was really a problem, like many are, for the min-maxers of the game. Would a borrowed power system over power all the great things about WoW when the core of end game is solid, nope.
Some loot issues in PVE, yes. 9.0.5 will help.
Power issues with gear in PvP, yes, but a WoD system will help, which is being discussed.

We talking about practice?..Practice?..
99% of subscribers play for Raids, M+, Arenas, BGs, RBGs. Not professions. Not the Maw, not Troghast. This is a great point made by Stoopz in the SKillCapped YouTube video about PvP.
There are professions, they are ok. Not as great as MoP for benefits, but w/e.

You bring up QoL issues on your Classic toon? Ironic? Classic is all about the removal of QoL changes, but there is not enough in SL?
Do I miss the flight whistle, YES. But me hearth is on 15 min CD. No big deal. Do the FPs take a bit longer, YES. Big deal? NO.
Complain about these, sure, but to say the Expac is bad, dumb claim.

Trolls would never try this hard in a response.
Am I a White-Knight, sure. I wear it as a badge of honor. How many games get so successful they start their own convention?

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Or maybe, maybe it has a lot of same problems that plagued BfA, and people have seen that and don’t want a repeat.

Just because its fine to You doesn’t mean its actually a good game. It just means your view of what is good is different than saw Mokrawr’s view of what’s good.

I don’t think fun is something you can learn or forget, it just happens spontaneously. You either find something fun or you don’t. Many people are finding shadowlands spontaneously unfun and are voicing their opinions before they leave which is what they are instructed to do when unsubbing.

This is a toxic mindset. It’s also gaslighting real community concerns. I understand that some people are just here to complain, but the bottom line is that fundamentally, there is a lot wrong with the game right now and there is a huge chunk of the community that is trying to provide solutions.

A lot of people bought 6 months subs as they were very excited about shadowlands hype. I am included in this. My sub runs out in a month. Over the next couple of months you should experience a very large drop off of people complaining on the forums as our subs finally run out.

Yeah same. To be honest I was convinced I would get 6 months out of it as every expac, including BFA gave me at least 6 months entertainment at release.

SL I was done after a month and a half. Luckily I got the 6 month sub in September or so so only 2 weeks left for me.

Pity people don’t want to listen to the complaints a little more as we are not doing it to troll people. We have genuine concerns about a game we have loved for over 16 years.

I do get that for me it would take such a 180 now to undo all the damage since Legion that at this point its just not the game for me anymore. I also get that the people this game attracts now love the design and don’t want it changed. Thats fine, but I am still going to comment on what I used to love about the game, and what I don’t like now.

Are you implying that FFXIV and Square Enix are paying people cash to come recruit people to their MMO from the WoW General Forums?

Do you realize how incredibly dumb that sounds?


That moment when your account shows you’ve done basically zero content, but you make a post telling everyone how great SL is and how people who disagree with you should quit. Lol

I like SL btw, just think OP is kind of rocking an unsubstantiated opinion.

The moment I can sink my time into something else I wont bother with this forum anymore. Blizz can then figure out themselves how to improve their next expansion. You should be paid for giving constructive feedback.
Unless their next exp. will do a 180° Im done with this game, not gonna waste more time with bad systems, class design and toxic communities.


Right. Totally no low points or issues with this expansion, nope. Nobody can voice a negative opinion, you heard it here, Taibo proclaimed this to be a great expansion and anyone who disagrees is just some nefarious double agent trying to speak poorly upon WoW to elevate their preferred game’s reputation.


I want to see where you got the data that 99% of the players sub for those reasons. I somehow doubt that.

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Wait, I get a paycheck for paying for and talking about FFXIV? I want this paycheck. Where is it??

I mean, I can’t speak for anybody else, but I was hoping Shadowlands would give me more reasons to play than “certain family members play it and refuse to play other games due to sunken cost fallacy, so this remains my best method of communication and shared enjoyment (more for them than for me) with the people I love that live half a country or more away from me”.

You could get your wish cause they’re leaving in bucket loads enjoy your World of Empty Warcraft.

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What the team needs to do is scrap everything they’ve done from Legion onward (that’s including Legion) and go back to the design beforehand.


I mean, Shadowlands is an insane, nonsensical (within the realm of WC) setting and first - nearly - original expansion with all new everything, minus the nod to all the old heroes and villains, etc. If this is the creativity level of future expacs going forward - we should all get out now.

Where do we go next? 1000 years in the past? The future? To stop a brand new villain from xpac X who is unceremoniously killed in xpac Y to show how much badder xpac Y’s big bad bad’s? Dumb.

Death of WoW = new life to the genre.

Thousands/millions of lost subscriptions beg to differ with your assessment.

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Giving feedback is the right thing to do though. Instead of basically telling people to be quiet and quit, we need to encourage feedback from both sides. What people like, and what people dislike needs to be heard.

So everyone needs to say their piece and whether they quit or not it no one else’s business but theirs.

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It’s the same as it ever was. I think people like to complain just to hear themselves complaining, or in this case, they like to read themselves complaining.

That’s all this forum has become, a complaint page that developers probably don’t read anyway.

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