If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

The game is fantastic, it is hilarious people bring up that there was a 41% drop in users after 99 days of shadowlands release! Like come on that’s normal! lmao anyway, the one thing that I like the most about wow is the 6 month play time mount thing they do, I haven’t bought the others except for the ship one cause who doesn’t like a flying ship. However I do hope they release a big, fluffy golden sheep sometime soon, I would buy that one real fast because I love sheep.

Man, I like WoW and are currently taking a break from it, but if one of the legs of your arguments is “It’s better than BfA,” you’re not exactly setting the highest bar to get over.

Coke Zero is the Feral Druid’s meow.

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MMO does not mean forced grouping. This is WoW greatest flaw… focusing only on grouped content. Second greatest flaw is stripping the RPG elements from the game.


It isn’t Sunday yet

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shakes head

SL is the worst expo and its not even close. Countless annoying tasks and no rewards is a real winning recipe.


Shakes head

Worst…ever…in 15 years?

Then why on earth are you still here?
It’s not the worst. There are a lot of things right.
Who throws these bomb statements? Trolls? FF14 agents?

Edit 1: 209 ilvl bro, and worst expansion ever?! Guess this is one hell of a game for you to keep playing that much even when it is in its worst form…huh.

A complaint doesn’t mean that we hate the devs or even WoW, necessarily. It just means that to that person, there is something that they perceive could be done to improve the game.

A complaint should be considered as feedback. Not all feedback is good, nor is all bad. The devs can choose to implement or ignore it as they see fit.

Dude what. SL is low effort, low quality garbage so far. Terrible class design since legion, awful class balance in pvp, dreadful class balance in mythic+ and the entire covenant system is a disaster. Don’t get me started on the absolutely stupid idea that was the aoe cap. Bfa was better which is just sad.


You don’t have to quit just do all content or Classic.

They’re ALL going to be low-effort from here on out. It’s very clear that they don’t have the manpower, the time, or the ability (Whether through the age of the game or the skill) to create deep and meaningful expansions anymore.

Whatever they choose to call the features, they’re going to be the same things you’ve seen a dozen times already. There’s just nothing new they can add to the game anymore, and over time it’s become an absolute behemoth of abilities, classes, and specs - to the point they can’t possibly go in and reinvent the classes repeatedly.

if you’re too insecure and triggered by forum posts, maybe dont make a stupid one? You’re just here cuz you have no backbone and someone called out this bad xpac

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Enjoy your FF14 paycheck. It is March. Why are you still here? LOW EFFORT, BAD XPAC. So…leave…bye.
so there are 250 people who play a game they hate and post about it in the forums?

What was stupid?
Bad xpac? Why are you here in March? Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, and you are still here playing a bad game with low effort?
That is what is stupid.

The most dumb thread I’ve ever seen.

I love Shadowlands and I find a lot of things to do. But this statement is absurd.

Just because you like it doesn’t mean you get to declare an ultimatum. Do not listen to this person.

If you like Shadowlands, welcome we’re having fun!

If not, you have the right to complain or whine because your definition of fun is different.

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You are still posting in here. You are still playing? So you like this diet-coke xpac?
Aren’t you supposed to be playing another game?
Way ahead of me, when I posted this, but its March. Ummmmm, do you know what ahead of me means? It meant you quit your sub days or weeks before I posted.

Yes, you have the right to be stupid, happens all the time in RL.
DO you read the complaints in GD. Some are legit. Most are dumb.
Some issues have been addressed in weekly patches, some are coming in 9.0.5, but many in GD would never give credit to blizz. After 16 years, people don’t understand the iteration on this complex game?

Oribos FPs make ppl want to quit? Dumb
Loot drops? BfA problem was addressed, and SL overstep is also being addressed coming in 905. Nuance, yes, recognized by many in GD, no.

Everyone has their problem with the game. Your logic is flawed. Yes little things can annoy people.

Why don’t you pay their subs and start to dictate what they can or can not think of as a problem?

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They have the right to have a stupid opinion of this game, and I have a right to call them out on it.
More importantly, I have a right to call them out on still playing this so called bad xpac.
SL is a good exapc. Period. Anyone who likes WoW, should know that. Not saying SL is great or the best. But it is clearly good.

You have a right to call them out.

You don’t have the right to tell them to quit the game.

Let’s use your logic: Hey Taibo, why don’t you quit the forums since you don’t like reading the complaints here?

See how that works? Use a little empathy. WoW isn’t a charity. People are paying 15 dollars per month.

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