If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

for me it’s the embezzler of Activision that makes me wonder how HE still has a job, what IS his job anyway, Jacuzzi Tester?

lol, you find them arrogant and condescending… you ask for them to lose their job… who are you? a random nobody? lol.

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I think the game isn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it’s in a good spot for me atm.
The content I do (mostly keys) is generally pretty good and the overall systems are better than I feared they would be before launch.
I don’t really get where the hate for the expac is coming from though tbh.

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A customer. Have you seen any of the actual videos where Lore and Ion sit down and respond to carefully chosen questions? It’s some of the most blatantly condescending and arrogant “dev to player” interactions I’ve ever seen.

Remember, Ion was the one who told players who played Demonology that they, “didn’t want” anyone to play the spec, which is why they nerfed it by a flat 25%.


i’m guessing they overhyped it in their heads? i mean claims are being made that it’s just the same for the third time in a row, but i dont see that, there’s a grind but that’s NOTHING new there, covenant player power really shouldnt have been, it mucks up the philosophy that makes it cool… but other than that and the PVE Gearing issue at current, i’m HAPPY with SL as a whole. i can be done for the day or even 3 days on my character and go play another character or do old content for collection hunting… honestly the players complaining about timegating needs to get into alts.

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Nobody want a customer like you who wish people to lose their job…

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I’m glad that not every company has the same mentality as you, that arrogant, condescending, and downright rude employees tasked with representing the company in a leadership and customer facing job shouldn’t in any way be expected to face repercussions.

Ion has had years to show he’s grown. He hasn’t. If anything, he’s gotten worse. I wanted to like him, I really did, but the game has gone steadily downhill.


he needs to go back to Raid dev then, he dont need to lose his job, that’s a bit much for lack of a bedside manner.

Well I bet you’re eating your words now cause they’re happy? shareholders won’t be happy either with you and this post now.

I don’t think he is doing a bad job tbh. I know it’s an unpopular opinion to have on here but every interview I see he makes a lot of sense even when giving answers I don’t like.
There are of course things I disagree with but I can follow his logic

This is a high quality troll thread.
10/10 op proud of you baiting so many.

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okay then i will. enjoy your dead game.


Millions of people have already done that.

You’re right, giving up completely is the answer. And millions are doing that.

However, for the people who invested money in it, I’d like it back. This is No Man’s Sky garbage. Give me my money back and I’ll gladly get off their servers.

That said, Shadowlands is a product. They collect money for it. When your cellphone isn’t’ working, you don’t give up on it completely. You want the company who sold it to you to fix it so you can use it again.

The only thing I can come up with is that it’s an incomplete product and a work in progress and maybe it will at some point not be infuriating.


You play Classic…
Then continue to enjoy your time there.
You don’t see me making a post about how bad classic is compared to retail.
I played Vanilla, loved it but would never go back over retail.

Does classic have rng raid loot drops? Does loot drop for classes that may not even be in the raid?
Classic has a lot less QoL updates that retail has. I find it annoying as hell, but I’m not trying to tell Classic people to quit.

If you have 10k 20k 30k achievements in retail and you are complaining, then it’s time for a break or to quit. SL is WoW in good form, for 100x time.
There are real issues, like the PvP panel hosted by skillcapped on YouTube. They bring up some great issues that could help SL! This is a topic because ppl are actually playing the game, actually have a large PvP community again, so problems are revealing themselves.

Sorry for making sense or good points, you just love to hate. Continue on unreasonably. Collect your FF14 paycheck…

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What systems did casuals have in battle for Azeroth? Please tell me

and players were on board with that vision.

they were so far on board with that vision, that people were willing to throw their money at blizzard before the game even launched.
(why people choose to do this, i’ll never understand)

the “influencers” who are now making money from proclaiming how bad the game is, are the same influencers who were raking in money for showing beta content, and talking about how awesome the expansion was going to be.

the forum was flooded with posts about how this was going to be the best expansion ever.

people couldn’t stop ranting about how “hyped” they were.

…and as for the claim that every bit of feedback was ignored during the beta, that’s an absolute load of rubbish.
That claim is quite literally a meme at this point.
It’s something people say after every beta.
…and it hasn’t been true with any of them, ever.

HEAPS of things were changed based on feedback.

of course it’s positive.
if people don’t like a thing, why hang around with a stinky attitude?


Millions of people have done what? Quit? From when to when?
From Wrath at 12 million to today around 1-3 million? From SL launch to now in March?
There are players who check out each new expansion and then unsubscribe, this is now normal.
BfA had a large drop off after Legion. It seems that SL does not have the same drop that BfA did.
PvP community is no longer complaining about the PvP systems but back to requesting improvement for the PvP community: Solo que, spec specific current rating, more information in the lfg system, maybe the WoD gear ilvl switch in instanced PvP. The core of the game does work, it is not a broken phone.
And, have you been paying attention to the 9.0.5 changes? Issues are being addressed.
So the phone works, and the company is working on a new build, to use your analogy.

Thank you for your support of this thread.
I don’t understand people who hate on this expansion. It’s like they forgot how time is spent and fun is experienced in this game.

Perfect, nope; good, very. Improvement, occurring.
Does a complicated game like this have nuance in its attempt to illicit dopamine in our brains, yes.

Shadowlands is “fine” good laugh there sir.


youve done nothing this whole expansion ofc you got plenty of boring stuff to do

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