If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

Wouldn’t say every bit of feedback. Torghast was changed because clearing 72 floors in a sitting was too much. Specs like Enhance, Elemental and Shadow were changed as the large majority felt they were clunky/poorly designed.

They listen to reasonable complaints that are able to be fixed without a gigantic and expensive overhaul. Not the petty, constant whinging that comes through GD.


A giant and expensive overhaul for the systems that were negatively received that they doubled down on, especially over several expansions.

Only on GD could a positivity thread be construed as trolling. This place is a dumpster.


The man responsible for Shadow’s re-work, Shadow’s impeccable, fantastic rework, left the game immediately after because the development is bollocks. It was his swan-song before he left.

That’s a bigger loss than any.

I mean that, finding a brain who intrinsically understands why the game was good and how to design well, that’s a massive loss.


“I like SL”
GD: You think you do, but you don’t.

Apparently no one is allowed to have an opinion unless it’s negative here.


The thread title literally says anyone who doesn’t like SL needs to quit WoW. That is in no way positive.

As opposed to languishing in a game you hate? OPs right: Under those circumstances, it is time to quit.


As I’ve said, not everyone hates the game, and plenty of people still play because they believe it’ll become good again.

I play Classic.

This is quite the low bar lets be real.

From the outside its not hard to see someone in a bad relationship. But its rarely easy to suggest to them that they should consider getting out of that situation.

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Wouldn’t say that. Towards the end BFA was a blast with how out of control corruption got. Nothing more satisfying than watching faces melt to TD.

Corruption was the absolute worst thing to ever happen to the game, period. And that’s in a list that includes the perpetual AP grind and random world drop legendaries on it.

Nothing more satisfying than melting face? how about doing dogarse dps because you can’t get a single increased crit% corruption for the entire patch until they just let you buy corruptions outright? Yeah super satisfying at least I have that rank 3 TD that goes off sometimes and maybe hits the boss, if it doesn’t move and I happen to be standing in melee.


well said, there’s a reason this game is still around after 15 years, and it’s not the BOTS or the GOLD FARMERS or the HARDCORE NO LIFERS, it’s because people legitimately love the game.

now Blizz has made mistakes over the years, but they’ve also been hard at work trying to fix it, just happens that Ion doesnt know how NOT to shoot himself in the foot…

and YES, in BFA Blizzard chose to ignore their fans and do what they wanted to do, rather than go off of feedback, hence the SH!7Sh0W that was Battle for Azeroth…

but this whole expansion they have been listening and finding middle grounds to make everyone happy, i get that you want the game to get better and you’re tired of waiting for that to happen, but the poster of this topic is right, you’re burnt out…

consider giving away your gold, and leave WoW, maybe forever… or maybe just until you WANT to play the game again, either way us devoted fans will work with Blizzard in the meantime and hopefully get the game into a place where everyone is happy, not perfect but then no game is ever perfect.


They’ve held on to wildly unpopular systems for three expansions now, only making it worse every time.

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It seems that some people on the forum would be happy to see the game fail.
I don’t know why they have so much hate against Blizzard, it’s actually weird.

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I’d settle for a new dev team.


You don’t even know what you are talking about…

i hear ya, it’s like they’re burned out/frustrated to the point that they want it to go away, so that they can stop playing, like addicts unable to get off their drug of choice.

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a new leader maybe… otherwise we technically DO have a new Dev team…

I do. From what we’ve seen, the people given the job of being the front of Blizzard are incredibly arrogant and condescending. I don’t think they should retain their job if that’s how they act, and if they are the ones in charge leading to so many problems with the game.