Guess what? people are leaving enjoy your World of Empty Warcraft soon. I noticed all your likes are from Hordes what all you blizzard employee mates? good one.
k Ion if you say so. Lawyers always tell the truth lol
Imagine telling people they’re not allowed to talk about wanting their game to improve.
I like shadowlands, I just think it has a bunch of really big issues… more issues than BFA had. If I didn’t like the game I wouldn’t play it… I really do like the game.
If I didn’t like the game I wouldn’t bother to criticize it, I’d just leave.
That doesn’t mean my criticism isn’t valid.
Shadowlands did some things well: PvP gearing is excellent, I like most of the raid encounters, the stories are abbreviated but generally interesting, and the art is of course excellent.
However, the list of problems they have is just enormous. Covenants should never have been tied to player power. Capping AoE is beyond terrible. Dungeons designed around capped AoE are literally the worst. Loot scarcity doesn’t make it meaningful, it makes it frustrating. Torghast has the perfect combination of tedium and lack of rewards, yet it’s really mandatory if you want to do meaningful content. Flying should be introduced at max level, when you hit max level, perhaps with a gold cost; waiting an entire patch to introduce it serves literally no purpose. Losing one borrowed power system only to get another, different borrowed power system is foolishness. We learned how to play our classes around azerite and now that is all gone, and replaced with new stuff. That’s not interesting; it’s frustrating.
On top of it all we have the ongoing issues of class balance. I don’t mind some classes being better than others, what bothers me is that some classes are literally 20-30% behind other classes in throughput, making them completely pointless to bring. That’s not even touching on PvP.
All of this could be solved by abandoning the borrowed power systems and adding talent rows and / or talent columns.
Oh, and timegating = bad. RNG = bad. Stop timegating, stop rng.
And stop with this “meaningful choice, let loot be loot” nonsense. It is just a dogwhistle to people pining for the old days. Focus on the game you have not the game you had.
pretty sure that this was a change which came about by players complaining that loot was everywhere, too much loot, loot rains from the sky.
it’s quite literally the gist of the game.
everything is rng.
…and without time gating, the “no lifers” would always be too far ahead, leaving those who can’t play 16 hours a day at a solid disadvantage.
None of what you said changes the fact that RNG, Timegating, and the current loot system all feel terrible and aren’t getting players interested in progression. Most simply do not care.
rng and timegating are an integral part of the game.
the current loot system is a result of player complaints.
…people need to be careful what they wish for.
Blizzard didn’t selectively listen to player complaints (from a very narrow and specific group of people) on this one thing, while simultaneously creating their, “vision” for the rest of the game.
loot is about the only change which people keep harping on about.
…and it was one of the biggest player gripes all throughout BFA.
…what? Systemlands, covenants feeling terrible, grinding anima, short covenant quests once a week, Snoreghast…
There’s a lot of complaints about the entire expansion.
There’s a lot of complaints about every expansion. This isn’t any different from Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD etc.
Correct. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same quality as some of those expansions, nor that complaints should go ignored.
Majority of the complains are just incessant whinging for the sake of it, that’s always been the case for GD. Shadowland’s is fine, but definitely can be improved upon.
nope, just the same ones regurgitated over and over.
People complained about grinding AP.
People complained about grinding heart juice.
…why wouldn’t they complain about anima?
and if it was long covenant quests weekly, they’d complain about that too.
if you’re bad at it, or are bored with it, join a group and make it more entertaining.
point is, people will complain about anything.
it doesn’t even need to be a problem for people to complain.
(just like the excessive loot wasn’t an issue, but it didn’t stop people from spamming their mass protests about people being able to get easy loot)
Really? I’m not sure which orifice you got that azerite comment from. But the idea that all content you don’t want to play should be removed, even if it is popular with other players, is weird, unless you’re trying to make the game less profitable. So that’s your goal?
Maybe they should figure out why the same complaints keep coming.
I dunno, a resource with no foreseeable conclusion that comes in trickles, requires a lot of bag space and manual depositing, that is used for covenant progress and cosmetics that cost a huge amount of anima?
Maybe, but waiting a week for little to no real substance isn’t better.
Except that doesn’t mean the system is good. It means you have to rely on other people to make boring, repetitive, tedious content at least somewhat interesting.
It seems to me you’re for some reason saying that because players complain, there’s nothing wrong and we can’t call out the dev team for their bad design?
Bad design because people that can never happy constantly complain about anything and everything? Probably why Blizzard stopped listening to them
No, bad design because the dev team is exceedingly arrogant and refuses to admit when they were wrong. Shadowlands didn’t come about specifically because of player complaints and what Blizzard thought players wanted. Not in the slightest.
It came about because Blizzard devs have their, “vision” for their game and ignore virtually every bit of feedback from all of their beta testers.
I am glad this thread got resurfaced.
Time to put this OP into a 6-foot hole.
I shall help you, comrade.