Ummm no, Shadowlands may well be better than BFA, but its far from quality, the visuals are awesome, the story for the most part is ok (ish) but there is too many bugs that pop up, some just annoying, and others like end bosses in mythics are literally key destroying.
The maw is horrible, and torghast could have been so much better.
The real question to ask though and the biggy is “am I having fun”, if not why not.
For me, I do not enjoy doing 10 bosses of a raid and getting one piece of loot (traded to me) or spending a few hours doing mythics of different toons to literally get 35 anima per, I also do not enjoy doing quests to get grey items, they may well be worth alot of gold, but who thoughts getting greys would be fun? seriously.
Then there is the old raids you used to be able to solo you now cannot on certain toons, and ones that are actually taking longer with a higher level and ilvl.
Being able to go into torghast on one toon and rock through only to really struggle with others is a ball!.
Not to mention class imbalance and stupid legendries that do not make sense, and being pigeon holed into specific covenant’s because the abilities are not even close to being balanced so there is no real choice ( it could have been aesthetic only).
And finally not because there isn’t more but because I have had enough of typing, old raids are broken, they are taking longer to do because we are weaker not stronger than we were in BFA despite better gear and 10 more levels, and on top of that some classes (in my experience with my own) struggle with even nightmare, and more than a few with the other legion raids which was 3 expacs ago, and shouldn’t be that way.
So no its not quality, its a good start for sure, but there needs to be a lot of effort put in to polish and balance (remember when they used to have it mostly done before release) and far far far more communication to us.