If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

All of that is more than fine.

Most people who have played wow have set it aside. It doesn’t need to be for everyone and its okay if people don’t like it.

The only thing I take issue with is the OP’s suggestion that if you don’t like parts of it you need to leave forever. You don’t. You can leave and come back. Or, just leave.

It literally does not matter.

Its a video game.

If you don’t like other people, OP, it’s tine to quit wow. You being a control freak is actually not improving the game for anyone.


While I agree with some of your points I disagree with others. It is time for me to quit WoW, I do not enjoy anything about Shadowlands, the story was weak, the dungeons are boring and feel like work, the raid is okay, but I never liked the idea of having to do the raid on harder difficulties, the raid should just start at mythic difficulty and stay there. The biggest problem with WoW is the fact that the game has become completely instanced based. It’s boring. So yes, I agree it’s time to move on, but it’s because WoW itself is just a dumbed down instance grind.

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Progression. The dungeons are fun the first couple times, after that it’s just a grind, the reward is the fun at that point, and there is barely any right now.

Already quitting. Thanks for the reinforcement!


Must not be too bad since you’re still here. People have been screaming about how horrible this game is since day 2 of the forum.

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Only 90 likes compared to your counter arguments that have 160 likes? Hmmmm. I think the people have spoken and your opinion is just horrible.


Well forever is a but harsh. You must be fairly new to WoW so let me explain how this works.

Blizz releases content aimed at the uber players. They have all the time in the world to do everything. Blizz makes the content difficult, if not impossible, for everyone else to give those uber players the e-rection they need.

Months later, Blizz starts the nerfing of content. Making dungeons/raids even easier to give everyone else a shot. Reducing rep needed or increasing rep rewards to speed things up for the people with less time to play or new people.

Usually around this point, the uber players come to the forum to piss and moan about how what they did is now trivialized and how LFR needs to die.

So the launcher tells me I have 19 days left. 19 days after 16+ years of an uninterrupted sub. SL, currently, has nothing to offer me anymore. However, in a few months or maybe even a year later, Blizz will give players the ability to advance gear/weapon wise for you see, Blizz is a pack of idiots…but they aren’t stupid.


Already researching/trying other MMORPG games to find an alternative. Failing that, I’ll just go back to single-player RPG and other game types. My WoW sub has 2 months left, if the game doesn’t show some improvement in that time, then I’m out the door faster than a father who needs smokes.

i kinda liked how it started but the more it goes on the more it becomes…

world of tuesdays


Ummm no, Shadowlands may well be better than BFA, but its far from quality, the visuals are awesome, the story for the most part is ok (ish) but there is too many bugs that pop up, some just annoying, and others like end bosses in mythics are literally key destroying.

The maw is horrible, and torghast could have been so much better.

The real question to ask though and the biggy is “am I having fun”, if not why not.
For me, I do not enjoy doing 10 bosses of a raid and getting one piece of loot (traded to me) or spending a few hours doing mythics of different toons to literally get 35 anima per, I also do not enjoy doing quests to get grey items, they may well be worth alot of gold, but who thoughts getting greys would be fun? seriously.

Then there is the old raids you used to be able to solo you now cannot on certain toons, and ones that are actually taking longer with a higher level and ilvl.

Being able to go into torghast on one toon and rock through only to really struggle with others is a ball!.

Not to mention class imbalance and stupid legendries that do not make sense, and being pigeon holed into specific covenant’s because the abilities are not even close to being balanced so there is no real choice ( it could have been aesthetic only).
And finally not because there isn’t more but because I have had enough of typing, old raids are broken, they are taking longer to do because we are weaker not stronger than we were in BFA despite better gear and 10 more levels, and on top of that some classes (in my experience with my own) struggle with even nightmare, and more than a few with the other legion raids which was 3 expacs ago, and shouldn’t be that way.

So no its not quality, its a good start for sure, but there needs to be a lot of effort put in to polish and balance (remember when they used to have it mostly done before release) and far far far more communication to us.


lol…and uh…using the measure 'its better than BFA" is akin to saying “well, at least its not as bad as having my eyes burned out with hot pokers” lol

The last expansion/content I got into and was wowed when I hit it was Mists.


how about this. we can just like or not like a video game and not make douchey posts like this implying that it is infact a problem with us personally that we have an opinion you disagree with


Sadly sometimes it is the people and not 100% the game.

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Played beta was excited somethung new and shiny at first did not understand covenants nor soulbind thingy…slowly started to undwrstand it…I decided Im going to play that is fun to me…professions…tailoring,enchanting inscription herbalist…(addicted to herbalism bad…got to pick all flowers in all four zones…)cannot help my self…having fun…Got my covenant set upgrading it…got my covenant mount…got my inscription trinket…darkmoon cards so much fun to make…and when I get a set I sell it for some good super gold…then do it all over again… upgrading my legendary…doing my callings…They took so much crap out of the game and went back to simple and easy…im loving it right now…oh and did the 18 floors in the twisting corridors…piece of cake…

So I’ve read all of this and i think it sounds like a lot of regular peeps not liking the game and a lot of employee’s trying to save their job because number’s are dropping.


Just because it’s better than BfA doesn’t mean it’s good.

The bar that was BfA is so low it’s underground.

The problem is you, praising Blizzard for the bare minimum effort and content they repeatedly put out.


I can bake liver to taste better then a turd. Doesn’t mean that my liver is good.

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SL is garbage on so many fronts… just to name a few:

  • Balance remains broken.
  • Less Loot is Less fun.
  • No new fishing events.
  • no archeology.
  • no new pet dungeons
  • Maw is terrible with little loot rewards.
  • Torgast is just a chore, little to no rewards
  • Twisting corridors design is broken - exponential ramp-up in difficulty in last floors, also difficulty varies wildly by class and spec.
  • World Quests are long boring.
  • Inter-Zone Travel is poor - too few flight-paths and no whistle.
  • Intra-zone Travel is terrible, always have to hub through oribos. Time waster.
  • Casual Hostile design (Twisting Corridors and Upper regions of maw require gear that is not readily available to casual players, Alt-unfriendly design - too many chores, Anima drought makes farming cosmetics and toys require unrealistic amounts of time and effort).

These are just my opinions… I think this expansion is one of the worst expansions released. I am sure that this expansion is great for some people but from where I sit and what I see and what I want… it is not. It has turned way from being an MMO into a casual unfriendly, raider-favoring, chore-fest.


Sorry, you only get to tell yourself what to do.