If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

Ok Dr Strange, explain to me all the options of the WoW multiverse.

100% chance you are an ironic funposter. Most people don’t tend to reply more than 1 day out to a post. And here you are 2 days later.

such is the way of tupac and his army of alts.

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your missing that the OP is right , this is the best expansion in a long while and is great to play . The problem lies with " I want it all , I want it now and I dont want to do anything to get it " people.

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Those people are wrong too but that doesn’t make OP correct. Personally I feel like there is some overarching super meta missing in the game. Felt the draw to play with that for azeroth’s champion (got 10/11) but not so much right now.

The developers are trying to make WoW exactly like Diablo. They have no idea what they’re doing.

If your standard is BFA, you have very low standards.

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Let me elaborate a little. Group content is still great, the only gripe is the lower chance of feeling rewarded for your efforts. But I won’t complain about raid or dungeons themselves, they’re really good. This was a great first raid tier for mechanics and such. Much better than Ny’alotha.

But with the loss of titan residuum or a decent currency reward from M+, that content feels extremely optional now. Running something so that I can pick a random item from a box once a week isn’t really compelling.

I don’t PVP. I’ve never really liked the idea of gear mattering in such an environment. But I hear it’s better than ever right now for gearing. Yet I play a Mistweaver monk, so I’m even more turned off from the idea of playing it than I normally would be right now.

Torghast is great, as I said. I like the content, but it has no interesting reward structure, and this is an RPG. I play mostly for rewards. Some look down on that, but that’s what a game is to me.

I do something, I feel like I got something for doing it, the dopamine hits and it’s a great pass-time. I’ve never really been interested in pursuing a challenge simply because it exists. There has to be a reasonable value tied to it. The amount of effort for one mount, for example, isn’t reasonable.

The covenant story seems neat, but time-gating stories has always frustrated me. It’s like having a show come out one episode at a time. I wait until it’s all there and then I binge-watch it at my own pace. Otherwise it’s like reading a book and only having one chapter available a week. Really hard to get immersed in the story that way.

I can’t really seem to find any solo content that feels valuable without a very long investment this time around.

  • Can’t go solo the raids from two expansions ago like I usually would be doing during a lull, earlier raids have little for me at this point.

  • WQs are more tedious and less rewarding than other expansions unless you like selling grays for gold, there aren’t specific caches popping up that are interesting like BFA had.

  • Professions don’t feel valuable like they said they would be.

  • With the loss of AP (which is arguably an improvement for a lot of people) I no longer have a short-term goal I can work on in a play session for power.

I just want each play session to feel like I accomplished something. I want to know that if I am working on a long-term goal, that I know exactly what I’m working for. That’s not really present right now.


Legion had master loot.
No one in SL is still seriously complaining about that. It’s an accepted decision that many guilds dislike. It’s a decision that has nothing to do with SL. If that broke the game for you, you would not be here for SL release. It’s a 3 year long debated issue. No surprises for SL.

Borrowed power:
Legion did it better.
Maybe for class identity. Not the untimegated grind of power. Not the rng lego drop.

Tor vs Island Warfronts
You will be in Torghast all day.
I have never had this experience. If you are low geared like 140-150 but you want layer 8s both weeks for a few weeks, yea, you will forming groups and be there for awhile. But, again, it’s a choice. Do 5s, get 60-70% of soul ash. There are 8 levels but people come to GD and complain about their gameplay experience because they run 2 layer 8s each week. No one forces you to do that.

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I like Shadowlands. Loot is a bit light, but that has not stopped me at all.

I’m loving Shadowlands, and I am having more fun now than I was in BFA. I wouldn’t tell people to quit the game, but I would advise that they might take a little break, at least for a day. There are times that I get a little burnt out and then I realize I’ve been treating the game like a full-time job. I take a break, clear my head and enjoy it better when I return.

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sure I’ll stop complaining about the game being poo as soon as it’s f2p

You’re missing my point. The stated justification for no master loot at the time was “personal loot gives more loot”, which has now been nerfed. Loot had to rain from the sky in bfa, because it was completely random. It is even more so now in shadowlands, since we can no longer use a bonus roll token to target loot from a boss/dungeon of our choosing. Master loot would ease the issue of complete rng. Just as valor points and/or reforging would.

The problem isn’t this strawman you’re making of “all day” the fact is islands and torghast have very similar, uninspired “mass pull and aoe/interupt/cc everything” gameplay loops. The difference is torghast does take upwards of 40 minutes to 3 hours, while islands took 10 minutes max. You could do more if you wanted, but you weren’t stuck in a long run. And in comparison gave better rewards. I did 18 floors in corridors last night. Want to know what “reward” I got? An achievement for clearing layer 1 and 250 soul ash from the story quest…that’s it…for 1.5-2 hours of monotony.

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Complaint is that Torghast has nothing interesting attached to it. Pet battle dungeons got more rewards than Torghast. And let’s not even compare this feature to Islands.

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No one is forcing you to pay or play.
Making WoW F2P will only lower the quality and increase micro transactions. Who wants that? 0.01% of the playerbase?


No more coins does take away player agency which I think is bad.
I think a guild master loot system should be in the game, and it’s absence is bad.
Both points are examples of SL or WoW imperfections. But overall, there is enough right that the expansion is fun.
Recent interview for next patch shows they will address this somehow. WoW being WoW and no surprises.

Torghast new game feature:
I like it. Simple mechanics is fine, small group content with more challenges is found in Mplus. I find it fun building all the powers and synergy.
Farming lego recipes is not hard. You don’t have to do layer 8s. Once you get 190, 210, etc, whatever your goal is, then you could be done.
If you want 4-5 lego recipes and 230s, then you will definitely be doing Torghast a lot.
It’s a new type of content. I like Blizz trying something different. They tried with islands and Warfronts and they were lame. I don’t care about the time if I am having fun. I don’t want Torghast to feel like a Mythic 12 dungeon run.

A big point for you and others complaining is: what are your goals in WoW? Do you have to have bis toons to have fun?

Imagine creating a thread where you state your claim as if there’s no room for error and tell people to leave.

Also, WoW has been around 16 years now, check your feats of strength.

Looks like it’s probably the end of the WoW road for me. Hopefully the LoL MMO has something for players like me. After playing pretty much every class to max lvl in BFA, as a mostly solo player, it seems like WoW just has nothing to offer me anymore. Maybe I’ll be back for the xpacks that add new classes or maybe I just won’t bother. Anyways, toodles…


I like your posts.

I wish we could follow people in the forums. But I suppose that would lead to trolls stalking people they disagree with. :cry:

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These forums are a lightning rod for a very specific kind of attention seekers and the people who like watching the train wreck or stoking the flames with bait.

Earnestly talking to these fools is futile and in no way is this place any kind of accurate representation of the community at large. The first person to say “citation needed” gets a gold star.

I am not seeking attention.
I get tired of seeing people complaining about dumb things in GD. They don’t acknowledge to the Devs that a lot was done right for SL.
There was a lot done wrong in BfA, so when they fix things, I want the community to acknowledge their efforts.
Some complaints make me wonder how people ever enjoyed playing this game. People who hate WQs. Why? I like to kill stuff, either with fireballs or swords. Who cares if it’s in the world. Who cares that much about traveling? Flying? Wasting time? We are playing a video game to start. Second, you want to teleport to everything: now it’s Instance-craft and another chorus of complaints arise.

SL is good, not perfect. If you can’t find fun in SL, then WoW ain’t your game.

That is my point.
Thank you Devs.