Torghast is in its release stage. They are seeing how plays out in the live game instead of a beta test. If its popular, they will spend more time on it. They stopped at the second Warfront becuase warfront were lame. They have embraced Mplus because they are great.
Maybe a badge vendor like in BC. Have a few items on there. Could help PvE a lot.
Like what? There are 4 raid levels, 20+ dungeons levels, PvP, Torghast, Covenants.
What is missing?
You are pulling all the way back to Cata? Is that the measure of success for WoW now? 10-12 million subscribers or a failed game and expansion?
There are no other factors affecting the 12 million number: like novelty. Or old fanboys have family commitments now?
WoW has survived WoD and BfA, but a good measure, absent subscriber numbers, if YouTubers. How many people are trying to make money off of WoW videos. In MoP, there were a lot! In WoD, they started to disappear. Cobrak, destro lock, was making great content during MoP, then WoD, then WoW began to slip.
How is YouTube responding to SL? Are the more content creators, are they getting decent views? It seems like SL has increased YouTubers views some.
Analogies are good. But they are only as good as they are similar to the thing you are comparing them to. Your restaurant analogy has some value, but the Devs, many times, ask for specific feedback that is actionable.
I have not done high end content yet. It’s not a race. During one BfA patch I was doing higher stuff like 10-12 keys. I’m sure you will respond with a patronizing “lol.”
If you respect high end players opinions more, how about Complexity Limits raid leader saying SL is a good expansion and he is having fun outside of world first raid progression?
Do you respect that take?
Edit: thanks for feeling so sad for me. Shows the empathy you have.
Again, sounds like a you problem.
0/10 on systems? Overly harsh.
You hate the Maw, Torghast, covenants?
Did you hate Warfronts and islands more? Is SL an improvement?
Sounds like you only like raiding. Why not more alts?
Or maybe you are burnt out on WoW. Maybe now you only like raiding on 1-2 toons.
When during the game did you raid on more than 2 toons and why?
Do you do anything other than raiding?
The expansion is very boring right now. I almost regret buying it. It just needs more to do than Boreghast, Maw and M+ dramacon. Story kinda lame so far. I am kinda tired of playing so it’s time for a break but SL kinda pushed me on taking a break earlier than I thought lol.
Ahh yes, if I had spent 330 million gold to by pass the biggest flaw of loot scarcity and had everything funneled to my character to gear up, Hell Yeah id love this expansion too, definitely have huge amount of fun outside WoW too (although we are in a pandemic), as I wouldn’t have to play as much as everything I’m getting is paid for Ingame, so please don’t try use them as a comparison…
Don’t mention being patronising when all you’ve done in this thread is exactly that, the irony.
I guess you are burnt out on the grind of borrowed power.
I would ease up on the grind and try more alts.
I like killing stuff in the world of Warcraft, and I like killing them in a variety of ways. I like when systems are attached to that past time of killing things with fireballs or swords or daggers.
Either a break is needed or some new goals, like I try a new spec I have not really played before each expansion. In BfA it was a rogue. Kept it feeling new and fresh for a while.