If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

If you don’t enjoy rated PvP, M+ keys, and mythic raiding is more like it.

I love running dungeons. Heroic dungeons. Not M+ though.
I used to actually like dropping to RBG. Not rated BG, not Arena.
I used to raid 10m, Flex, and Normal. Never was interested in heroic or mythic.

Guess what? SL is slotted for M+, rated BG and Arena, and Mythic raids…via the Great Vault. Only way to make it work.

It’s not that I don’t like SL. SL doesn’t like players who don’t esport, stream, or treat gametime competitively every second they’re logged in.

It doesn’t help that they’re faster than the speed of stink to nerf anything and slow as stoned hippie to fix/buff anything.

I mean, really, nerfing timewalking loot? Timewalking?

I don’t like the passive-aggressive middle finger vibes this whole expansion is giving off.

Art team still gets kudos. Music too.


Terrible trolling.

I hate this xpac. I also realize that some people love it. I don’t judge them, but its not for me.

Grind is baked into MMO’s but the cartoonish amount of time wasting bullcrap in this xpac is a bit over the top. Gearing any alts is such a pain its not worth it.

I unsubbed, thats my choice, if you want to endlessly grind welfare potd and those stupid covenants, that’s yours.


sure guy i wish everyone who had alot of dislike for shadowlands actually quit then you can be alone cause there is just as many who hate it that love it, you got good advice lets get rid of half the people playing.

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Its not binary. They can have time gated “advancements” that give you a massive chunk of progress each interval day/week and they can have grinds that require you to kill 10’000 mobs or 20’000 mobs… full time to complete only doing daily/weekly might be 30 days… a combination of the two might be 5-10 if you do it 2-3 hours a day.

I have an issue with the rate at which the game rewards the player for time spent in the game. In BFA I could log in do a 5 mask vision on each alt and get a very decent item in comparable to the best gear in the game. Even when 5 mask visions were faceroll content, they were only faceroll content because I put the time in to learn and master them. Others would still post how overtuned/difficult/unfair they were.

Comparably, in SL I can log in do a torghast layer 8 (which is in no way comparable to a 5 mask visions difficulty/fun) and get 1/8th of a high ilvl item.

I very much enjoy wow, I don’t like blizzard, torghast is fun but worthless to run after a certain point, Mplus is trash asf, legit one of the worst possible excuses for content imo, raids are fun but this game is not alt friendly so trying to maintain alts generally isn’t all that fun, pvp is unbalanced as hell rn otherwise i would actually enjoy that

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It’s kinda of sad, and I’m probably showing my age, but I’ve been playing more online chess lately (and enjoying it more) than Shadowlands. I mean, when a new WoW expansion can’t even complete with freaking old school chess…’Houston we have a problem here’.


Specifics, nice.

1: World Quests:
“Arguably most hated feature”, hyperbole.
It’s a WQ, designed in response to WoD complaints about only needing to log into your garrison and ignore the outside world that we quested in, that people tended to enjoy. So Legion had us go into the world and kill some stuff. We kill stuff in raids, dungeons, pvp, but if it’s in the world, now it’s hated? And they give a variety of minor rewards. If you hate this, then you fundamentally don’t like the game. Can it be annoying to travel around, sure a bit. But I want to travel around the world sometimes, that’s part of the adventure feel. And is forcing you to do WQs? Anima? There are many ways to get anima.

2: Callings
Having to pick them up at covenant HQ is mildly annoying, but not a big deal. If this rages you, then you want instant teleport to everything? Then the other forum posters who hate instance-ville will complain even more.

3: loot drops
Is there a balance between BfA and SL now, that doesn’t feel as bad? Probably. But I want them to err on the side of less Mplus loot. Raids? Maybe a badge system? System needs tweaks but was step in the right direction.

4: No content to do? Disingenuous. To provide relief from pressure to alway be grinding on your main, you now have choices, there is content but it is not always tied to player power. You want player power tied to everything again?

5: Time-gating is just a talking point now. Without it, players grind Maw of Souls all day to cap their artifact weapon. Any time on alts is time you fall behind on your main. Not every player feels this pressure to min-max but many do. I don’t but that is the reason, and I think it encourages alt play.

6: Class expression
The shadow priest got a great rework, and other classes/specs could use the same treatment. BUT, this aspect prevents you from having fun? You can’t enjoy the game unless all 36 specs are perfect? You can’t find one or three specs where you enjoy the gameplay?

7: Awful legendary system
You know where recipes drop. You can target them, player agency is good, not rng drop. Secondary stats you pick. Upgrade system. This seems so strange, this might just be a troll post.

8: versatility secondary stats
Main stat has more importance than in years. Higher ilvl gear are upgrades no matter what. Vers is stressing you out? Seems desperate to find complaints. Who stresses out about this? Never heard the Mythic world first raid leader complain about this from Complexity Limit. They talk about BoE problems, but not vers.

Even the story you don’t like?
Sounds like WoW ain’t for you anymore bud. The game is in good form and you ain’t having fun. You are mostly complaining about hang nails.

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Not trolling. I am not Tupac on another toon.

I like SL. I am a WoW fan. SL is WoW in good form: if you no likie, you not a fan of WoW anymore.

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Yes, my subjective opinion is that SL is WoW in good form. If you can’t find an enjoyable gaming experience despite imperfections, then you no longer like WoW. I don’t want that person to be listened to and have WoW change into something it is not.

A lot of WoW is a delicate balancing act of game mechanics, I think SL has hit a good balance, tweaks are always needed. None of this is a surprise to a true WoW fan.

I don’t think the pendulum swing too far in SL.

PvP: we got vendors, upgrade system. One tied to renown one tied to rating. PvP and buy gear. PvP more upgrade. Hit a wall, then push rating and develop your PvP skills. Upgrade more.

Dungeons have 20+ levels of difficulty. Push as hard as you want.

Raids have 4 levels.

Torghast has 8. 2 modes. You don’t have to grind enough soul ash for a 230 ilvl, but if you do, you may never have to again.

Sounds like a great place for the pendulum to be in. Maybe a tweak to loot drops in Mplus. Or a badge vendor for a few pieces.

Overall good expansion.

its a terrible system, it should have never been considered after the horrible excuse of content it was in bfa

its an un-necassary time sink to try and limit what people can do in a day by forcing them to take the 5 minute flight there, back, and back again, it starts to add up real quickly

loot in general is dropping too infrequently atm, either drop % needs to be upped or a currency system similar to titan residuum needs to be added

its not that there is no content, its the fact they keep regurgitating the same crap over and over and refuse to make actual viable secondary systems, esp for players who dislike playing with others

its more annoying then anything else, esp since having the story time gated causes it to just gets ruined by datamined cinematics that trend on youtube and other sources

a lot of specs are generally locked into certain playstyles, some feel alright, but others feel just outright awful, additionally the glyph system is something that hasn’t been updated for a while making it feel as though blizzard wants everyone to be the same…don’t even get me started on the restrictive talent system, as for balance i would like classes to be brought further in line, as it feels terrible to be a warlock main for 7 years to just end up being outdps’d by a new shadow priest simply because there is such a large gap in dps atm

and your spec only uses one, you don’t get any choice because rather then affecting gameplay elements/utility some instead just give raw dps, hence why its an awful system

wrong, some specs rely on main stat more then anything else, however certain specs, esp a lot of caster specs are far more reliant on haste then primary stats and having anything without haste drastically lowers your dps

the story makes no sense, we went to the afterlife, and are now killing things that already died and went to the afterlife…like wtf? what are they now super dead? do they re-juged by the arbiter, do they go straight to the maw? how are we even killing souls of things that are already dead…its legit so flawed atm that i cant wrap my brain around it

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False Dichotomy: you either like this expansion, or else you don’t like WoW at all & should quit.

In making that claim, you are clearly ignoring the idea that people could dislike Shadowlands, yet still enjoy the rest of WoW. Which point I’ve made to you repeatedly, but obviously it hasn’t sunk in yet. A reasonable person would agree that disliking Shadowlands while still enjoying everything else about WoW is a distinct possibility, but you are acting as if Shadowlands is the only part of WoW worth discussing.

I’d like to think you’re trolling, but it’s now painfully obvious you actually believe your own nonsense.


You missed my point. My premise is being attacked because my toon has only done heroic and some Mythic 2s as of posting. Therefore, I don’t know enough about the game to have a credible opinion.

My point is: if you do play this game at a high level of challenge which requires a lot of play time, then you should obviously be enjoying the game.

Otherwise, who plays a game a lot, at a high level, and does not enjoy it? If you are geared, but say SL is bad, I think that is stupid.

My premise is: SL is WoW in good form. If you can’t overall find fun, then this is not the game for you.

How would you even know?

But you’re right in a sense. Most of the content in this expansion is intended to cater to elites, not even all of them who enjoy the sense of lack of reward for time spent playing the game.

My point, is that SL is much better than WoD or BfA. I do not think the player base will shrink as much as it did for those expansions.
Time will tell who is right.

SL IS good, and WoW could always be better. SL is a step in the right direction.

And he’s off again, on a determined crusade to get as many people as possible to quit the game! Good form! That’s REALLY gonna help the bottom line as casuals flee Shadowlands in droves. You and your “everything is beautiful” pals can have the game all to yourselves.

You’ll be rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic, smiling and insisting that everything’s wonderful and it’s everybody else that’s got a problem, as the ship slowly sinks.


Your other posts contradict this statement but hey I am willing to let go, if you have had a change of heart.