I’m actually looking for another game more appropriate to how I like to play. Some of the other people here suggested I try GW2.
Definitely. This expansion was all about catering to Ion and his and his mythic raiders buddies “To hell with the casual player” should be the motto of Shadowlands! Unless you raid with a guild then your not really welcome. This is the first expansion I’ve ever unsubbed. But as a casual solo player…I’m not sticking around and paying my hard earned money to complete boring pointless chores.
Lack of loot drops: I think they are trying to make upgrades more powerful, and lessen drop rates to compensate. Maybe raids and Mplus need a badge system, maybe small tweak up, but BfA had too much loot. Legion had higher ilvl were not improving FPS because of secondary stats.
Covenants: then don’t optimize if you don’t want to research; should min-max not require time and effort? Could you still do 90% of the content unoptimized?
Timegating allows you to log off main and try alts, otherwise you feel you are falling behind your min-max quest. Try some alts.
The Maw: it’s annoying. Of course I say I don’t mind it. Why must you grind it everyday? To chase optimazation again? After three or four levels of Jailer, I’m out.
Torghast is fun. You must have that 230 lego and thus 4K soul ash? It’s nothing like Warfronts or islands.
What is your goal in WoW? What do you like doing? Raids? What lvl? Mplus? How high? PvP? What type and what rating?
Nefarious agent red flag.
No specifics for dislike. Maybe you changed and you don’t like WoW anymore. After 12 years, you would think you figured out earlier that this game wasn’t for you. SL didn’t kill anything.
It’s not calculus.
Do you have fun playing the game or not?
If yes or no, can you clearly explain why?
Another I vaguely I hate WoW now post. WoW is doing much better than it has in three years. Bye.
Nefarious agent.
Imagine white knighting this hard haha what a douche
Perhaps Blizzard should put you in charge of deleting all the accounts that do not measure up to your own exacting standards. I’m sure you’d have the game down to a small fraction of its present playerbase much more quickly than the devs are doing.
Him using “simple calculus” and providing only 2 options makes it sound alot like Thanos
But you don’t want people to quit wow, it’s not good for the game.
There’s a certain mindset among veteran elite players that the game would be better off without those people, ie, the majority of the playerbase who are not hardcore.
Sometimes this is accompanied by the sentiment that “if only the devs hadn’t caved in the face of mass unsubbing, the playerbase would have adapted, stepped up their game, and no subscribers would have been lost”.
Sometimes they delude themselves into thinking that there are millions if not tens of millions of potential wow subscribers who haven’t subscribed yet because they were waiting for the game to go all wildstar.
And sometimes they just say that the game would be more successful if only a tiny percentage of the right players remained, which begs the question, “What exactly is success without participation?” for a game that is supposed to be profitable.
For me? Nothing.
Its all a joke. I might do the weeklies for the story but once that’s done I’m done.
The game is in too much of a butchered state for me to enjoy and Swtor and PS2 has a far more inviting setting than what Warcraft has atm.
to be fair… there have been some expansions that have been far much less favorably than other expansions, however, I am liking shadowlands. But when someone says an expansion is good or bad it is subjective / anecdotal information and the thing is… they aren’t right or wrong either way. You even said “I have burnt out on WoW before” but you didn’t specify when… so if your already burning out in SL it kind of would contrast your earlier statement. But if your talking about “burning out” just in the past/ general, yes it happens to everybody at a point… some more than others. But your opinion of wether an expansion is good/ bad is solely just that. You may be in the majority but that doesn’t make the minority “wrong”.
This expansion is boring. It is better than BfA, but still incredibly boring.
It’s not a 1 for 1 comparison. There is nuance, and they’ve just moved thing around,
- Artifact Power/Heart of Azeroth to Anima: Not tied to player power, but still the farmed resource. Include Stygia (which is tied to player power in the form of sockets)
– Diablo is paragon levels - Visions to Torghast
– Diablo version is Torment levels (WoW’s mix of M+ also) - Talent system / Runes (Diablo) / Covenants: Mix between Azerite Armor (BFA) and Heart of Azeroth
— There are more examples, but those are my top 3.
Kind of? More options, but it forces you to play a LOT more. Improvement yes, but I wish they’d do something like a vendor where you can “DE” a choice and use a currency for something you want.
My only problem is they’ve forced the divide between casual gaming and hardcore gaming even more.
For me, personally, the design philosophy is not headed in the right direction. They’re not innovative anymore. They just move things around and pretend it’s something new. Developers (that have left unfortunately) in the past took more risks, and tried new ideas.
Except legion had master loot.
Imo legion did borrowed power better. It expanded class fantasy and there wasn’t an imbalance between characters of the same spec.
Unlike warfronts and islands, it’s more likely you’ll be in torghast all day, but for less reward than a quick island or warfront would give you.
Have you ever seen Taibo and Tupac in the same room?
Yep - the one immediately coming to mind is in the Maw intro, with all these lore characters somehow full experts in how the Maw and Shadowlands behaves (even though they’re not dead) and that cringeworthy quest with Thrall being super-picky over a weapon like a self-obsessed diva who still hasn’t realised that NOBODY LIKES THRALL.
I’ve been saying that as well. It definitely has the WoD vibe of “if you’re not in a raiding guild, seeya!” WoD had more stuff to do for casual players - and since WoD had stuff-all to do outside of raiding, that’s really saying something…
Just stop already.
Yeah, it’s pathetic and sad. Especially since he seems to think he’ll make the devs love him by telling as many people as possible to quit the game.
Better than a BLIZZARD SHILL.
Lonely Mawalker.
This ^ or Aboutou , rather suspect.