How? We literally had to fly out to the middle of no where everyday for weeks to make shadowweave. Don’t remember anyone complaining about maus or time gates…
Are you Q?
Star Trek fan?
To state the obvious, and I don’t really know what world you live in, but people are entitled to their opinions and just because they don’t like SL, you don’t get to tell them to what to play.
So that being said, I’ve been enjoying SL very much. But I have my gripes with the game.
I think they should make daily world quests(chores) more engaging, have less of them, and increase their rewards. For example, I enjoy some of the racing ones, like the ones in Revendreth and Maldraxxus, but they literally last for 20 seconds or a couple minutes. Like honestly… make this stuff more enjoyable. Maybe have a real competition, you can come in 3rd, 2nd, or 1st and get anima according to your placement… make it repeatable to try and increase your placement. Make it longer, more fun, and worth taking 5 minute flight to Revendreth to do. Bottom line, these daily chores are a huge annoyance for me, and possible grounds for eventual burnout since I can’t resist the impulse of needing to do them each day… and factor in having an alt
The Maw, same issues as before. Not engaging, feels sluggish and repetitive.
I like torghast, but it feels incredibly abrupt when you kill the floor 6 boss and you just go back like nothing ever happened. I would like to see increased rewards here, or maintaining your buff for a period of time after torghast to have some fun going into the maw or grinding some stupid chores in Ardenweald. Can possibly be another factor for burnout eventually.
No breathing room. It almost feels like you constantly have to keep up with things on a daily basis, replacing your life chores. I want to chill a little bit, I want to go run some older dungeons with friends, but they’re also busy keeping up with their daily chores. You can argue these are optional minus the weekly’s, but for people who can’t help it(like me and some of my friends), it’s arguably unavoidable, and it’s working as designed.
That being said… I like SL a lot.
I wouldn’t describe it as the same systems, but I would call it iterating on an idea.
I think the Great vault is a good improvement.
I think pvp vendors and the upgrade system is a good improvement.
I think covenants and soulbinds and conduits are fun. They are a new version of artifact trees, azerite gear, but I think it’s good.
Thus overall fun.
Less loot from Mplus is healthy. It may need some tweaks but it needed to change from BfA.
My OP premise: if you can’t find fun in SL, then it’s you.
No I’m not. Not all of it. I have my ‘criticisms’.
There will always be criticism and always be ‘positive’ feed back.
You think it’s in a good state then praise is given but going off as you did is like an ostrich who sticks his head in the sand.
I beg to differ. I’m having more engagement and more entertainment on the forums than I am on the actual game right now.
Maybe you need to play a different game, then.
If you come to forums to be entertained, I feel sad for you. There’s so much else you could be doing that’s way better.
What I think is ludicrous is that you are complaining about the leveling zones which comprise about 8-14 hours of gameplay? Then you are max level, and the rest of hundreds of hours await.
Classic is different in this regard, so glad you can enjoy classic.
The zones on rails allows for them to tell a better story, which was good. Not that Legion or BfA was bad.
Made a spicy title.
Did you read more my title?
My premise: if you can’t overall enjoy SL regardless of the imperfections, then this is probably not the game for you anymore.
I like it and I just recharged 6 months
The counter to the timegating criticism is without it, people feel they have to spend all their time on their main or they are behind. A time gate lets them feel finished instead of grinding Maw of Souls endlessly.
The first three releases of WoW relied on the great story of WC3. Maybe BfA and SL has done better with story, but it’s not the same as WC3 where you play the characters through adventures.
Other games? Google them.
Great vault: Mplus or raid or PvP. 1-3 choices each.
Mplus, just as good. Less loot which is healthy, like Legion. Maybe some tweaks are needed, maybe like a badge dropping and a vendor.
PvP vendors and upgrade systems.
I like covenants and soulbinds and conduits. Should there never be borrowed power? I wouldn’t say so, but it can overshadow your class and spec in past iterations. I don’t borrowed power is a black or white issue.
Great zones. I like Torghast. I don’t want to play all day, but it’s good. Unlike Warfronts or islands.
Well of course he did. He’s part of the top tiny percent that the entire expansion was designed to cater for.
I hate to say it, but yes, I feel this expansion was designed around the feedback received from the streaming community. It feels threadbare for casual players (speaking for myself only).
It’s decent enough to keep me playing, but I do have some major criticisms against the expansion, some of which are entirely subjective.
Leveling is probably the worst it’s ever been in WoW’s lifetime. I don’t like the handheld story experience, and Threads needs a major buff or even just make many more WQs available. As a raging altoholic, this alone makes the expac bottom tier.
Not really specifically SL, but class design is still just a straight downgrade from MoP. I still haven’t forgiven Blizz for completely gutting Demo locks because “it was too complicated”.
I don’t care for the lore. It feels like they just keep bringing back old characters as bait, and just the fact that it’s the afterlife raises so many questions it breaks immersion for me. It’s a topic best left alone, imo.
Zone design. For the afterlife of thousands of worlds, Shadowlands is quite small. I suspect they will add in new zones later on, which will help explain how billions of souls can fit in the Shadowlands. Revendreth in particular is a nightmare to travel though. Flying will fix this however.
Alt unfriendly. Why do I need to do 8 whole layers of torghast on any new character? Why do I need to re-do a convenent campaign when I’ve completed it on another character?
All in all, this expac is pretty WoD-tier to me.
Ah looks like a forum troll made a alt to come and try there brand of trolling again.
This expansion is guild focused. Im having fun casually raiding with my guild . Getting upgrades whenever I do but we are progressing through content. I have no complaints.
I think putting solo players at a disadvantage is their way of helping guilds.
Nefarious agent red flag.
Just sounds like you don’t like WoW anymore.
You concede raids are fun. Only once a week, if you only have one toon. Try 2 alts.
Mplus is disregarded by you, but has been a new pillar of WoW. It’s fun, has been since Legion.
Try PvP?
Dabble with Torghast.
Or you have changed and just don’t like WoW anymore.