If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

Fair enough. For me, and I think many, WoW being their main gaming experience is great.
But good reflection and hope you find a great game!

Might want to wipe your nose after this post. Just saying. SL like most blizzards games are meh.


Imagine thinking your opinion means im burnt out …lol.

The art is 10/10, the first raid is good and dungeons a solid 8/10.

The systems 0/10

Snorghast 1/10

The Snaw 0/10

The story ill give a 7

Im not burnt out , im raid logging at week 5 of a brand new expansion and wont be playing much longer because the expansion is hollow, they have also taken time gating to a whole new level .

I have 2 chars around 210 ilvl and im already bored outta my skull.


Nefarious Agent red flag.
You listed like ten things that you consider boring or waste of time.
Thus you don’t like, and may never have, the fundamental systems of how a player spends their time in WoW.
How is that list of chores different than anything else in WoW the last 15 years?

Sounds like a movie title. I bet my husband would watch it. He watches anything.

Is this your version of saying “fake news” when you don’t like what somebody says?
Maybe I’m a deep plant by Square-Enix to undermine this game.
What if I don’t even know I’m a Nefarious Agent?
They could have wiped my memories and set me on this path in life.
They’ve been plotting since 2004 to erode the player base with people like me.
This must be why all the bees are dying!


SL is better than BfA but screw threads like this that have this self-righteous vibe and generalize that everyone is whining in the same tone, about the same things. Many of us are perfectly aware of how the game has worked for the past 15 years. Drawing attention to issues and providing constructive feedback shouldn’t be invalidated as it’s the propellant that pushes games to succeed more. Yes, the game is succeeding right now compared to BfA but I refuse to stay ignorant or silent on major issues that majorly affect people’s vibes. I also generally like spreading positivity but let’s be real and not invalidate each other.


Sorry, but this falls into boy who cries wolf.
We have seen these posts in the forums since Vanilla.
I think most people who lose interest just quietly quit.

If you compare the amount of money generated by Rift versus WoW, and if money counts as real votes, then Rift would clearly a worse game.
But enjoy another game, just don’t blame WoW or SL.

This reads like someone who can’t handle people criticizing what they like.

Shadowlands would have been dead on arrival if it wasn’t for these ‘complainers’ you’re complaining about.

Technically I think there are ‘things to do’ in Shadowlands… however, there’s nothing I WANT to do! WOD had a lack of things to do, what it did have was pretty good. Shadowlands has stuff to do, but for the casual player like myself, it’s basically pointless time wasting garbage. I’ve said it before, Unless you have aspirations to mythic raid with guildies, you’re probably wise to just go ahead and cut your losses now and move on from Shadowlands… Dont wade any deeper into this time wasting bog of eternal stench!

When has WoW not had a grind aspect to it?
What is forcing you to grind all these supposed systems?
What do you want out of the game?

Just sounds like a nefarious agent talking point.

If you like WoW at its core, you like spending time in it.

Cute, a Troll Priest posts a troll response.
SL is not garbage.
But you could try some specifics.

I am going to state that SL is good. If you like WoW then you should be having fun.

I agree that it is harder to fully gear up alts, but I don’t think that makes me not want to play. I just may have fewer alts that I push.

What is your goal, what allows you to have fun?
Do you need all your alts to have 223 or higher gear, and a casual friendly path to attain that?

This is a head scratcher for me. If you don’t enjoy pvp, dungeons and raiding why are you subbed to this game?

Not really. Most of it just perpetuates the current cycle of design revamps that wind up with circles of compromises.

Loot is a perfect example. Some players complained about boring loot, or raid or die, or going weeks without upgrades. So Blizzard gives us Legion loot. Then, other players complain about rng or M+ invalidating raiding or that gear should go back to raid or die.

There is no way to please both players. Blizzard just needs to pick a design direction and go with it. If some players quit a long the way, it’s unfortunate but the overall game would be better off.


Ad hominem attack.
Ok, so if you want an appeal to authority: on Preach’s interview with Conplexity Limit and Exho, a raid leader said SL is a good expansion and he is having fun.

Xpacs trash. Loots awful and the new m+ affixes are awful. Class balnce is awful. Fix the damn game


OP is right.

Play the game if you like it, don’t play it if you don’t. Kinda useless to come onto the forums and endlessly bellyache about what you don’t like.

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It usually does.you’re correct. That’s an integral part of an MMO. But for whatever reason? (Maybe you can help me diagnose this)
This Shadowlands grind feels much worse to me than with previous expansions. It feels totally completely disrespectful of my time and frankly I have ZERO interest in leveling any of these borrowed powered systems again!! ZERO!

Perhaps I’ve been there and done that for the past couple of expansions and maybe I’ve just reached my limit with this type of WoW concept gaming design? I’m not saying I know for sure the answer ‘why’ I feel this way. But the fact remains that a great many players are complaining of this and being ‘bored’ in Shadowlands.

This is a case where perceptions become reality. In business it’s akin to the ‘customer is always right’ concept. Whether objectively something ‘is’ or ‘is not’ is of minimal importance. what’s important is the gamers perspective and perceptions when the are logged in playing.

The customer may forget the specifics of a conversation you have with them, but what they WILL NOT forget is the way you make the feel. Like it or not this is how the service driven industries operate. And yes, whether Bliz accepts it or not, they are a service/customer driven business. No one has to play this game and they have many competing companies nipping at their heels. They are not the powerhouse they once were.


Lol the “snaw”. First time I’ve read that.