If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

Legion was the peak of the game. Both BFA and Shadowlands feel like worse versions of Legion. I think in the coming months/years there will be a tidal wave of complaints about having nothing to do in Shadowlands. This expansion feels like it borrowed too much from WoD in that aspect. This company really needs to stop swinging the pendulum as far as they can in the other direction when players are complaining about something.

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Ad hominem attack.

So you Mythic raid? You run 15s? You are 2200 rating in PvP? And you don’t like SL??? That is stupid.


Has the love it or leave argument ever swayed anyone?

so people who know that there can be more and better content to leave a game that lives on it’s player base seems like a great idea.

Worked wonders for WoD, Post 7.2 Legion and BFA…

I’m still having fun with WoW, but not Shadowlands. I haven’t even set foot there. My highest character is 53. I just spent all weekend leveling a feral druid from level 10 through Tiragarde Sound, just because I was in the mood for that fantasy and play style.

He just hit level 27 last night, and I was proud. I got further in the Tiragarde Sound story line than ever before, and saw the confrontation with Priscilla Ashvane in front of Katherine Proudmoore for the first time. Good stuff. I just wish it hadn’t come a bit out of order, as it seemed intended as the finale, and I still have two more storylines in the zone to do.

Maybe I’ll finally finish Pathfinder and unlock flying in Kul Tiras, maybe not.

I can always have fun in WoW because of my unusual casual, non-competitive playstyle. I often feel like I’m not even playing the same game as most others.

Oh well. I won’t be quitting WoW. I neither like nor dislike Shadowlands, because I haven’t played it, and probably won’t any time soon.

BTW, I’m at zero deaths so far. I like to play my own version of “iron man”. No restrictions other than that if I die, that character is over, and time to start again.

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I don’t just abandon my car if the check engine light comes on.

I’m letting my subs run out, but I’m not going to just hush up because you’re enjoying the game. I have issues with the current state of some things that I’d really like to see addressed. So I’m going to voice those issues as constructively as possible and propose solutions that I’d like to see.

Will they happen? Maybe, maybe not. But the game is ever-changing and I have hope that they’ll include some things that’ll appeal to me.

I’ve been playing this thing for nearly 16 years now and there have only been a few times in its history when it really was difficult for me to enjoy, and they eventually fixed some of those down the line. This is currently one of those situations where I’m not enjoying the max level.

I loved leveling. I really like Torghast (especially Twisting Corridors), but I wish it was more rewarding for the challenge and time investment, and didn’t just feel like some stand-alone thing to do to waste time. I’m glad they removed corruption and Titanforging, but now I feel the game needs some sort of PVE vendor similar to PVP (I don’t enjoy PVP) to offset the way drops work this expansion (heavily encouraging PVP to gear up).

There are a lot of things/feelings that’s missing this time around that I was enjoying over the course of the last 5-10 years of the game. I’d like to see them return.

So no, I’m not going to outright quit. Not yet at least. If their design philosophy continues down a path that doesn’t provide the entertainment it used to, then I’ll go somewhere else. But until then, you can deal with feedback.

So you blow the devs? What’s the point of your post exactly? You love to give blowies to the devs and anyone that disagrees with poor design decisions should quit. But really, you just wanted to tell everyone how much blows you give, right?

Dirty little monk.

Lets be realistic here, the people complaining are the ones that care about the game the most. They’re concerned that it’s going to be a declining game, just like it has been since cataclysm. Millions and millions of people leave and don’t return. If anything, it’s in the best interest of the developers to listen to the complaining and not the praise.

Do you know how customer feedback works in a restaurant? You ignore the praise and embrace the criticism…that’s what helps standard and addresses problems. Not the customer that gives blowies to the chef for cooking a great steak.


Sorry, sounds like a you problem.
What do you do in WoW to have fun?
What pressure are you putting on yourself?
Squat systems do you feel like you have to do?
If there was no pressure at all, or no power benefit, would you feel like there is no reason to do content?
You don’t think SL is doing a decent balance of that?

I have never been bored of the BG variety. The refreshes were nice.
I loved the Silvershard mines, so if they have another good idea, graat. But it’s not necessary to keep BGs fun. The SL PvP gearing system is doing most of the work.

Yes there is and will continue to be.
Every expansion we get given different long term progression paths (Artifacts, Azerite, Covenants). Let alone how legendaries are handled.

All three of these have drastically different implementations, which fundamentally change how you play the game.


  • MoP: Legendary locked behind raid content
  • WoD: Ring progression through a quest line locked behind raid content
  • Legion: RNG w/ first drop being very likely than subsequent and completely random.
  • BFA: cloak progression w/ mandatory timed content via Visions of N’zoth
  • SL: chosen legendary w/ mandatory Torghast runs for soul ash.

Each iteration has been different, each one has different implications of how often you can do/farm the content, how difficult the content is, and just fundamentally how the content plays.

Now what about AP/AP/Covenants?

  • Legion: Dungeon spamming outside of WQ, locked you into one spec more than others.
  • BFA: Island spamming and heavy respec cost - soft spec lock
  • Shadowlands: Relatively long PvE quest chains - swapping to different covenants requires doing a different ones long PvE quest chains.

All of these change how we play the game from xpac to xpac. Each one has intricacies that end up either being great, mediocre or a chore. None of them are perfect, some will prefer specific parts more than others.

Shadowlands isn’t perfect.

  • Example: People used to do M+ for the abundance of loot/skinner box, but now that’s cut back there’s less incentive to do it.

Now that’s gone, for some people that will cut into their ability to enjoy the game.

Complaining it good, it helps drive change where it’s needed.

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To be honest, I’m surprised Blizzard even has forums at this point.

im not too big on pvp but im not surprised they never update it. its a gamemode that can survive mostly on its own. as long as the progression is decent people seem to be fine with it. i just think pvp elitists are funny because blizzard never really updates pvp

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It’s not meant to be a guarantee.
Is it better than BfA?

Are you enjoying the game overall?
There will always be criticism, but do you think WoW is in a good state?
If so then praise be given.

I did. Only have 12 hours left on my subscription.

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Nefarious Agent?
Or someone who was never a fan of the game?

AKA Troll, just saying.

You don’t get to tell me what to do.


How about stop telling me what to do?

This. :point_up:

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People like you are why so many games fail…

All yes men, feedback is important, it’s what makes great content and intuitive gameplay…

Please just stop while you ahead. It’s sad. I’m actually sad for you.

And ofcourse another person who thinks the game is perfect doesn’t do any high end content :man_facepalming:t4: