If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

time gating, terrible story arc, the maw, torgast. But I will say, leveling 1-50 in the OLD EXPANSIONS is marvelous.


I think some players create their own problems in their quest to min-max in as short amount of time possible. Then when they get their wish, they complain there is nothing to do.

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Time gating prevents us from endlessly grinding Maw of Souls for artifact power. I want time gating. What happened to being patient???

Torghast is fun. As are the legos. 100x better than Warfronts and Islands.

Story is good. What mmo has better story?

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Nope just simply not fun content lol. I’ve already quit because this expansion screams not ready. 211 Item level so I feel I did enough to gauge the expansion, castle nathria is cringe mythic plus is still good but I just cant be bothered. The maw and torgast can litteraly be taken out of the game and it would make no difference because they are completely S-***. This expansion just feels dry you sit here and scream good expansion good expansion but its just really not bro im sorry. I understand that you have an opinion but its not what most of people are feeling i had a guild of almost 200 people and 70% of them have moved on. Now i will say if they step up their game i might come back. But for right now id rather just chill.


Up to wrath this games story is amazing. After that MEH.


WoW is being WoW. I think you and some players are burnt out. That happens.
Time will tell whose opinion is right.

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You’re just being pathetic at this point.

No, I will not “just quit”. Block me if you don’t like what I have to say. I don’t care about your patronising, narrow opinion on how the game “should” be played.

This is a game played by millions of diverse people with diverse play styles and preferences. Your bizarre obsession with instanced content above all else is not typical of the majority of players.


I agree, I think that I was just really stuck on this game for a long time. I don’t really feel the theme as much as I thought I did. Turns out I belong in a weeb community. I never felt right in WoW, and it made me toxic as a result because I was playing the game for all the wrong reasons. Maybe a lot of that is because we are set up to play WoW for the wrong reasons, but idunno, I think a big part of it is that I don’t appreciate WoW’s theme anymore. I don’t know if that’s true, but I can’t believe in blizzard or WoW anymore. Playing a game made by a team of devs that isn’t predatory has just changed my entire perspective of video gaming as a whole.

I do not know if I can even trust games made in the west anymore. Too much capitalism ruining the intentions of devs. Too many companies selling out because they want more profit and don’t care about the consequences of selling out.

In the end capitalism is why WoW sucks.


Can you just… i dunno. Be mature about this and realise that your goals in game dont necessarily marry with the goals of hundreds of thousands of players who likely dont agree with you? I gave you both a chance to state what you loved about the game (which you threw me the barest bones) then a full breakdown on why perhaps those criticisms were valid, which you then completely deflected and never once addressed… (except some pointless rejoinder about how you played the game ‘for the fun of it’ (as if that explains away the points i made)).

Since then, all you’ve done is double down on your OP that some people shouldnt be playing the game. And thats the dumbest argument you can honestly make without at least trying to basically substantiate it. You seem to hate this game. You dont want it to do well. You havent yet defended why the game would be better off without its casual player base (which is literally the entire point of your thread).

So im literally begging you. Please make the argument. Let me honestly and sincerely help you.

  1. This game is literally the best in its genre in terms of end game progression. No other end game mmo even comes close.
  2. This game has the best combat and reactive system in any mmo on the market. No other game comes close.
  3. Wow is all about its end game. Its at its best at end game. Its literally (and casual or not, im assuming we can all agree on this) at its best in its end game, challenging content. No other game comes close.
  4. The game is absolutely right to focus on its end game. As an exploration/immersion game it is miles behind eso. As a cosmetic/world/story game it is miles behind ff14. As a pvp game its probably behind multiple games i dont play and cant name. Wows strength is its PVE end game which no other game can touch.
  5. It is no longer the king of the mmo hill and shouldnt attempt to be. It should instead be the absolute king in the sphere it is completely dominant.
  6. In doing so, players in those other games will invariably transition to wow and bolster its sub base.
  7. Wow should therefore play to its strengths. In doing so it will grow as an mmo. By trying to be all things for all people as wotlk once was, it will be an unsatisfying and diluted experience.
  8. Wow should play to its strengths.

There. I made the perfect argument for you (and also the perfect argument why wow should be a lobby game and not an mmo, but moving on…)

You people need to be more structured.

Whaddaya mean thats just diablo 3?


WoW’s end game system is no longer good though, they ruined it in shadowlands. It was good in BfA, not anymore.


Instanced gameplay prevents raids of hunters kiting heroic Arthas up and down the Eastern Kingdoms, avoiding all of attacks and abilities.
You never knew this?
You can’t LFG for Mythic plus, you have to go to the entrance in the world. Instanced dungeons prevent world kiting bosses around the equator 10x.

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A game in which people aren’t invested doesn’t get this much frequently constructive or precise feedback.

Lack of polish and only the most cursory response at nearly all levels to said feedback, however, is a good way to lose one’s players.


hmm cause I cant remember a single expansion that I have quit in the first part ever, even bfa. This game is no longer wow so dont call it “wow being wow” I see almost no similarity from the wow that I started playing. I love wow its a great game and when TBC comes out you bet your booty ill be playing but the new expansions are just less and less polished. Not my wow.


Because reasons…

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My point is you are not having fun in SL despite its imperfections, this is not the game for you anymore.

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If you don’t think SL has polish then your standards are too high. Go play cyberpunk.

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Errr… whaaaat?

Yes, I know. Again with the patronising.

Yeah, the shine wore off within a few weeks, and as someone who even stayed subbed and playing through the epic content droughts at the end of Cata and MoP (12 and 14 months respectively) it’s really, really saying something that I’m struggling to find reasons to log in less than two months after an expansion launch.

Your “point” is literally “just quit”.

That’s not a point. That’s an invitation to players to help send WoW into Wildstar territory.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?


I work for WoW classic and am trying to steal players from Shadowlands to bring them there.


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Do you understand the reason for instanced gameplay???

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Hmm, everything you say is so empty and boring lol. Do you actually think this garbage mess is well done. Legion was amazing despite its bugs this expansion feels like all the people that made wow suck in bfa got together and made it.