If you don’t have 2/4 piece by Tuesday

? It is mainly to get tier set with a secondary function to change stats. Nobody is going to spend their first charges on non-tier items or to get a transmog pieces.

Nobody that plays the game and not just do world content that is.

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It isn’t marketed properly.
It should convey the following when it’s presented.
The Creation Catalyst is a system used for getting tier bonuses, reforging stats and getting transmog sets.

A) Get tier set bonuses by converting main pieces: helm, chest, shoulders gloves or pants.

B) Reforge stats by converting offpieces: boots, belt, back, bracers.

C) Obtain transmog afferent to the item level of what piece you convert using the catalyst.

Where is it marketed as reforging reloaded?
You guys suck as much as Blizzard does when conveying what a system does to the general public.

And who is more right here?
You saying everything is clear?
Or these other players that were confused as to how the system works?

What do you think the majority of the players in-game will appreciate the system as?
Will they think:
a) i can get tier bonuses
b) i can reforge stats
c) i can get mogs
d) i can get all of the above

Regarding to the system?
The majority will recognize the system as a) , since that’s what it was marketed as from the get-go.
I haven’t seen a “reforging is back/reloaded/here again” from Blizzard regarding the system when it was presented. That would have been one of the things that should have been highlighted by Blizzard.

But hey, i won’t be getting complaints on next reset, or flooded with tickets.


This is an MMORPG, people are expected to have a brain and do things for themselves, like think for a second that if they are looking to get a tier piece maybe they should use a piece that is part of the tier set and not boots/bracers.

Not sure why it being over a decade means anything?

Never have tier pieces not contributed towards the bonus.

With the recent wowhead post, various guildees were under the impression that since they all have the tier name suffix, they would contribute to the bonus. You’d then only need 1 of the current 5 pieces to get the bonus.

Who wouldn’t craft the actual armor?

Which one is the right one here?
a) Me recognizing that it wasn’t conveyed properly?
b) Or you saying it’s clear enough?

We’ll see on next reset, right?

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Because blizzard is now calling the boots/ bracers tier AND they’re now also giving those pieces the tier name suffix.

As others have noted, the execution of this is poor and confusing.

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If you have 278 boots, or 265 chest, which one are you using a catalyst charge on to get the 4 piece?

If it worked for any pieces.
You’d use the boots, since there isn’t any chance that you’ll change them.
As it appears to work now, you’d have to use a charge to make the chest.

If next reset you get a higher ilvl chest, you’ll have to use the 2nd charge on the chest again.

So it would be about choosing the piece that has a higher lifetime.

Except that blizzard called all pieces created from the catalyst “tier”. They’re literally giving the item name the set suffix.

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Where are they calling boots/bracers tier pieces? Armor set is not the same as tier set, btw.

I know I’ll be using the first charge to get the cloak to complete the mog set

It absolutely is. You’re the one twisting it into something that literally doesn’t exist.

And you specifically quoted where it is presented like that. Everywhere. In game when looking at the targeted pieces, in the Catalyst that shows you exactly what you’re creating, in the blue post you quoted, etc.

Because anyone with two brain cells that knows how tier has worked for a decade and has looked at the tier pieces they want knows how this system works.

Yes. The FIVE PIECES THAT GIVE THE BONUS. Not the other outfit pieces everyone knows don’t have bonuses on them.

Learn to read what actually gives bonuses. This isn’t rocket science. My god, the game literally tells you which pieces give the bonus.

I can’t believe the level of ineptitude from people around here. :woman_facepalming:t4:

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Apparently you’re the one inept at recognizing problems.

I’m sure everyone is going to pay attention on reset.
I see that the thread was useless now, thanks!

It’s conveyed super clearly in the CC interface though. Thanks for the PSA, but you’d have to not be paying attention at all to put the boots in and expect a tier bonus.

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So, we are saying there are bugs with the creation process?

There are no bugs. The Catalyst specifically shows you what the piece is that is being made. You can literally see what pieces are part of the set right now and whrth they give a tier bonus or not. The blue post tells us which pieces give the set bonus. The Catalyst shows if it give the set bonus.

But apparently people are incapable of comprehending images or words.

But it accepts slots that aren’t tier piece slots?

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Even if Blizzard made a dozen post about it, the vast majority of the player base dont check those post, they dont come to the forums or check wowhead for news.

The interface is clear enough on what you are getting, if people dont recognize it in time is on them for not paying attention.

Is simple, to get a tier piece you need to put the same type of item to get that tier piece, is like 1=1 a kid in elementary school should be able to get it right.

You’re welcome. Sorry you had to waste your time.

Yes, it’s also the only way to complete your mog set

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