If you don’t have 2/4 piece by Tuesday

It isn’t marketed properly.
It should convey the following when it’s presented.
The Creation Catalyst is a system used for getting tier bonuses, reforging stats and getting transmog sets.

A) Get tier set bonuses by converting main pieces: helm, chest, shoulders gloves or pants.

B) Reforge stats by converting offpieces: boots, belt, back, bracers.

C) Obtain transmog afferent to the item level of what piece you convert using the catalyst.

Where is it marketed as reforging reloaded?
You guys suck as much as Blizzard does when conveying what a system does to the general public.

And who is more right here?
You saying everything is clear?
Or these other players that were confused as to how the system works?

What do you think the majority of the players in-game will appreciate the system as?
Will they think:
a) i can get tier bonuses
b) i can reforge stats
c) i can get mogs
d) i can get all of the above

Regarding to the system?
The majority will recognize the system as a) , since that’s what it was marketed as from the get-go.
I haven’t seen a “reforging is back/reloaded/here again” from Blizzard regarding the system when it was presented. That would have been one of the things that should have been highlighted by Blizzard.

But hey, i won’t be getting complaints on next reset, or flooded with tickets.