I feel like they must get more hks that way. I will ghost you if you’re being a jerk and just grinding us while dragging out the finish, but I will run out and fight if you give me any chance at an hk while not delaying the end of the game.
so did you get to GM ??, gratz
To the victims of bracket mafia harassment - talk to a lawyer. You can get a restraining order against the harassers, and Blizzard will have to legally comply with subpoenas to find out the real life information of the harassers. Let them explain it in job interviews for the rest of their lives why the background check on them found a restraining order over their actions in a video game. It’ll put a stop to this nonsense real quick.
youre literally rank 10 u aint new to sh*t
theres no fun in playing til you die idiot
this system is flawed regardless of its intent. this is why tbc is better than classic
Uh. This is actual harassment. In game consequences for in game actions are not.
The sad thing is you’re actually serious.
No respective lawyer will take a case because someone whispered you telling you that you’re scum and blacklisted.
Everyone who’s in on the scam benefits, if “benefits” means cheapening the value of R14 by cheating. Oh I’m sorry, did I say cheating? I meant “using creative strats that are totally not illegal.”
How is it a scam to work as a faction to pump out r12s thru r14s.
Do you get to cut in line at the grocery store because 10 people are in front of you and you’re too impatient?
Horrible example. A better one would be a price fixing scheme. Every company in an industry agreeing not to compete too hard with one another so their prices (and profits) remain high. They also gang up and destroy any no-good up and comer who doesn’t play ball, which also sends a message to anyone else who might be thinking about resisting their master plan.
We all get rich! Everyone benefits, right? … Except their customers. And the new entrepreneurs trying to make a name for themselves. That’s why price fixing is illegal.
I see it as a way to make it a healthier lifestyle, as in not spending 24/7 PvPing and losing sleep for it.
Most people would be stuck at crap ranks if they didn’t do this. If you don’t like it, make your own 10-15 mans and do what you want. Have fun sticking around until everyone in your group gets it, because I am sure anyone who joins you will be blacklisted from the other group. You probably won’t though, because you are selfish and prioritize your ego.
This is the exact opposite of how it works. The scheme is there to keep the “price” low for all buyers in terms of the only currency in wow – time spent playing.
To be incredibly nerdy, this actually works the way US Gov’t Bond interest rates are set. They hold an auction and people bid for the bonds. The bids are listed and then all the bonds are assigned to the winners until the number of bonds available are reserved – and then the lowest winning bid is the price paid for all buyers.
In this case the last person in a bracket sets the “price” for the bracket. The winners here are the other bracket consumers who would pay more but now don’t have to. There are no losers because wasted hours grinding benefits no one.
No, Blarp is right on the money there. Perfect analogy really.
No one holds a gun to anyones head and makes them pvp for 20 hours a day.
I am not ranking to 13. I am casually making my way to 11. I am speaking as a devil’s advocate, if you will.
Also, I am speaking on behalf of what we have to do in order to rank on my server. Since it’s really only my guild that has players on this server to rank.
No I get it. After WSG/AV came out I hit rank 8 relatively quickly and then, getting the same honor every week (200k), I couldnt hit rank 9 in 4 weeks.
I laughed, gave up on my modest goal of rank 10 (for blue set) and then rolled an alt.
Yes, you’re right. That’s why I say to be against bracket stacking and for bracket breakers, you either never did the grind or you bracket broke.
Especially when you get to ranks 12+, if you don’t grind enough honor you derank. It’s really hard to do all the work and then let yourself derank. One deranking week costs 1.5 weeks of grinding at rank 13 at bracket 1, so people keep going even if they are burnt out or whatever. Even it means having family or job issues too. This is what the system encourages.
The system is incredibly unhealthy and everyone knows it and that’s why it was changed. That’s why we try to make it easier for everyone. Anyone who calls the grind to 14 casual has no idea what they are talking about, even with bracket stacking etc.
I clipped r11 at 4% in.