If you dislike the pvp/ranking 'mafia'

great analogy actually

Another thing people seem to be missing is that not everyone has access to the ranking bracket mafia. They’re often controlled by players and guilds who (obviously) give preference to their friends (and many of whom are toxic), so if you’re not in the “in group” you have no hope of ever getting a high rank with them. If you try to do it yourself and not play ball with their self-favored cartel they harass you non-stop.


I do understand that. I also understand that that has always been the price of top tier gear in Vanilla/Classic. There is no path without making friends and connections. This isn’t as hard as it may seem to you. The PvP ranking community is relatively small and people cycle through. They want fresh blood.

Sorry, but a system that encourages “needing” to collude and frowning down on people who do something as simple as PvP too much shouldn’t exist. There’s a reason the honor system disappeared after classic.

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Everyone agrees with this, even the ones doing bracket stuff.

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No. It just encourages that the person who works at it the most gets the highest rank. YOU decided, 100% on your own, that rank 14 is worth the insane amount of playtime that it takes to outplay the other people who have the time to do nothing but play WoW for weeks.

Your stacking exists because you don’t want to have to play more than him, you want him to disappear from your competition.

If someone can dedicate more time, they’re going to get better rewards. If that’s a bad system for you, then MMORPGs are the wrong games for you to be playing.

I’m not sure if this is a personal attack or you are talking in general.

During the last 3 weeks of my grind I sat at the top of the honor rankings until I capped and then I stopped. I got to my honor cap first and nobody was getting higher. So yes I could have beaten anyone at the end. On top of that, I kept everything in real-life that I started with and had extra money in the bank by not buying useless crap. So if that was about my inability to grind out the other guys you’re wrong. The two days a week off were nice though, and unlike alliance, it’s harder for horde to hit caps.

That doesn’t make a free for all system healthy in any way because it’s not. The bracket breakers like to pretend that FFA is what they want but they don’t. They just see numbers they think they can beat and go for it, regardless of others being able to do more. You said yourself that you have no problem with people being excluded from premades and that’s exactly what happens to these people and they are incapable of hitting the same numbers as premades even playing 24/7 in pugs.

There are plenty of stories of what the Vanilla/Classic ranking system has done to people. Playing 24/7 is unhealthy. Do you actually think this is healthy? Of course, for account sharers, that’s out the window, and that’s happened plenty too.

I know you don’t like my hard stance on bracket breakers even though I explained my reasoning and that’s fine.

We can call the system brutal (with 15 years of hindsight) but we cant blame it for people playing 22 hours a day. That’s a personal choice and ends right there.

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I’m talking in general, not necessarily about you specifically.

My problem is the revenge that comes from someone breaking brackets. If someone doesn’t want to be part of your premade, that should be fine and be the end of the story. My problem is that it’s not about “being fair for everyone,” because it’s completely leaving out the people who just don’t want to be a part of that. And when they’re being told that they have to stop playing because it’s going to make you have to do more BGs, they’re just going to be more motivated to play more, not because it gives you more work you have to do, but because of being told they’re not allowed to do any more BGs. But they’re the selfish ones, and in no way can the people who are literally dictating how much other people are allowed to play for their personal gains selfish. /sarcasm

But in the backet stacking group’s head, breaking brackets is grounds for not being allowed in an RP guild anymore. This isn’t about your PvP rank anymore, at this point, it’s about control.

And I think that’s what your entire side is missing from this argument. It’s perfectly fine to expect people who want to be a part of your group to follow your rules. But it’s not OK to force everyone else to be a part of your group and bound by your rules. People have a choice. When you’re taking revenge on people for breaking brackets, you’re no better than what you’re all accusing them of being.

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I think you’re greatly over estimating how much control a group of PvPers actually have over the politics of other groups and guilds. The bracket stackers can’t MAKE anyone do anything, all they can do is share antisocial behavior with others.

A small group of PvPrs have absolutely zero power over people who don’t care about pvp at all…that includes many PvE focused guilds and social guilds. I your example, breaking brackets should have zero repercussions when it comes to an RP guild…unless the RP guild cares about people not being selfish much like ninja-looting.

You keep ascribing powers to a group of PvPrs that simply doesn’t exist in reality. What you’re missing is that the opinions of PvPrs matter very little in the grand-scheme, but even PvE and social guilds can see and understand antisocial behaviors. PvPrs can’t force any guilds to do anything…except share evidence of antisocial behavior and let others make the choice for themselves.

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Unless that RP guild has members who like to PVP, who are now also banned from that RP group, and through their internal politics that same punishment is brought on any members who group with that guild, leading to the same punishments to their guilds, essentially, making that player’s entire guild blocked off from the server until they gkick that guy. And this isn’t some crazy random assumption, this is stuff that people in this thread and in the last one we went in these circles in, admitting to personally doing.

Also, it’s not antisocial to not want to be a part of YOUR group. Why does the entire server have to want to be part of bracket stacking? Why is nobody allowed to just not want to do it? Ego much?

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You’re attributing power to the group of PvPrs that doesn’t exist in reality.

Sorry but I feel the need to share this post here because it just makes me laugh way too much.


Probably raise caps to the point he wouldnt be able to reach.