If you dislike the pvp/ranking 'mafia'

new to classic, and when I first heard of these guys, I figured they were just bullies who’d threaten people playing the game in ways they didn’t approve. Basically sore losers upset that you got more honor than them.
If you’re someone who also thinks like this, PLEASE take the time to learn and fully understand the honor system and why these guys do what they do. You’ll be surprised, at least I was.


I agree. Bracket people are just trying to work with a system and benefit everyone. I know people who are still helping after hitting 14. There is no mafia, it’s more of a community working towards a common goal.

Great post.


In the long term, everyone benefits.


Imagine if sports were played like ranking in wow. Oh wait. The WWE is a thing. Lol.

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Oh wait judged sports are a thing. Gotta love the mob.

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If you try to harass someone off the game because they didn’t care about your bracket system you’re still a degenerate loser even if you try to reword it to sound better for you.

Also considering what we know of the mentality of Rank 14 players I think it’s safe to say it’s not a kind community of people trying to help everyone.


The drama I hear in guild chat about that stuff is disgusting, its super toxic.


The drama entirely comes from selfish jerks who’d rather screw everyone over rather than work together to earn their rank at the same pace as everyone else while having to earn way less honor.

Ranking “mafia”: Earn this much honor. Don’t earn any more so we can all earn the exact same honor and RP. Everyone ranks faster and we don’t have to play all day every day to compete.

Bracket breaker: Hurr durr, me play one more AV.

Reasonably upset rankers: /w Bracketbreaker Thanks a lot, jerk. You just added a week to everyone’s grind and gained literally nothing since you were going to get max RP anyway if you just stacked with us.

People who have never ranked: RANKERS SO TOXIC


The system was designed to be competitive. However, as always, people have found a way to take the fun and competitiveness out of it. Why? So that they can get their purple items faster and not have to worry about someone with more time who deserves it more knocking them out of the race.

It’s funny, all of the people who talk about collaboration and everyone working together to achieve similar goals, they benefit hugely from the bracket stacking system. People who actually enjoy the game and like to be competitive don’t.

The massive amount of cross-server collusion with players artificially increasing pool size, combined with bracket stacking, has made the rank 14 title virtually meaningless on most servers. PvP with bracket stacking isn’t competitive and therefore isn’t fun.

This is why Blizzard moved towards welfare epics and heirloom items in the later versions of the game. Players have made it increasingly clear that they do not want difficulty or competition, apparently it’s not fun for the casual player. They just want their mount and their purple loot.


Yet another thing you seem not to understand.

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And it still is. There’s just less competition within the brackets. Instead, the competition is essentially for which bracket you should be in.

If you’re capable of exceeding the honor gains of everyone in bracket 1 even if you all play 24/7, it’s entirely unnecessary and unproductive for that to happen each week. Instead, you can join the top bracket, earn less honor, and gain the same RP.

I think players working together to ensure they aren’t playing obscenely unhealthy amounts of time is a good thing. However, the top honor earners are still competing for their spots against the lower honor earners.

Bracket 1 doesn’t just stop at 20k, for example. They’re pushing close to or above a million honor a week. If you think any and everyone can compete with that, you’re fooling yourself.

Casual players aren’t getting the rank 12+ gear. Don’t delude yourself.


If your plan was to try to get people to sympathize with you then it’d be better to not pretend you guys are angels and everyone else is the problem. Just makes you come across as insufferable. We know you guys don’t just stop at whispering the guy once saying you’re not pleased with them.


Yeah, this isn’t like a lotus or devilsaur mafia, it’s a “let’s save everyone some time” mafia…


What they do doesn’t help anyone especially not in the longterm, it just makes the grind trivial for people who aren’t truly invested in fighting the other faction. So you fight the opposite faction less by fighting people on your own faction to preserve the artifical bracket.

These people get their epics by pug stomping and get out. Things were so much better when the rankers were in av. I was able to que wsg nonstop without 5 randoms spamming me all week asking much honor I got. These rankers were non existent before but now that ab and wsg are ripe for exploitation, an entire community of them formed overnight. Where were these community minded players in p2 while there was a war outside? Afk in ironforge destined to spam av premades.

I would be considered the selfish one but all these players operate off of self interest and dress it up as some type of helpful community. Bracket stacking is cheesy, it isolates pvers from any challenge in pvp, and it alienates solo que players as if they are dirty neanderthals unworthy of short term purples that everyone is going to replace.

There was some thread the other day about being a “bracket abiding ranker” and getting screwed over. I can’t believe people place pride in this. The panic and anxiety that fills these players when things don’t go EXACTLY as planned is sad. The plan involved cross faction collusion, multi boxing, bracket auctioning, and player harassment. Sounds like a mafia to me.


This is a ridiculously naive statement.

Lots of things are great ideas in theory, but in practice, these are just WoW players who go unchecked and decide who reaches rank 14 (rank 13 on some server/weeks) and who doesn’t.

So a group of 5 -10 people are charging real life money, or huge sums of WoW gold, in an Activision/Blizz game and are also controlling who can rank up in the game’s PVP system.

You have to ask yourself, does this make any sense?

People are paying real money for a boost into rank 14. That’s against ToS.


I get that the honor system is truly atrocious, but when a group of players decides they should be the ones controlling who can and cannot rank each week and resorts to harrassment when someone doesn’t want to follow their arbitrary rules yeah they can be called a mafia.


Lots of uninformed bracket beakers in this thread, damn


I don’t even understand how you would prefer solo q AV meta where its a FFA and you have to grind all week to a system where you can be capped friday.

It’s because I’m not worried about the rewards or capping honor and people like you wouldn’t be if it wasn’t possible for the grind to be cheesed in the first place.


Sorry for this post being really long.

I love how somebody makes a positive post about something and you people are all over it with the unnecessary bashing. At least this isn’t a thread where people got screwed over and you didn’t care, so it’s better to address this stuff here.

This charging real-life money is a problem on whatever server it’s on, and should be called out, but that’s certainly not happening in most places.

If you’re going to maliciously and sneakily steal thousands of hours peoples time, by doing things like running with premades while editing HonorSpy during the week and then queuing from Thunder Bluff with a bot for 3 days, then you deserve everything you get. You are no different than a thief.

PVPers are competitive and it’s not fair to say otherwise for the most part. The bracket stacking system benefits every PVPer on the server who is trying to rank. Oh, and stacking was absolutely done in Vanilla by the people who ran premades. It’s done so that people can have 4 hours sleep a night instead of 1, and can take a day or two off with their families. instead of having to play every day. Do you understand how unsafe sleep deprivation is? I wouldn’t be surprised at all if people died from doing this grind (even from things like falling asleep when driving), so anything that makes that better is good IMO.

Blizzard didn’t change the system because people didn’t want competition, Blizzard changed the system because it’s completely unhealthy. It’s nice that you try to spin that into saying that spending 60-100+ hours a week playing a game is some causal thing.

11/24/2019 That’s when the horde bracket discord on my server was made, pre battlegrounds. I’m sure it was earlier on some other servers.

The majority of people who did any ranking were PVPing at least somewhat in phase 2 . Once BGs hit, yes the alliance were sitting in IF all day spamming AV premades and the horde were spamming AV premades and roaming for kills on PVP servers between queues.

The AV days of competing with bots for honor were terrible for horde, there is nothing good about them.