Sounds like punishment was served.
Maybe get along with everyone instead of being a loser bracket breaker.
Sounds just like the victim complex our servers botter had.
Even after we got him deranked with 150 DKs by inviting his bot to thunderbluff he still denied it and was accusing us of “harassment”.
I just wanted to thank everyone who had my back in this thread especially since a few people felt the need to attack me. I’m pretty opinionated on intentional, malicious bracket breakers and I will not apologize for that or back down on any of what I said.
I find it amazing that some people here are perfectly fine with others who take away hundreds of hours of others’ time on purpose and maliciously. They either haven’t done the grind and don’t get it or they have bracket broken themselves, it has to be one of those things.
Yes this 100%. It really is no different than a ninja looter. It’s actually worse.
I mean there are people in this thread admitting to bracket bracking and complaining of ‘harassment’* so I’m pretty sure we know why they’re so against the idea.
*Not intended to make less of actual harassment that is 100% not okay.
The ninja looting metaphor is a false narrative. How could someone ninja loot you while they are outside of your group?
How could you be ninja looted by someone who you are completely unaware of, only to find out by using an app to then locate and micromanage that player?
I wonder what brackets would be like if we weren’t able to spy on eachother or could appear offline. I would have never have gotten an invitation to premades with players who would turn on me the moment rewards were at stake, as if I’m somehow less deserving or my time is less valuable.
The bracket stackers are concerned with everything but pvp, and this is my main grievance. It’s just a bunch of man children trying to put other players on curfew so they can get purples they will replace, quit, or transfer with.
And please let’s not pretend that bracket stacking is some innocent community driven activity that is optional to participate in. You join or you die. Bracket auctioning, multiboxing, cross faction collusion pool parties, banning random players who que with breakers etc. is what you sign up for and I had no idea when I was first asked “wanna que wsg?” prior to the server discord forming.
I didn’t play vanilla and I’m not informed on the most efficient ways to cheese all the rewards out of the game, nor am I interested in that playstyle. This playstyle is near sighted and it reduces the lifespan of content that will only last a phase.
So make your own group then. The problem is people like you want rewards for pugging. That’s not happening.
Bracket breaking and ninja looting are basically the same thing as you’re inconveniencing multiple people in order to try and be selfish. Sure you might break and screw up a bracket or screw up a raid group for 1 week but you’ll be blacklisted into oblivion and be a non factor going forward.
Bracket stacking is in the best interest for EVERYONE grinding. If you can’t see that you’re just not very smart.
Been saying that the entire time.
Except this is an extremely flawed analogy. If you are in a raid group you have agreed to certain loot rules before hand and you have genuinely done something underhanded.
On the other hand by design the honor system is supposed to be competitive with your own faction and unless you have explicitly agreed to follow certain rules bracket breaking is entirely legitimate and in fact how the honor system is supposed to work.
Mate if someone manages to break your brackets solo without even entering the brackets in the first place they’re not a bad person. You’re demanding that they don’t try to get Rank 14 just so your Rank 14 is easier. That’s quite selfish of you.
Though I guess you have to be a selfish person to be able to admit that you support harassing people till they quit the game.
Abiding by the brackets is like how wrestlers in the WWE take turns being the champion.
I honestly don’t understand why you would break instead of joining in on the fun.
You can play 20 hours a day for 3-4 months and be blacklisted by half the server or you can play 10 hours a day and get Rank 14 one or two weeks after you’d have originally gotten it. I’ll defend your right to choose option one but why anyone would is beyond me.
Maybe it’s fun for them to actually compete for Rank 14 instead of waiting for it to be handed to them.
If you’d blacklist someone over actually ranking as it was intended then you’re probably too childish to be worth playing with anyways.
Wasn’t the big reason you guys wanted classic because it rewarded you for the effort you put in? However when someone puts in more effort than you apparently they’re a terrible person and don’t deserve it.
I’m not sure why people hate pvp ranking mafia either, people have been min/maxing the game since launch even. People love their loot too.
There’s not one way to play classic WoW. With that statement though, I take the stance that it’s wrong for “pvp ranking mafias” to get mad and harass bracket breakers. Let people play how they want.
I agree with this
You’re either dumb or playing dumb.
There are no rules against ninja looting either it’s all social. Play along or get blacklisted. No one says you have to play along. Just don’t expect to be able to grind rank 14 solo especially as alliance when premades will out farm you.
More or less. I won’t blacklist you, badmouth you or tell my friends about how mean you are, but I won’t group up with you either, as you’ve demonstrated to be pathologically competitive and more than a bit selfish.
Anyway, and this is important, you need to understand that the people organizing the brackets aren’t taking anything from you, they’re allowing you to reap benefits from the system while playing for less time themselves. It is childish to think you can actually compete with them with both sides going all out, and if you break for two consecutive weeks they absolutely will play 20 hours a day on premades of only ranks 12-14 that will call for their guild bank’s help to pay for consumables, they will account share, they will even call for the help of people who are already done ranking just so they can flush you out of the system. I’ve seen it happen before. Sulfuras had a 2-million honor cap weekend. I’d like to see someone try to compete against that.
Well the only part I care about that was the account sharing part. People who account share to rank 14 are just as bad as botters and deserve to be banned.
I love how you’re trying to make someone sound like a bad person for playing the game as it was intended. I look forward to seeing how this community adapts to TBC when they realize they have no leverage in arena.
In arena it’s just easier for them. They don’t need to do any of that, only outplay us.
And I would bet the farm that they can do that, considering they are willing to train for 20 consecutive hours and I’m not.
For the record I’m okay with a premade actually farming for an insane amount of honor to beat the person solo pushing. As long as they don’t cheat by botting or account sharing. That’s just competition as it was intended.
However if premades think the answer is to try to get the guy to quit the game so they can keep their comfy brackets then they’re just admitting they’re terrible people that want to dictate how people play the game.
If a solo guy managed to get rank 14 then premades should be a good sport about it and admit they lost fair and square. Just like how you’re supposed to act whenever you lose any competition. Sore losers are never fun.
Just to let you know when I say the harsh things I’ve been saying I’m not talking about the guy who solo queues and gets as much honor as he can etc. These types of people are extremely common and everyone in the bracket communities knows it. They are approached about honor caps and they either say “No thanks, I’m going to do my own thing and get the honor I want to” or they do not respond.
The answer to them is simple. They don’t get invited to the premades. The cap gets raised and the premades play longer and they get more honor. In a perfect world caps would be even lower than they are, but they can’t be because there’s always that guy who wants to grind to the top and if you lower the cap there will be more people that want to do the same thing. In future weeks they just slot him in and work around him, or he decides he’d rather be part of the community and make things easier for himself.
The people who I think deserve whatever they get are like the people I’ve already talked about. The ones that take advantage of premades and then go do their own thing and hide it in very sneaky ways, that kind of thing. No premade invites, telling every guild leader out there about them, talking to the current guild leader, excluding guild members if this person is not dealt with even. That is all fair. Everything within the game, of course, anything outside of the game is too much.
You’ve already been perfectly clear that you want to harass people till they quit. I’m not interested in your excuses for why you feel it’s a valid thing to do.