If you could make a wish within wow to Metzen

garrosh would be warchief again, all the other warchiefs are literal clowns

arthas would be rezzed somehow in shadowlands lore, except he’s not so evil-icey this time around

tuskarr are added to allied races neutral

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Even vanilla WoW felt like it took a different turn for the series story wise, and didn’t really feel like the same “World” of Warcraft that had existed in Warcraft III.


I would ask him to completely disavow Shadowlands and make it noncanon.


Playable Ogres please.


I’m torn between two target cleave on MM, sethrak playable race, pet free lust on MM, defensives for lone wolf MM…

Actually sethrak for sure. I’ve suffered through the MM issues and can continue to. Being a sethrak would make them more bearable too! :relieved::relieved::relieved:

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Make naga and ogres playable like Metzen originally wanted.


Focus on the lore and make it feel like a RPG again, cut down on the cinematic cut scenes, instead of worrying about transmogs and customization.

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Weird one, but i would trust metzen the most with this:

This couldnt work as an expansion to retail, and the closest i can compare it too would be a Cataclysm 2: of the many events in WoW after WotLK (which bow-tied the RTS games), the death of Cairne is the most impactful.

Cairne was going to beat Garrosh. No Garrosh, no incursions into Ashenvale, the events of Cata would remain largely the zame though; no Heart of Yshraaajjj (spelling), and MoP would have turned out much different overall, who knows how a Vol’jin that was around to watch Cairne’s best interests would have shifted Sylvanas’ plans; no Garrosh to send to AU Draenor, potentially no AU Guldan to try to bring Sargeras…

So anyway, if Magatha hadnt gotten away with poisoning Garrosh’ weapon, the overall story would be fairly different.

Player housing.
Replace cobra shot with something that doesn’t look like a 5 year olds animation with a squiggle running across the screen. Something with more oomph as a shot.
Playable Silver Covenant…also known as High Elves for the Alliance.
More and improved customizations for Mechagnomes like individual limb replacment instead of everyone having all 4 limbs be mechanical. Individualized head piece options like 1 electronic ear and chin piece that isn’t attached to only certain looks.

Also i would like to see someone more masculine than Anduin lead the Alliance and rule Stormwind. Someone not so in touch with his feels, not so wishy washy and prone to outbursts. Perhaps Gelbin Mekkatorque.


Give more examples as to why some paladins are locked under lights hope, what did they do wrong? Why does the order not think they deserve freedom / can only leave when the highlord sends them on a mission.

Not many examples like tirion who chose seclusion, would be nice if they developed more mildly instead of the huge polarity that was originally paladin and death knights, makes me think the writers don’t really care about light followers coming off as gray.

REAL housing.

high elf for alliance

stop ruining alleria. change her back to wc2 style appearance now.

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Need some serious UI updates:

-edit mode should be expanded, DF was a great start
-personal resource frame is missing ways to track key buffs for many classes
-nameplate add-ons shouldn’t be necessary, make the built in ones configurable
-all gear vendors should be searchable and have more filters

Don’t lean so hard on add-ons to do basic things that should be in the game by now.


^ this

I only want two things:

•Less boring ‘Primary+Secondary’ stat gear and more gear with special effects.

• Hats. With. Long. Hair.

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Revert all classes to late Cataclysm and design from there. I’d probably no life wow again for this.

fire all the political activists writing the game’s story, maybe make an expansion where there isnt a multidimensional world ending big bad hiding under the galactic bed, waiting to destroy azeroth. Upright undead, smaller shoulder armor for worgen and orcs, etc. taco tuesdays.

Visit AU Azeroth where instead of the Orcs coming through the dark portal as agents of the Legion we get Yrel and the Army of the Light attacking. A place and time where Uther and Arthas are still around and idc you figure out the story but lets beat the lights butt for once.

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this + old shadow form back please

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