If you could make a wish within wow to Metzen

If you had the miracle of making a wish within wow, to Metzen; What wish would you ask for it to come true?

  • Would you ask Garrosh to be war chief again?
    -Would you ask him to resurrect Arthas?
    What would be your wish?
    Give your opinion
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Proper aoe for shadow priests.


I’d be wishing for the retcon to stop.


I’d make which gathering nodes are active character-specific. It’d be a much more chill experience, multiboxing effects on economy would be blunted, and you wouldn’t have to worry about other people cherry-picking all the good nodes.

For something realistic,

Every spec should have baseline aoe so you don’t have to multi-spec just to contribute on trash. Have a couple alts this xpac who have to give up boss efficacy to have any aoe whatsoever without swapping specs just for trash and it’s annoying.

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I would wish for the absolute and total retcon and removal of everything about BFA, SL, and Dragonflight.


To keep arthas dead

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Oh yeah… the man, who hyped up WoD and was involved with all the retcons and questionable stuff from TBC and onwards will safe the story. For sure^^

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New Warcraft game, treat WoW lore like the Pen & Paper RPG and just act as if it’s all non-Canon.

Alternatively, just retcon everything after Wrath. Keep Garrosh as Warchief.

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Delete high elves, blood elves and void elves so the elf drama stops.

Arthas did a sloppy job and missed a few.


I’m not a fan of these cynical statements, but in the case of Thalassian elves, it would probably do the community a lot of good. It feels like 70% of the toxicity comes from players of these races…

Can we move the Rumble machine someplace more arcade friendly? I’ve always said we should be able to play the old RTS games with Warcraft one day.

Why not carve out a space in the many towers surrounding the city, And make it an arcade fun space Similar to, but obviously more accessible than Gallywix Palace.

DarkMoon is not always available. I’m talking something a little more introverted in a sense. Dark Moon feels like activities for people who do outdoor things.

This particular space would be for like showing off your Rumble statues. Board games and what not.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Gladiator Stance Warrior.

For a less personal wish, having good and proper player housing added to the game, with a variety of housing items added to crafting and chase items for achievements and drops from all content modes.


He should retcon the stuff danuser used to retcon his stuff.


From Legion onwards we wake up; it was all just a very bad dream! And Sylvanas is back, the Shadowlands never happened, there was no forced war atrocities, and the Dev’s didn’t write one half of their player-base as evil, which most of us did not wish to be represented as!

And no more convoluted gameplay and boring quest rewards.



I mean… there were quite a lot of war crimes before BFA, along with other very questionable things in the lore and retcons since TBC, but yes, if you erased everything after Legion, it would still improve the story by a lot.
bfa, shadowlands and (I know some don’t want to hear it) Dragonflight are hot garb***


Since TBC?

TBC was a major player in creating retcons and messing up the lore.

Wrath story was horrible


I can’t do just one, here’s ten:

1.Delete the in-game shop.
2.Disable combat add-ons, integrate accessibility add-ons.
3.Stop resetting progress each patch.
4.Rework all specs to have a solid base kit and implement a toybox approach to talents.
5.Rework gear stats.
6.Two-handed Enhancement Shaman.
7.Make the entire world relevant. Making a zone for a patch and then moving on forever is massively inefficient.
8.Gold-wipe every expansion, cosmetic rewards for economic involvement each expansion.
9.More faction relevance.
10.More grounded conflicts.


hmmm :thinking:

Overhaul the Forsaken model, give us the posture options and a more human like appearance and/or more horror themed customization options.

I’d like Necromancy to be a more pronounced theme or ideology among the Forsaken, but not necessarily the Horde as a whole.

In general I’d like the Forsaken identity expanded upon, but not in a Disney “we’re all friends now” sort of way.

Rework some of the Forsaken racials, as they’re pretty terrible as functional abilities, but thematically they’re very strong.

That’s about it, really. Blizzard devs are doing a lot of good work with game modes and direction that I like quite a bit, but the Forsaken are still something that I want worked on.


I’d wish for the old support where the GM would come into the game and actually help you out and not just give one a form response to go to WowHead.


A lot of people in this thread don’t seem to understand who Metzen is.


Just say Jailer was a liar and go from there. Don’t specify what was or wasn’t lies, just make it clear that the Jailer lied, Denatharius was willing to use those lies to his advantage, and then go from there.

From then on, if any new lore contradicts Shadowlands lore we can always point to the whole “Jailer was a liar” thing and proceed without issue.