If you could have one new race

The San’Layn? I think that’s the only new elf i would add.

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Yeah that one ty !

High Arakkoa. :bird:

I love vampires, so yeah. Other than dragons, they’re my favorite mythological creature.

I can’t wait for venthyr

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that is def where my toons, except my druid will end up.

I’m the same !

Sethrak Sethrak Sssseethrak! :snake:

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like minds think alike. We’re both gingers and blood elves. We know what’s hot.

Saberons for the Horde. I like the idea of tribalistic cat-people. Plus endless possibilities for comedic relief with the Worgen.

I have one of these as a pet already. The Ethereal Soul Trader. Interesting idea though! :slight_smile:

Lmao I’m dead :joy::joy:

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Ethereal as a neutral for both races

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So now you’re just icy cool.

Already in game:

High Elves (on Alliance)

  • traditional elves

Completely new:

Faerys (on Alliance)

  • same height as gnomes
  • slender build like humans or curvy build like draenei
  • wings
  • wide, almond-shaped tilted eyes
  • skin, hair, eyes and wings the colour of flowers (no human shades)
  • wings start off stunted and then grow until usable to fly at level 60
  • Racial ability: able to stealth in forests/woods settings
  • Classes: demon hunter, shaman, druid, hunter, mage, rogue, warrior
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Fire and ice. Awesome

I’m with you. Dragons.

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Ogres are the only correct answer.

Especially if they have the option to play two-headed for casters.

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I would like to see Nagas as a playable race

A centaur race, my choice.