If you could have one new race

Elves are from germanic mythology and fairies are from the celtic mythology. They were conflagulated to some degree in fairy tales but even then were often described differently.

If it were up to me. I would reduce the copy/paste races and just make more customization.

And as for a brand new race, Dragonkin race would be cool. Can imagine them having similar body structure to the Draenei.

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I’m also disappointed :frowning:

The race change money would flow if Tuskarr became available.

I’d want them to be more like the dragon aspects - able to have two forms and a fighting humanoid form that looks like they do with some horns.

Then you can transform into a dragon as your racial mount, and you can briefly transform into one (instant ability just a graphic) during battle as a racial.

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Would you rather fight 10 Gnome sized Taurens, or 1 Tauren sized Gnome?

I would def support this. Kinda exactly what I was thinking.

Depends on which toon I am on. Some have horrible AoE but others have amazing AoE. Though why would I want to fight a Gnome? We’re cute and adorable… except for that one. Yeah, him. We apologize about him all the time.


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Adorable? You mean puntable! Plus yall alliance complain about mechagnomes so much. They’re pretty badass and I would be happy if they defected to horde.

I’m ok with the current playable races. But I would really like racials to be moved to faction rather than race specific abilities. When you create a class you can choose one active racial and one or 2 passives. Something like that anyway.

Ogres the size of Kul’Tirans (they do not have to be huge, nay-sayers, there are many sizes of ogres throughout the game).

Arrakoa, too.

Don’t look at me for not liking Mechagnomes, I adore mine.


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Ogres are long overdue.

Also hello Grumbles, May I interest you in a trade of fine meats for a cookie, good sir? :meat_on_bone: :cut_of_meat:

Ogres. More than anything else the Horde needs Ogres.

Well… talk to the rest of your faction because they don’t!