If you could have one new race

I’d have a lizardman race.

Like the saurok, but not savage.

(Picture Tae-ew from Everquest)

I’d trade all the ARs for all class/spec revamp.

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A cat race. using the Bloodmane models from Spires of Arak.

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It’s from a different game, but I want the Kodan from Guild Wars 2. :man_shrugging:

Tortollan, would sooo be a monk.

New race? That would be super high end car race!


I think Tortolian and Naga for next set of new races playable.

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Yes, Faeries; a really tiny race.
Yet I’d love the original, ancient European/ Celtic idea of Faeries as mischief-makers, pranksters.

(Like Brian Froud’s Faeries.)

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Ethereals were definitely my 2nd choice, the first being Zandalari Trolls. I have my trolls and would love to see some Ethereals.


I honestly can’t believe no one wants Murlocs!

There could be some among them that are more intelligent or evolved that can become player characters. They could have some kind of semi-aquatic racial ability like *Gills: Allows underwater breathing and *Slippery When Wet: gives them 3% Dodge bonus and some resistance to fire…

I dunno but I would love to Mrrrmgllmmgmggl all day and night!


I want drakonids so badly.

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I think I’d want Sethrak most. But others I’d love are:
Night fae

I also quite like the designs of the Brokers that are in Shadowlands. I like the flames coming out of their necks and the body shapes. It would be cool :slight_smile:

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realistically speaking i would get broken draenei for ally

and taunka and yaungol for horde

races that should be playable already

Only if his name was Leonardo or Michelangelo. :smiley:

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Broken and Forest/Frost trolls. The bulkier troll models were something I always thought were nifty and while I love Zandalari, it’s not the same.

As for Broken, they just look better than the playable Draenei. They’re a bit better since the model updates but still Male Draenei look too top heavy and like they’re about to fall flat on their faces at any given moment.

Actually, the Naga were ‘considered’ to be one of the playable races at some point in the development of WoW. They are a**holes though…

Dragons would be cool. Ethereals are interesting because we know little about them.

…How about Tortollans where you walk slow, have back and hip problems, hide in a shell, and have a snarky attitude? Oh and you’re black market dealer for profit?!

So are the Forsaken and they’re still playable.

:joy: fair enough…

Furbolg, on the alliance side.

That would be interesting… Don’t remember how many of those I’ve killed on quests.