If you could have EverQuest 3 or WoW 2

That sounds a bit like Ghostcrawler’s new game.

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Well I hope they can pull it off! Hopefully they have a very responsive and solid combat engine to start.

Ashes of Creation.

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Me too. I really hope they succeed.

They are really involving the community during the production and are interested in keeping that type of communication going.

I’ll try it out, but I don’t think anything would make me jump ship from WoW completely.

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I don’t care about graphics.

I mean, my first computer RPG was 1981’s Wizardry, so…

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I played FF:ARR when it was rereleased to scratch the itch from FF:11, which was my first MMO I got into. It was fun for ~3 months, and I was one of the early AH goblins so I had great resources on my account. It felt like I hit a content wall VERY quickly, which was a bummer.

I like how easy wow is to pick back up now a days. I’ll leave for a patch or two, and I can get back into high level action in like a month.

Doubt I’ll play another mmo seriously. Nothing recaptures that first 3-6 months of your first mmo. The genre isnt that unique between titles. The engines all look the same despite different color hoods.

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Daoc 2 but I don’t think it would be that good. As for eq3 or wow2 that’s tough, I don’t like wow these days and I’d be more curious what eq3 would be.

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Doing a Kithicor run during the night…

Dropping random items onto low level mobs, so the newbies could get some good gear…

Falling out of the trees in Kelethin, onto the pile of corpses of others who fell before you…

Falling off the boat…ok, will work on swimming…oh, getting tired…need to eat and drink…uh oh, caught under the boat…drowning…dead…

Looting the bodies of your enemies…or logging into a new character and forgetting to loot your own dead body…

Good times…good times…


I took it in a different direction.

Super buffed low level mobs.


Is EQ still being worked on by EA or did it go to another studio?

I dont think it was ever EA.

If they would make EQ more casual friendly and COMPUTER friendly ( thats why I never played EQ 2) I would go back for EQ # 3. It has basically been “gone” from the public eye long enough now that it would be like a whole new thing.


Daybreak Game Company

Everquest 3. I spent so much time in Everquest that I still hum the theme song


I never played them so all of it would be new to me.

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I would love EQ 3 if it was made less hardcore. Because let’s face it, most of us who played the original Everquest are a lot older now, and some of us have kids. I dont have time to camp some rare spawn for 16 hours, or spend 5 hours looking for group, then spend another 10 hours getting half a bubble of experience.

You can still do that on Project 1999 btw. It’s still up and running. And it’s fun…for a few days. But the time sinks are just killer if you want to have a life at all.

I honestly dont know that Everquest 3 would be that fun anymore. Gamers as a whole have changed. It’s less about exploration and more about min / maxxing to the extreme and blazing through content as fast as possible.


Funny enough, I’ve been delving a bit back into EQ lately. Hooo boy are the graphics a nightmare to look at, but yeah it’s still pretty alright. It still follows the “You can just kill things mindlessly to level” ploy. But now, with mercenaries to help you out if you don’t want to search for a group. Grab yourself a healer merc, and enjoy.

That being said, I wouldn’t mind a both kind of scenario, personally. It’s been made painfully clear that Blizz needs a fresh start at this point, simply because they are running out of ideas to keep people invested for WoW. Look at Superblooms, or really any of the ‘world events’ they’ve had this expact. 90% AFKers, while the other 10% try and actually get the thing done.


If they do a wow 2, i would probably say, it’s been a great ride, bye bye nerds!

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I seem to remember something where they added a mechanic in that allowed you to be a monster. I seem to remember being a beetle outside of the Qeynos gates attacking new low level players. The beetles could gang up to kill the low level players.


I became stupid rich in EQ 1 doing corpse runs for people.