If you could have EverQuest 3 or WoW 2

Oh my god I wanted that Stargate mmo so bad! I’d imagine an immersive branching storyline, puzzle/mystery/investigative based world design that is a bit nerdy wouldn’t be for everyone. It’d probably involve solving riddles, puzzles, uncovering ancient languages, build a reputation amongst other races, and so forth. But the SG world is massive and there’s tons of people in it and races like Star Wars.

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Just remember.

In KC, you train out left, zone in right.


I don’t even imagine what will come out anymore. I just look at what comes out and decide if I like it.

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Yup yup. For sure, for sure. But If it’s all the same to you, will keep breathing at this point in time. :wink:

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Look man, they just hit their 10 year anniversary of development.

We had rumblings for a minute for them starting back up development for EQ3 then that redhead developer what’s her name ran off to Blizzard.


I honestly don’t think we will ever see it at this point.

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When I heard of then the cancellation of Ever Quest Next, I was greatly disappointed as it looked like it would be the next level MMO based on a really hard-core game engine. A game killed because as they put wasn’t fun to develop because of all its next level design.

One of the original creators of Ever Quest was main lead at Visionary Realms putting out Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. This is also the same creator that put out Vanguard: Saga of Hero’s from Sigil Games.

While Brad passed away Nov. 18th, 2019, his latest vision Pantheon is supposed to be like Ever Quest level difficult while being visually more modern graphically. The characters to me look more like Vanguard level, while the game is being built on the Unity engine.

As far as Pantheon goes, they are still after 10 years of trying to develop the game, still in pre-Alpha. But they have secured some better funding lately than crowd funding so hopefully it will be put out by 2025? I been off and on following the game since 2017.

Miss so many of those zone messages and or when you would zone into the Tower of Bastion hope there wasn’t 30+ Giants waiting on the other side of the portal. Monsters that would not stop until they got killed or killed you as they followed you with the trains always getting bigger and bigger.

Got to love Crushbone.

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Who didn’t love to get ganked by Ambassador DVinn upon zoning in?


Everquest wasnt difficult, so much as time consuming. I’d even go as far as saying the actual gameplay content of EQ was easier than leveling in retail WoW, today. The harder part was getting a group.


I have zero interest in EverQuest.


To each their own, but to say EQ actual gameplay content was easier than leveling in retail WoW today is shortsighted. Actually needing to use cc abilities, support roles, fighting your way to a camp spot, mobs that actually had levels of difficulty, grey (easy/pushover), to red (good luck). Not to mention needing someone to actually pull the mobs. Having a good puller was key to grinding experience and allowing the mobs to come in at a good pace. Coordination and gameplay was a heck of a lot more difficult in EQ than WoW ever was, let alone today, sorry.


The same problem FF XI had. I played the best tank combo in that game and sometimes had to wait 2+ hours to find a group.

I fell asleep during EQ grinds and no one in the group noticed.

Support roles were just casting slow/haste mechanically, no real thought needed.

You typically fought 1 mob at a time, with an extremely low APM.

Early on melee? You just turned on auto attack stared at your screen.

Only a handful of select areas needed a puller.

Looking through my Rose Tinted Glasses, my most fondly remembered time gaming was Playing Everquest from Kunark up through the Planes of Power Expansion. But a lot of that is colored by the time and place. In addition to that specific time in gaming.

MMORPG was a new thing. And a 3d MMORPG was unheard of. EQ was vast. Grindy. Difficult. There were few if any guides. There was no in game map. I remember printing out all the maps from Alakazam, and putting them in a tabbed binder, to reference.

The players themselves were different. The people who played EQ back then were a community. It was small, I think 200k at the time. And servers were usually 1500-3500 people playing at a time. It felt like a community. Which it was.

The world itself was Vast and filled with danger. Mobs didnt drop aggro, so you had to run to zone. People buffed each other. People helped each other. People haggled and wheeled and dealed in the commons then bazar over items.

For me, at least it was a great time. But I dont think making an EQ3 will capture the lightning in a bottle again. Just as I feel WoW2 wont capture lightning in a bottle again. People dont play games the way players did, during the heyday of MMORPGS. So even a new EQ or WoW, would most likely not be it.

There needs to be a new game with either a new IP or and IP that hasnt been an MMO before. Riot’s MMO probably has the most potential. But whatever comes next, has to be new. It has to be a new World and Community to build. It has to be made to appeal to more than the MMO niche. It cannot simply be a better WoW, or EQ or Final Fantasy. Especially because people have too much sunken cost fallacy into WoW, to just start a WoW over. What comes next, has to be what WoW was to Everquest.


If EQ 3 finally eases up and lets me be the Blackburrow Gnoll I’ve been desperate to be since '99 then even the Pandaren couldn’t keep me in WoW.

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I would say that it also has to be innovative and not continue the same basic game design that we have been using since EQ was introduced. MMOs have really failed to adapt with the times and still rely on concepts that were introduced when the internet was young.


All the new games usually bomb so nah

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Warhammer online with a better fleshed out end game. Classes were better but end game was shallow.

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How about a sandbox survival mmorpg? You can build in the world in various spots, farm, work together, and in pvp perhaps even lock down various locations or maps and dominate others. But it also has dungeons and raids, quests in the open world, and a major city or two. Plus of course a pve campaign for each expansion.

Maybe even some procedurally generated tech for The Wilds that are uncivilized locations or continents even with random unique difficult mobs, sailing and exploration in those dangerous areas, and full loot pvp if you toggle that on.

What we really need is a sequel to the first ever 3D MMO Meridian 59 time to make Meridian 60!

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