If you could have EverQuest 3 or WoW 2

Which would it be? Both would be built on a state of the art graphics engine, both would require much beefier computers to start but nothing super expensive. Both built on modern state of the art server tech and capabilities.

You could start fresh in either one without knowing much if anything about the prior game. Was friendly to start both but each one would build upon or improve the prior.

EDIT: Apparently EQ 3 is being worked on and early reports say a 2028 release is planned, so still very far off.

EverQuest 3, because I’ve never played EverQuest and yearn for something completely new and foreign to me.


I kind of feel that way too tbh. Be cool to go back and play a modern take on the game that helped inspire WoW.

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I loved EQ 1, 2 not so much. I am torn because as I had a long and enjoyable player experience in both games.


Silly but I’d go WoW 2 because I was an old UO player and ever messed with EQ. I did play UO 2 (SWG) and to this day it’s still my favorite MMO.

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I never really got to play UO but I read plenty of stories of theft and other interesting things that happened in that game. Lots that were super addicted to it.

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EQ3, if it was a rebuild of the old world and not a complete reimagining.

Norrath is amazing. I’d happily go live in Kunark again.


The Arasai are a guilty pleasure and make me keep going back to visit. Evil little fairies.

Wow 2. I was around for eq, eq2, and vanguard. They failed eventually for a reason.


It was truly hard core, hard core. Minus perma death.

But yea, you died, you lost all your inventory.

My brother was a hellion on that game. A professional thief. You could steal boats, you could break into houses if you were clever (without hacks) It was a wild experience and as much as I hated looking over my shoulder at all times, I loved I needed to and that sense of constant danger.

They also had a bounty system which was very neat. So you could put a price on someone’s head if they killed you. I recall our servers number one “PK” had some insane bounty on him. Problem was, nobody could kill him.

I bumped into him on a grave yard once, farming liches. He tuned me into a chicken. For some reason he let me live. I kept my stuff that day. Now it’s a positive memory.


EQ 3 if it was more structured towards EQ1. I grew up with EQ. It was a major part of my life and provided a path to bonding with my dad as we shared the interest. There are so many memories I had in EQ as a kid that even now it’s hard for me to drop the game completely. I’d love to feel the thrill of EQ again tbh lol


Doubtful. I don’t see modern day game company executives approving a new MMO like WoW or Everquest. Not enough quick money to be made. It’s all about mobile games now.

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Same and same


I want WoW to succeed so … why would one want a WoW2? This question feels very similar to the guy trying to ask the guy to pick between economic stability or LGBTQ rights. You can have both. Or rather could’ve had it if Everquest Landmark had been possible 10+ years ago.

So… my answer is both.

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WoW 2 BUT only if I can carry all of my investment from my account from original WoW over to it.


That’s a difficult one. I played EQ and went from it to WoW. I love some of the things EQ had, like necromancers, bards, and mezzers, but I didn’t like losing xp and looting your corpse when you died, open world bosses that spawned once a week, etc.

Only WoW 2 if


EQ3? No.

SWG 2? Yes.

As everyone said at the time, SWG is EQ in space, and did it all much better.


To be fair I think SWTOR isn’t a bad mmo it just feels too much like a single player game that other people are in alongside you.

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I would be gone in a heartbeat for EverQuest 3.


Probably wouldn’t restart on either. WOW is most likely my last MMO.

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