If you could have EverQuest 3 or WoW 2

Can I choose neither? Because I chose neither.


I google “SWG2” like every 8 months or so.

Fun fact, SWG was literally built on the framework of what was supposed to be UO2, so literally UO in space.

It’s not, plus it’s Star Wars. I subbed back into SWTOR right before I resubbed WoW. I tried to play it, but it’s in a sad state. I also found that at low levels the gear was confusing to get reacquainted with.

I prepaid for two months, but left and came to WoW after about 8 hours of play time.

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OP is asking whether we want a turd or a turd.

No thanks.

But they’d be polished and shiny!

If you’re a dog owner that has to pick up with a baggie, you know there is a huge difference between a turd and a turd. how to put this without getting in trouble. … hmm.

It’s way easier to pick up a log than it is a puddle.

That would defeat the entire purpose of wow 2, which already is a waste of countless resources

Yeah, the puddle would become someone else’s problem as long as no one saw it happen.

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The only reason I’m still playing this game is because I played it for a long time, I have a lot of stuff in it, and a lot of high level characters. I am NOT starting a new MMO again, no matter what it is.

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Same. But if they ever got a Stargate MMO off the ground I’d change my stance in a heartbeat.

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While my online gaming experience started with Meridian59 and UO, I’d say EQ3. EQ was when the rubber hit the road for me so to speak, where I invested a lot of my time to working on my characters, building up a reputation (which mattered) with those I shared the server with, and prayed for those school snow closures just to grind some late night “bubbles” of experience instead of going to bed.


An EQ3 would be nothing like EQ1 just like EQ2 was nothing like EQ1.

The people that normally complain on the forums about WoW would not want the grind that was involved in EQ1.


EQ1 is nothing like EQ1.

Having played FFXI I laugh at the people complaining about WoW’s grind.

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WoW 2.

Everquest 2 was trash

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thats why wow 2 would never happen. they will just keep updating the game in graphics until they max the engine. Then theyll need to make a new one and find a way to carry that code over to it.

I get that, but every so often a game comes along that blows everyone away and sets a new industry standard. WoW blew us all away by being vastly ahead of its time in design, gameplay, and graphical fidelity considering how open and persistent the world was.

WoW is no longer ahead of the game any longer and could be surpassed by literally any team or game even a sleeper hit no one saw coming. Of course they’d have to be an MMO, but if it was good enough I think even the most resistant among us would try it. But I get that investment in time is what keeps many locked down in their current mmo.

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Honestly, I may want to see an Everquest 3.

Yes I’m still burned about EverQuest Next and wish that had survived.


I mean. Its been around long enough that its changed.

But even at a base level. EQ2 was more like a WoW type game in EQ fast forward/changed lore.

People wanting EQ3 based on how they enjoyed the playstyle of EQ1 would not be happy.

“I only have 3 hours to play right now. Thats not even worth logging in. maybe tomorrow.”


Gotta go with WoW 2, because I think Blizzard would genuinely put out a better product than Daybreak would at this point in time.


Dont worry. Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is being worked on. I am totally sure it will come out one day.


Who keeps training the specs to the docks!

Can I get a SoW please?