If You Could Create A Mount

I’ve always wanted a Devilsaur mount especially since we already have other dinosaurs as mounts. It can be no bigger then our Clefthoof mounts so they are not giants and the Brutosaur keeps its title, but still much bigger then our Raptors.

Yes please a Hydra is another one I would love to have as well.


This ×100. I have some hope for Shadowlands here, maybe we’ll be able to earn some.

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A tiger with silvermoon colored armor that can fly


An actual Devilsuar mount for starters. also i’d like to see both devilsuar and direhorn mounts that have more armor kinda like Oondasta and Horridon

A flying Unicorn, flying Lucid Nightmare, etc…
I just love unicorn so much :rofl:


/10 char

Just a horse, man.

Let’s cool it with all this extra, gaudy crap. Just give me a horse.

Thought of another one- well, multiple. Mechagon was a step in the right direction but we need more mounts like the old Gnomish ones that have been in-game since vanilla. Like the mech Thermaplugg rides around in.

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A dryad…
wait, what kind of mounting are we talking about here?

I just want more “Dark” or “Creepy” mounts like the Shackled Urzul

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Paladin wings flight mode.

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Pretty sure that should go to demon hunters first.

And spirit hawk for shamans.

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Demon hunters should have stayed on argus, fite me.

Palanquin that members of horde races carry on their backs, going to theres a vulpera and goblin trying to run between the taller races, running in the air.

A Spectral Drake

if demo warlocks still had their metamorphosis I would want a questchain like green fire to be able to use that as a flying mount.

An SUV with an orc skeleton stuck in the brushguard and some smeared undead remains on the rear wheel well.


you can get one for the low cost of like 8 months recruit a friend

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I would make a sheep. Yeah, I said a sheep.

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We have the technology.