Just thought of another one…
A Palanquin covered and carried by the members of your garrison or war table followers.
Might be a little too over the top.
Just a thought.
Just thought of another one…
A Palanquin covered and carried by the members of your garrison or war table followers.
Might be a little too over the top.
Just a thought.
Simple ones that could be implemented somewhat easily:
-Give Tauren/HMT plainstrider back. It could be implemented similar to Running Wild, have the character kick the dust behind them, getting ready to take off during cast time and then take off!
-Give DH their stupid self flight. Cast time to mount up could be something super emo, sprouting wings all Illidan-y. They’ll be happy and shut up about it finally.
I’d love Monks to have zen fly around at normal speed but I wouldn’t want it at the expense of using zen flight to fish. It’s too much fun.
-Someone already mentioned Falcor. I’d love Falcor or some such creature as a mount. It would be the same skeleton as all the cloud serpents.
-Gosh danged Highmountain eagles, daggumit.
CORGI MOUNT!!! I hope we get this next year.
A Mylune mount. I would ride her all day long.
A nightmare dragon, like Dresaron from Darkheart thicket. My god I would pay cash for it.
An undead wyrm similar to the one deathknights use during the intro quests where the Lich king asks you to wreak havok on that village while riding that dragon.
Dairy cow. With bell.
All of these are good ideas in different regards!
How about this one?
A mount based on an Old God, like C’Thun?
Whenever someone asks this question my answer is always a Kangaroo where where you ride in its pouch.
A Boar mount that runs properly, not the shuffle they do now.
Son of Cenarius, I have always wanted one as a mount.
blows wooden horn
I have heard your call friend and will aide you in journey to the flightmaster that is 10 feet away but you are still too lazy to walk there yourself.
A Gyreworm from Deepholm.
He should tell you rambling stories about the forest that go no where and have no conclusion or point. Just for flavour.
I’d love more mounts that talk to you. My favorite part of the monk class mount is it’s bits of “wisdom.” I’d really like to hear the story of the hozen and the butter cream pie…
imagine the gronnling regaling you with stories about ‘stoopid orcses’ and smashing rocks together
No mount, just wings on my char.
Demonology warlocks should have a palanquin, carried by 4 Fel Lords
And a demonic chariot pulled by 2 wrathsteed looking undead horses that are ablaze with fel fire
An ice dragon, with scales and spikes made of ice, breathing out frosty smoke and when flying spreading snow flakes from the wings.
A gryphon from LOTRO that carries you in its talons
Two halves of coconuts and you’re banging’em together.
Some sort of creature that carries us dangling in their talons. Our character would use the “drowned” animation.