I guess I am supposed to show you my character and their experience or post a screenshot, but then you guys will just say there is no proof that I disabled chat so it would be pointless for me. I actually did that in another thread and I got nothing from it. No one said they were wrong or sorry. They just ignored it and argued something else. It was a waste of my time.
Why do you guys care about other players rating so much?
So this character was on a different account, right?
Hey, I believe you! Would I be correct in assuming the other account is currently banned from the forums?
Don’t mind me, I’m just a goblin.
Oh, dang boss, I hate to bring this up, but the “show character achievements only” option does exist, however, turning that option on for Character A doesn’t mean that Character B who doesn’t have that option enabled would be missing those achievements, only that Character A will only show Character A’s achievements; Character B will show everything unless that stuff is explicitly hidden on that particular character…unless they’ve changed it, of course!
I reckon that Character B (Dwarfman) doesn’t have “Show Character Achievements Only” enabled, since Character B is level 20 but shows an achievement for playing 25 Blitz games, and 1900 rating. Now, If Character B were a level 80, this could conceivably be true, but I reckon you’re pulling our leggarino on these characters being on the same accountarino, bossman!
Congrats! I’ve been a BG hero for 20 years, put zero effort into arena and “pushed” ( lol ) for the first time via BGB last season and hit 2400 in <60 games. Was vurry hard and extremely taxing on my personal and professional life!
I usually had that checked. I only noticed it because someone asked in Customer Support. And yep, it’s gone come 11.1 I think. All my toons, well the two I have left, Lorethon and Elehan, both have the same achieves in the guild roster now.
Edit: I think they did away with it because tracking becomes impossible when so many of the toons can contribute to so many of the achieves now with warband…well very difficult and not worth the effort, etc