If you choose to not communicate in Rated BG Blitz or Rated Solo Shuffle you are a troll

Didn’t say that, if you can quote where I did I’d appreciate it! I’d be curious to see what you got 3k on since your account is showing a high of 1900 though :frowning:

I originally posted that I played with chat disabled. You guys are the ones so worried about what rating I had last season. I said I don’t care about rating. What if I said I had only gotten 2k, would you care about my rating then?

Would you believe that I got 2k and had chat disabled?

I dunno man, I scrolled up to re-read the post and you were the first person to mention “it’s possible to get 3k playing at 3.4k MMR”, so saying anyone other than you brought it up is kind of silly. :woman_shrugging:

But it’s definitely possible to get 2.4k+ not responding in chat 'cus I did it. But I was doing it just to avoid a ban from snowflakes getting upset yanno?

It is well known in Blitz circles that I am a frequent user of the ping system and the incoming feature of a particular addon, boss-man. Many are knowing this!

I would say that me saying others brought up my rating is kind of silly, since I never said that.

Okay so you are saying you did it but others did not?


Saying “I don’t type in Blitz” is a lot different from saying “I disabled my chat feature entirely preventing me from receiving any kind of incoming communication from my teammates”, boss.

A mute isn’t inherently deaf.

I read that wrong, I apologize nerd.

I forgive you, jackalope.

Can you prove to me that you played last season with chat enabled? I am starting to not believe you.

You never said what?

Show me proof that you played with chat enabled at 2.4+ rating. I don’t believe it’s possible since I had chat disabled.

I see you’re not denying that you’re a jackalope, boss. We’re making progress.

http s://imgur.com/a/5lzRtC4

kk, this is sometime during last season on my Rogue at ~2700MMR.

But I’m not sure how this is relevant :woman_shrugging:

Edit: I need u to speed this up cus my drink is almost gone tho :frowning:

That does not prove that you played the match with chat enabled. That is just a screenshot before a match.

Only a streamer with past vods or someone that records all their games and saves them for some reason would have proof either way of chat enabled or disabled.

I am guessing you can’t prove yours was enabled, just like I can’t prove my chat was disabled.

So I guess that’s that. Neither of us can prove what we are saying. We just have to take each others word for it.

http s://imgur.com/obxkBvO

kk theres another 2400+ MMR game with my chat screen up. Where your 3400MMR screenies at? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The only difference is my alt that I hadn’t played since WotLK ( prior to like a month ago ) shows my 2400 ( BGB lols ) and yours shows your 1900 but you claim 3k :frowning:

I didn’t look at that because it’s imgur meaning it’s another screen shot. That would not be proof that you played all your games with chat enabled.

I didn’t take a bunch of screenshots of my mmr.

Don’t worry, I believe you very well may have played with chat disabled.

I’m guessing that wasn’t the only thing disabled in his “3400 MMR” games.


What makes someone else’s rating important to you?

It doesn’t at all, the almighty armory doesn’t lie. But people do for whatever reason :woman_shrugging: On that note, the cup runs dry and so it shall be bed time. Have a good night bud.