If they put out a comprehensive ping system where i can ping and it says “use x ability” thats the only road to turning off chat being acceptable
You…can’t do that if you have chat disabled, though.
Disabling the chat in social settings literally disables it entirely.
Hiding the window is completely different.
Pay my sub and you can tell me what to do
It’s already very easy to just turn off group chat.
For sure, but none of that is a requirement for doing well. A good player can see the movement of anyone on the map at any point. While communication is great and I in no way am discouraging that, any thought of requiring chat to be open is absurd.
I’m sure any of us could post any number of screenshots just showing how pointless chat can be at times.
You get riveting stuff like this.
This is how the report function is already being used and wasted. Mind you, the healer being blamed here was also the top healer. This is why people turn chat off. The ragers that spam chat ruin the experience. Why should I be ‘forced’ to look at that? Just pointless garbage.
Again, I get what you’re aim is here, but if someone doesn’t want to see a single word from another player, that’s on them.
Players who can’t play with the team AND don’t perform are going to be relegated to the lower brackets. Beyond that though, you can be in a 3k+ game and still have players who don’t read chat and just do their own thing and when you say something… they’ll just say you’re trash and then spent the next 10 minutes calling you bad.
As much as anyone as well, I’m speaking for myself. I respond WAY to often and just get myself in trouble for it. Chat is a toxic cesspool as much as it is a means to communicate useful information.
But all that means is someone reported them.
Why are people so afraid of getting reported? Nothing will happen unless you actually did break the ToS (but then you have only yourself to blame). I don’t care if I’m reported, since I know I don’t break the ToS when I do chat.
Idk man there are a lot of account closures flying around as of late.
Cdew got perma banned no warning although he got it repealed.
Critcake got perma banned no warning still in limbo. Edit:it was repealed.
Those are just two streamers probably a lot of other cases to.
Many of whom I’m sure are probably just sitting a perma ban with no platform to get it repealed kekw.
I don’t chat because I don’t want to get banned.
Edit: Also, hi Enfers. I didn’t ignore your whisper the other day I reloaded by UI and it poofed gone
Communication definitely helps a lot, but BGB is a form of random bg, so not all players will read bg chat. We just have to live with it.
The good thing is, even top-rated players don’t communicate that much. I played a couple of BGBs tonight, and both teams had players with S1 R1 title. At least my teams’ chat was fairly silent. If these skilled players were using Discord for coordination, the games would definitely be fast-paced, and mediocre players like me would have nowhere to hide. When they treat Blitz like random bgs, my chances of surviving are much higher. So I don’t complain at all.
People queueing a competitive rated mode refusing to communicate are a plague.
Sup genius? This might blow your mind but you can disable chat anytime. From what you typed it looks like you think I don’t know how it works, that I was not sure what the op was about or that you thought I was confused about something.
Enter bg, type “where do you guys want me to go?” Get answer and then disable chat.
You might think it’s not possible but it is.
There’s a reason you’re posting this on a 71 classic alt and not on your main.

You might think it’s not possible but it is.
By the same logic it’s very possible to chew your own toenails, boss.
You mentioned 3.4k lobbies, but you haven’t been in those lobbies, have you, boss?

People queueing a competitive rated mode refusing to communicate are a plague.
However if they are a detriment to their team, that means they will lose more often, and thus end up at the rating they deserve.
If you are playing with people who have chat turned off, it means the game thinks you and them are about equally good at the game.
Make of that what you will.

By the same logic it’s very possible to chew your own toenails, boss.
You mentioned 3.4k lobbies, but you haven’t been in those lobbies, have you, boss?
I don’t know what you are arguing. You can enable and disable chat anytime. I know because I do it.
Why do people resort to rating shaming so fast? I don’t care about rating.
Also, it’s blitz. Everyone says you just have to press q to get rating and it’s really easy to get. Which is true because I am way below an average player. I am not even multi glad, multi r1 Kennie level of casual.
Is it that hard to believe that someone got in a 3.4k mmr lobby?

Is it that hard to believe that someone got in a 3.4k mmr lobby?
No, 3.4k MMR was fairly common for people on winstreaks at the end of the season, but you chose a specific example of 3k CR at 3.4k MMR with chat disabled, which simply was not and is not at all commonplace; and you spoke of it as if it was personal experience.
3k CR people being chatbanned and unable to speak? That’s pretty common. But disabling chat isn’t.
Why I don’t communicate in BGB:
[00:28:29] [I] [80:Eilane:1]: WW 1
[00:28:42] [I] [80:Eilane:1]: 2
[00:29:04] [I] [80:Eilane:1]: 3
[00:29:33] Otherguy-Thrall has assaulted the waterworks!
You know who showed up? Not a single person. You know what the next thing said was?
[00:32:03] [I] [80:Randomuselessmonk-Tic:1]: lmfao

No, 3.4k MMR was fairly common for people on winstreaks at the end of the season, but you chose a specific example of 3k CR at 3.4k MMR with chat disabled, which simply was not and is not at all commonplace; and you spoke of it as if it was personal experience.
3k CR people being chatbanned and unable to speak? That’s pretty common. But disabling chat isn’t.
How do you know it was not at all commonplace? Is there a website with this information that I can go to and see how commonplace it is?
I have already said it was personal experience. I disable chat. If I want to see where I should go, I ask in chat. Then disable it.
I don’t have a way of proving it and you have no way of disproving it.
I will say that I had no problems, that I know of at least lol. I couldn’t read what people were saying.
My highest mmr was over 3600. With chat disabled.

I have already said it was personal experience.
It was your personal experience of disabling chat at 3k CR in 3.4k MMR groups?

It was your personal experience of disabling chat at 3k CR in 3.4k MMR groups?
Yes, is that okay? What is the problem?
It’s not, because people that think they have valid points and play at 3600 don’t hide behind alts.