If You Call Deadmines "VC", You're Wrong

Yeah. It doesn’t really matter much, and different servers likely did have different conventions. I remember having to look up what VC was when I first started playing.

EDIT: Oh, and DM without a wing was a thing since lots of folks tended to do all of it once they got way the heck out there. LFG Trib for just tribute runs was also a thing.

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Back during actual Vanilla, people would scream at you if you called Deadmines DM. Now that Classic is out, it’s all flip-flopped.

I’m 52, Retired Military and know exactly what happened as I was there. People used different terms over time.
When I played from Closed Beta into release and beyond we called Deadmines “VC” for VanCleef.
When you looked for Dire Maul…ANY Part…you just went “DM”.

People call it the way they see it.

YOU trying to force the way you think it’s said unto others is the Childish part. KIDDO.

Move on. (Unless you are one of those Chess Pigeons)
You do know about the Pigeons right?

Arguing with stupid people is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon will knock over the pieces, sh*t on the board and strut around like it has won.

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If you still worried about what deadmines is being called, need to level up

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Deadmines is just one word, so it’s just D

In Vanilla, I leveled characters on Kel’Thuzad, and Windrunner, and they both used DM and VC, so both are correct.

But VC just sounds too stupid so everyone stop using it, okay?


This was always my issue with it when I seen it finally start getting used on the 2 servers I played on during vanilla. Vc didn’t start becoming a thing on my servers until Dire maul came out. Even then, the ones trying to force people to call it VC on our server were simply heckled out of chat. We had never done it before, and most of us wouldn’t do it now.

Just saying you wanted to do DM for dire maul was silly. The entirety of that place took a good chunk of time to grind through if your entire team wasn’t geared. So it was usually always followed up by the W, E, N or tribute. Very few groups early on would form groups for a full clear of all sections.

For me it’s about VC being a person, not a place. When I’m looking to run a dungeon it’s obviously a place, so DM for me has and always will be deadmines.

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We were calling deadmines vc as well as dm on my server back in 2004 vanilla.

This is just false.

Alot of servers back in 2004 vanilla used either on to refer to deadmines.

I deny your false assertion of falsity and deceit.

So you admit you never played vanilla.

This was common.

You okay? Having a bad day? Don’t fret, being wrong online isn’t the worst thing that will happen…

If you call it soda or coke, you’re wrong.

It’s pop.

Bane of Tooth Enamel also works.

Also played in Beta.
Too old to remember.
Too old to care.
Get off my lawn.

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Wtf did you just call my drink?

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I call it Dr Pepper.

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It is Coke, and then when asked what kind you tell them Dr. Pepper.

This thread is a honeypot for incorrect thoughts.

Nobody cares what it was called “day 1” Dire Maul has been called DM since vanilla 'til now. :clap: OK? ok. Case closed.

Deadmines is DM.

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spoken like a true child who doesn’t under stand how to have a debate over what actually happened and what never happened.

An ironic statement considering you resort to insults and lack any factual evidence. I.E. You have no idea how to debate.

Deadmines was VC. Here’s my actual, fact-based evidence.
The original guide from 2004. VC is listed for Deadmines. DM isn’t.
Thottbot comments from Vanilla call it both VC and DM

Let me just also point out this statement is wrong.

but yet EVERY other instance was an abbreviation of the instance name.

ST is not the proper abbreviation of Temple of Atal’Hakkar. It would be ToAH or perhaps just TAH.

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