If You Call Deadmines "VC", You're Wrong

Honestly when i see it either way in chat, I know what it means. It is just the idiots that when someone posts DM, they come out with “What is DM, Dire Maul ain’t out yet durrrr”. The only people that really troll the chat about it, are the VC people, go figure.

i’m sorry but no. You are wrong.

Basically if you say VC you started wow in Pandaria.

That’s nice and all, but Deadmines’ acronym is VC, and Dire Maul’s acronym is DM.

This , it was always specified which dire maul you wanted back in vanilla . DM was deadmines.

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Love how there’s 145 replies on arguing whether to call a dungeon VC or DM.

Reminds me of the blue/gold dress fiasco.

Why is this even an argument?

Lets sort out a few facts:
People using incorrect grammar are why there are so many idiots in games. They never get corrected and by the time someone points it out, they’ve been so brainwashed that they don’t even know what’s true so they argue from what they know

People calling Deadmines VC is incorrect for 3 reasons

  1. His first name is EDWIN not VAN so People who say it’s VC are saying Edwin starts with a V.
  2. Deadmines is the name of the dungeon, again D is not V or E for that matter
  3. Anyone saying LFG for VC is not only wrong, but is also saying the only thing they’re doing in the entire dungeon is the last boss.

You mean your private server? The only people who refer to Deadmines as VC are private server people.

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Not true at all. Dead Mines was always DM. Dire Maul was DM + what area you wanted to run.

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Dead wrong again. Dead Mines was always called DM.

Was always VC in vanilla, but it didn’t cause great confusion when someone typed DM (just some insult-hurling at the noob.)

I played Vanilla. I started on day one. Never heard it called VC. I stopped playing retail WoW at MoP and still don’t remember people looking for “more for VC” in Westfall.

The bottom line is that if you are in Westfall trying to find a tank for Dire Maul, you’re doing it wrong. Just sayin’…

Dead wrong to you. Not to those who were actually there.
Why am I even talking to a clueless Random Nobody?

Deadmines will be called VC by me.

Move along now Kiddo.

Deadmines was always called DM by us day 1 people. You must have joined vanilla when dire maul was out.

Still Dire Maul has wings and only a newb would say “LFG DM” meaning dire maul.

Thats like saying “LFG SM”.

its memeworthy at this point

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spoken like a true child who doesn’t under stand how to have a debate over what actually happened and what never happened.

Dead mines WAS never called VC in Vanilla. based on your argument your saying Dead Mines was the ONLY instance within wow that was shorted to the initials of the last boss of the instance, but yet EVERY other instance was an abbreviation of the instance name. Shadowfang Keep was SFK, Scarlet was SM ( GY, Lib, Arm, Cath ) exc. So following your logic people in beta, like my self, would have reserved the name DM for dire maul… because yeah we knew Dire was coming out when the game was first released. FYI we didn’t have a clue.

So why would the player base change DM to VC before Dire Maul was released? They wouldn’t. Dead mines has always been DM and will always be DM.

Right, inaccurate because you say so and not what info Blizzard provided at the time. Just because things changed as people started playing WoW doesn’t mean the guide, released right when WoW was released, is inaccurate.

Plenty of its info was just flat out wrong.

Sorry champ, don’t take it personal.

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Seems a bit counter intuitive to have to make a thread on the forums to combat the fact that deadmines is commonly referred to as VC, and saying that those people are wrong. If they’re wrong why does there need to be a forum post explaining why they’re wrong? Wouldn’t it just be common knowledge that they’re wrong?

The questline literally walks you to the entrance to the building which is zoned as Deadmines BEFORE you get the quest to take down VC.

I was on a vanilla launch server, it was DM. First heard of this VC nonsense much later on forums, never saw it in-game. It may have been different on different servers, which is why we argue about this eternally.