If you buff ret pallies, maybe you should buff all poor performing classes to a base "floor"

I took your Bonereavers edge in Vanilla and ill take your Shadowmourne in WotLk. Have a cry

Fury warriors are still ahead of rets by a small margin. Why you crying?

By your own logic, if this is true

This can’t be true

Just sayin’

Paladin is still lowest in damage of all dps classes when in their highest damaging spec.

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Right? Relax guys.

Paladins have surpassed warrior and feral in all but the absolute top parses which are heavily rng gated. They also happen to have better general utility than them as well as absolutely crushing warriors in terms of stackable utility.

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Logs say different.

Fury beats ret in boss damage on all levels averaged, not just the top.

Fury beats ret on overall raid damage too except at the very top.

Over the last two weeks fury is behind ret in every % other than max

Proof please.

I have mine. It is for the last complete raid week.

Week of January 24th?

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Wrong one, fixed :sweat_smile:

Still waiting for the week 5 report.

I guess you can count that as an error log, no?

I’ll see myself out.

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All they’re doing is summarizing publicly available information from warcraftlogs. Just go to the actual source and poke around and you’ll find that rets are beating fury and feral in the past 2 weeks in all but the 99th percentile.

Its pretty close in general between the two so I guess Blizzard succeeded in their goal of making ret match fury in dps, but the difference in utility between the two is great enough to confidently say that ret is clearly better than fury (and feral) now.

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Yeah it has to be incredibly close.

It does feel good not be a net detriment to the raid anymore as ret. When the utility doesn’t matter, ret was getting sat and we can’t have that.

Warriors will be kings in the end though.

Nerfs will come to Ulduar soon, and ret’s utility will be worthless again.

Rets and warriors will never be OP in pve in this xpac lmfao

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Why is this the case for ret but not for other classes/specs? Warriors and ferals are in just as bad a spot now as ret was in the past when the group doesn’t need the 5% crit buff. At least ret has stackable utility unlike warrior.

Also warriors are not going to be kings in the end based on everything we currently know. I believe its looking like mage/lock/rogue will be the real winners of later phases (and current phase lol).

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I would say ret ferals and warrior dps are in the same spot now. Ret was in a spot below these.

You still only bring one of these.

Paladin has stackable utility usually covered by prot or holy.

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I mean realistically nothing has changed.

Ret was a 1 of before and after changes.

The changes didn’t do anything but kill the boss 4 seconds faster lmfao.

No one is stacking Rets now because they got a small buff and most raids bring 1 anyway as another sac.

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nah, new meta is 20 rets, 3 holy, and 2 prot. The memo went out after the change, are you not on the mailing list?

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