If you buff ret pallies, maybe you should buff all poor performing classes to a base "floor"

Paladin has general utility in the form of auras and blessings. These are covered by the prots or holys and adding rets doesn’t make a difference to this.

Paladins ALSO have stackable utility in the form of dsac, hand spells, and aura mastery. These are all able to be brought by rets and these are always beneficial regardless of having a prot or holy unless you are overstacking.

They also tend to ignore that none of the paladin “stackable utility” is actually unique to paladin other than kings.

After your first paladin (a holy/prot), you have every unique paladin utility. You might bring a second holy/prot for extra divine sacrifices.

There’s basically no reason to add a ret to that because our damage kind of sucks, even after the buff, but at least we aren’t also an extra tier below the rest of the bottom DPS now to justify all that utility that never mattered in practice.

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But that doesn’t change the fact that pretty much every raid brings 1 even before this change ever happened


Exactly, ret is just slightly more likely to get picked up in pugs and such now with the slight buff. Did not become uber end all damage by any means.

It was me, i was that ret

Like my raid has killed Alg and we have always brought 1 ret

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That wasn’t common.

Way more guilds brought fury warriors than rets. (Like 50% more before the buff happened)

And that’s a fight where an extra DSac was a big help.

And 99.

Still due to RNG though.

You can get today’s ranks from the source:

Overall for all:

Overall for 95:

Puts Ret ahead of Fury for last two weeks to today.

I mean sure but at the same time majority of guilds ARENT killing Alg.

If you look at the majority of guilds they are bringing a ret

Sure, but it is a pretty big red flag when the majority of good guilds aren’t, and preferred warriors (that continue to act like the sky is falling)

Do you have the data of the Alg kills that shows current spec representation?

Curious to see how true this is

I had the data from just prior to the buff, haven’t dug through it since then.

We bring one specifically for commanding. But I am also there as ret so… it’s equalized.

Yeah we bring one of each prior to this change and after this change so basically nothing changed

Same here. 1 DPS warr, then 2 DKs, then me.

Not quite rets was the floor pre the buff with the buff the floor is higher ie rets was buffed to the new floor.

There is always a floor. That floor is always based on the current state as rets got a buff they where below the floor as the floor is now higher. Untill the buff happened they were not below the floor if spoken at that time. Since it happened thou they were below the floor as the floor was moved. As we know the buff happened we must speak with that knowledge in mind. As such rets was the poor preforming class. Pre that knowledge they were not. This is the meaning of “was” it means the statment is speaking in past presence ie the past.

There is no logic issue in my statment.

I hope they buff warriors temporarily. I had to reroll because they’re almost unplayably bad in pve. It’s fine to bring one for HM progression but you can’t stack them for a lot of fights unless you already overgear it because their dps is terrible and you’re just bringing them for sunders/commanding shout/rampage anyway (and bleeds for the assa rogues).

If you’re implying that warriors should get the same attention ret pallys just got (just assuming cuz of your avatar) then you’re not understanding why they gave them the buff in the first place. Ret pallys don’t really get any better outside of their T10 2 piece (which si really a band-aid fix that was later implemented to be a baked in mechanic cuz it was so good).

Warriors on the other hand become bananas insane by the time you get through TOGC and into ICC. So people making a warrior now expected to get carried in early content in wait of becoming massive in later tiers. There’s no need to buff classes like that because they’re already going to be insane and a buff would over do it when they get the gear.

They can do whateber they want with fury, idc. But anyone who suggests arms to be buffed deseves a permaban from the forums.

Problem is warriors scale insanely well with gear, especially Armor Penetration.

What suggestions do you have to buff them without being inevitably nerfed in ICC? Because the ret buffs won’t warrant nerfs in ICC.

Replenishment is also stackable.

LMAO yeah not like having multiple paladins for raid cooldowns is extremely good or anything. So many other classes can replicate that stacking paladin utility. /s

Warrior bad until ICC? I sleep

Ret bad until ICC? :rage: :angry: :anger: