So they can still be competitive and not feel like they are being carried by their friends in raid. A floor where all the “poor performing dps” all lie. I dunno, just spit ballin’ here since blizzard opened the door to buffs with ret pallies.
It’s kinda how it works there will always be a bottom and that is the floor.
Kinda impossible for them not to do what you ask with every buff.
Rets was the poor preforming class below the floor. The current bottem is not poor preforming they are at the floor. If they were poor preforming blizzard would buff them. The fact they have not shows they are at the floor. Every class has a dps spec above the “floor” right now.
It was quite literally the reason blizzard gave to buff ret they fell behind the floor (fury warriors) so moved them up to that level.
For boss damage, warriors are just barely better than ret. If a ret is beating you they are either more geared than you are or better at hitting thier buttons.
Ok and when icc comes around and ret gets their op set bonus, then what? Revert the buff they just did? Let ret be stronger than intended? Or then blizz will finally decide other specs need adjusting towards the end of the expansion when it wont mean as much?
Paladins already have alot going for them… def needa spread the love (since we’re going down this road of changes now)
Warriors literally go god mode in ICC so what the fk does it matter? The difference with warrior and ret is, warriors are limited because they can’t hard cap arpen. Ret doesn’t get nearly as much benefit from ArP.
When warrior dps is the worst in the game they are at the floor and everything is fine. When paladin dps is the worst in the game they are below the floor and thus need to be buffed?
And if the forum rets are to be believed if rets had t9 and t10 set bonuses they would also be doing good right now. That is completely irrelevant to current balance.
Why is it fine to let warriors sit in the absolute worst position in the game because “they scale good!” and rets aren’t allowed to do the same despite also having a “we’re gonna pop off in t10!” argument?
The op asked the devs to buff the bad classes up to the floor.
The devs outright stated the reason for ret buffs was to bring them up to the bottem fury warriors.
As such they did exactly what the op asked for.
The floor is fury warriors currently. If he wants them to buff warriors should ask for warrior buffs not ask for stuff to be brought up to the floor that stuff already was brought up to.
While he should give reasons on why the floor needs to be higher. None of which he did. It’s not the topic to argue for warriors buffs thou. The topic is shoudl stuff he brought up to a floor which the answer is that is exactly what happened, it’s already done:
Based on everything I’ve heard warriors wouldn’t need a nerf either. I believe sims aren’t even putting warriors in the top 3-5 in ICC even with full bis and Shadowmourne. Its all speculation based on 14 year old memories and throwing one class under the bus while not holding rets to the same standard.
Rets are still bottom tier even with the “buff” (they have to replace a dps glyph with the new glyph so it’s not as big of a buff as some here would have you believe).
Having said that, I think warriors have the strongest case since their dps specs are bottom tier along with the ret.
The problem is that they scale extremely well later on in the expansion so whatever buff they get now shouldn’t scale. It should act as a stop-gap until they become god-tier.