If you buff ret pallies, maybe you should buff all poor performing classes to a base "floor"

Your response was the stock one. Immediately trot out the Blizzard talking point when anyone other than ret paladins ask for buffs after their weeks of whining was successful. It’s kinda pathetic.

Point to where I wined at all up to this point, and point to where I am actively denying or obstructing any classes from asking for or receiving buffs. You wont and you can’t.

The answers to any of these types of threads is in the blue post readily available.

Let’s just be deliberately obtuse and pretend you’re not reposting that over and over (with no additional input from you btw) to dissuade others from doing exactly what ret posters did. Yeah!

The same answer was there for ret. The whining persisted, and Blizz relented. But go ahead, keep reposting. It makes you look really good.

Blizzard relented because of data, not whining.

If whining worked we would have RDF.

Which is not what I’m doing at all, but it fits your narrative so go off.
I post it to answer what people in thread ask about in regards to changes to their class/spec. Notice how I have never once included any obfuscation of the information or at all told people to kick rocks because of it. The answers are there in the article.

Do you want to bring up the numerous discussions involving class/spec buffs that I do agree should be around? or the areas where they could potentially buff warriors by removing the TG downside? no, because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

I’m just telling you how it looks when you post this Blizzard talking point every single time someone brings up buffs to other classes. You can take it how you will.

No you aren’t lmao. You’re using it to take cheap shots that hold zero weight.

Because they do not have the personnel to do a complete buff/debuff ovehaul. It took them long enough to fix pallies.

Classes get stronger as the expansion progresses which buffing them now would require nerfing them later on. As well, buffing some classes also affects pvp. More work for a small team.

Players have to remember Wrath Classic is on life support. Its not retail with a huge team behind it. Classic team just switches things on and off with the odd bug fix here and there.

ret paladins need to complain for this to happen

Warriors were god tier for the entirety of vanilla classic… solid A tier dps in TBC… you can survive being on par with a ret paladin for a couple of months, little baby

Just remove the 10% penalty on Titans Grip.

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if only there was a way you knew that warrior had lower dps from 2009

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These class-versus-class arguments are silly. Good design doesn’t punitively compensate for a previous expansion. Nor do intentional seasons of power work, because many players will just switch to the top when things change.

To paraphrase PJ O’Rourke, better balance isn’t a pizza. If everyone expects a slice of the pie, it’s not like you’re stuck eating the box.

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Nice try you disgusting wheelchair class

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Being bottom tier till the very end of the game isnt sufficient, plus with all the new gear scaling and with ret buffs being transferred all the way till the end of the game who is to say ret wont over perform with the ICC set bonus

the whole “youre number 1 dps at the very end of the game” argument is dumb as hell.

Fury wars are in a bad spot, and if youre in a raid group where you are a fury war and near the top of the dmg meters, your group just sucks.

Show me the Fury war pulling 10k dps on thorim Hardmode.

Edit: The ret buff didn’t upset me, it actually was a blessing because the overall raid damage went up. I don’t understand people being against buffing Fury war. Warriors have 2 whole dps specs and both of them suck. This isn’t whining, just plain bad game design. I don’t see people defending mages, warlocks, and DKs for being number 1 dps and then presumably “oh no they dropped to number 2 dps at the very end of the game to fury wars who were lucky and actually got their items to drop in ICC” - without mentioning how armor pen helps all melee based classes.

The whole argument seems disingenuous, fury wars just want to be useful damage components in raids - why does this upset you? I don’t understand this personal tribalism in this game. It takes 25 people to raid a 25 man - you know.


Weird benchmark. Several specs haven’t managed 10k on Thorim HM, but fury isn’t one of them.

Maybe if the other classes make enough posts they will get buffs too.

It seems to be coming from this idea of “Fury were up for two expansions and deserve to be down the bottom”. It’s a silly and emotive position but a lot of players hold it.

Using the 99 percentile as a measure is also really inaccurate as Fury has a large RNG impact on performance. In the 99 percentile Fury parses can be shown to have significantly higher Slam procs in Heroism/Lust windows than <=95percentile parses. This is not impacted by skill or gear - it’s pure RNG (95%ers are not missing Slam! they’re just not getting them in the right timing).

You look at every gear bracket right up to 240 ilvl and Fury is well below Ret languishing in the bottom 5 (with all the PVP specs - with the exceptions of Marksman and Feral). This holds until you select for good RNG - at the 99% and up mark. We are closing the gap and scaling well - but nowhere near enough to make a dint in our relative position.

The tribalism though is just weird. It’s basically saying that because I felt gypt losing parses to a class in vanilla I want anyone who chooses to play that class now to not have any fun or be able to participate. Many of whom never even played the class in vanilla - weird way of taking class RPG to the next level.

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Nailed it. I don’t see people hating on warlocks and mages for consistently being top dps throughout the 3 expansions so far we have replayed. I just don’t get it.

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I mean they both are 3spec dps class so they should perform well or better than many hybrids.