Do you play the game with current content or bank stand and run old content?
How could you guys be pro-Covenant? You must be some special kind of cruel or stupid.
I mean they almost wiped out humanity. Does Master Chief’s hard work mean nothing to you!?
It’s an MMOrpg. If you want an actual RPG where your choices have consequences to the world play the witcher. Here you are random murderhobo 402271 your choice have zero lasting impact on the world ask loyalists about that.
Irrelevant. It’s late and I gave you my 5 minutes and I’m not interested in humoring you.
Good night. Can’t wait for Covenants.
Option B then
Its refreshing when they don’t hide that they like the system just to spite others.
The restriction removes choice because of tying it to power. I can’t choose based on appearance or gameplay loop because the “choice” is tied to character power. Since I don’t play this game in an antisocial fashion and primarily play to raid and do dungeons this means I need to pick what is best for that content. This means my dk will be gallivanting with nature even if I would much rather be Kyrian. Tying character power to the covenants removes my choice. Make the covenants basically locked 2 plus months to change but disassociate character power with them then you have actual choice.
Don’t tell me what I can and can’t play, please and thank you.
I’m subscribed to this game, I paid my money, and I can play it however I damn well please.
Also, Sylvanas loyalists will get their time when Blizzard announces unprecedented changes to the factions. Mark my words.
Yeah it cuts through a lot of bs
Legitimately how? It caps at 50 gold it doesn’t start at 50. Unless you are swapping specs every other day it takes a bit to get to 50 and if you are swapping specs every other day you aren’t that casual and should be able to make plenty to support it. Stop coming up with nonsense anecdotes that nobody who has actually played the game would believe. She was still buying abilities but needed to respec so much it was at 50 gold … right
It only removes choice for those obsessed with mix-maxing. Period.
For everyone else, it’s fine.
I don’t min max and I’m the one telling you the whole system is stupid
I don’t exactly want to have to endure a stupid game play system because you don’t like min maxers who wouldn’t be impacting your world quests anyway
Except half the talent rows are dead so you are being extremely dishonest. Sure if you only play single player you have more combinations but you aren’t factoring in that many trees can’t be crossed over like you have a set of 3 then another set of 3 and another set of 3. But the 9 points of these 3 trees can’t be crossed over they go straight down. You are just counting points not actually looking at the links between points which drastically cuts down how many choices you actually have.
Never going to happen unless it’s to finally allow cross faction play there will be no changes to factions. The game can’t support a third faction at it’s current population without cross faction play.
Racials are min maxing 20 to 40% difference is changing something from playable to unplayable or vice versa.
Apparently kyrian pandas are getting like a7% performance boost in the beta now
You missed my point. Of COURSE not all of the talents are viable, and not all of the combinations are viable, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of permutations people can use to create interesting builds with different strengths and weaknesses.
It’s the same with Soulbinds.
Saying that “there are only 3 soulbinds to choose from” is disingenuous. That was my point.
Dot isn’t aoe so it’s still trash night fae dnd for blood is essentially perma 15% dr and 15% strength bonus in stationary combat. It’s so freaking strong.
My prediction actually includes the possibility of cross-faction play.
The Horde will merge with the Alliance. Cross-faction play will happen there.
Tyrande will split off into “The Army of the Dark Moon,” or whatever. With the possibility of cross-faction play with the Alliance.
Sylvanas will create the “Army of the White Mask,” or whatever. With the possibility of cross-faction play with The Horde.
3 factions.
No i mean you literally can’t make 60 combinations because the way the trees are set up there are paths that you are forced down. Plus every single one narrows to a single conduit at 2 points and these conduits are nearly all spec specific so unless you are playing the same spec you really don’t have multiple options you need to put your other specs on different soulbinds.