Take the time to understand why you are pro-covenant. Is it to spite this supposed “1%”? Or do you actually believe that the system as-is will be healthy for the game and its playerbase? Because if its the former then just get over yourself, but if its the latter then we can have a real discussion.
Parallels have been made to legion legendaries, azerite armor, essences, corruptions, etc. These were all systems that the player base nearly unanimously disliked in alpha/beta releases only to see them released as-is. Of course we all know the history around these systems… They sucked on release, (as was predicted) and were fixed patches later.
At this point we are all on this treadmill for blizzard. We buy the expansion, we pay the sub fee, and then we play the game filled with systems we don’t like. But isn’t that sickening? Isn’t it horrible to think that blizzard KNOWS we will keep playing regardless so they just ignore player feedback and release broken systems? This isn’t the case of blizzard developers making a mistake and then fixing it. They know the systems are bad. They know full well. The amount of feedback and criticisms on these broken systems is immense! Even among content creators the usual divide down the middle doesn’t exist this go around. You’d be hard pressed to find 2+ content creators that all like and praise the system as is, and that is just unprecedented.
Objectively speaking the system doesn’t work. It isn’t even opinion at this point. Even blizzard understands this and continues to hard nerf the abilities and soul binds to the ground. I suppose you could say its admirable they are trying so hard to make this work, but it just won’t. Its like watching a baby playing with a toy that has several shaped spaces and blocks that fit into them. No matter how much that baby may try or how adorable it might be to watch them play, they won’t be able to fit the square block into the circle hole. It just won’t work. The covenant system doesn’t fit into the mold of the game and its playerbase as they are now.
Honestly pulling the entire rip cord isn’t even all that neccessary. All they would have to do is make the abilities a new talent row and remove the 1 week timegate on resetting conduits and 90% of player criticisms go away instantly. The systems will still exist and players will be happy, so everybody wins? Oh wait, no. Blizzard will take that as a loss because their pride won’t allow them to admit a mistake.
Or at least that’s what I thought right up until they reverted some GCD’s recently. Obviously blizzard reads and watches all this criticism coming their way and is capable of making the right fixes when it counts, so the only conclusion left is to assume that they actually don’t see what’s wrong with the current system. They think all the top players, (who understand the game better then they do, apparently) are just blind to the brilliance of this system.
Of course, we all know how its going to go. The memes have predicted it. The system will release broken, and will be fixed in a later patch after an entire tier or 2 has been sullied by it.
We all want shadowlands to be good. We all agree on that. My ultimate desire isn’t even to have the changes I have outlined here to happen, my goal is for the game to be good and fun. If that means they fix the system in the way I think is best, great. If that means blizzard is right and the system is fine as-is, then great!
It just seems that as it is now, Shadowlands goes from a 9/10 expansion to a 6/10, and that shouldn’t be the case.
Edit: LOL MY POST WAS FLAGGED FOR REAL LIFE THREAT. good on the moderators for restoring it.