If you are pro-covenant, read this

I have 2 CE chars am I doing wf prog hell no don’t have the time or drive are covenants going to still effect me? Absolutely I don’t want to be detrimental to my team in either raids or dungeons. What does this mean? It means my dk will be going pure flower power blue dnd because it’s bis atm for everything. Why is it so hard to just divorce the power system from the covenants that would be the optimal thing then people can actually choose what covenants they identify with instead of worrying about power or utility.

You mean when all it cost to change specs was gold which capped at 50 which wasn’t actually that much if you put time into the game? Yeah you definitely know what you are talking about and this is definitely similar to a two plus week time gated swap back and forth /s

Not even close to the same thing. We are talking about intrinsic power not earned power. Gear is earned power. Covenants are our level 55 and 60 talents put behind a time gated change. People seriously need to learn the difference between intrinsic and earned power it would fix so many issues with their attempts at “arguments”

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First of all, I love how you say,

And then proceed to not accept my answers as real answers… But anyway.

First, you need to accept that different people play the game for different reasons. What is impactful to you may have absolutely no meaning to me. What is impactful to me could mean nothing to you.

Second, I agree with what Ion said. I’ve been playing RPGs for a long, long time, and I know what I like.

Third, it’s not an MMORPG. It’s an RPG. You wanna know how I can tell? Because I play it single player! And I enjoy it! Once again, different people play games for different reasons.

I mean, if you don’t like my answers, there’s nothing I can do about that.
I’m telling the truth about why I play, and I think #pulltheripcord is bad for my experience.

Sorry! I agree to disagree.

(and I can predict what you’re going to say next! Something like, "blah blah just because you single player blah blah other players play the game too, blah blah. And you’re right!

So blizzard has to decide! #pulltheripcord and lose my sub, or #makechoicesmatter and lose your sub.

And it may not seem like it, but I’ve been playing just as long as you have, and my dollar counts for the same amount as yours.)


That’s because you didn’t tell me in any way shape or form how removing the restriction impacts you in anyway

All you said was you like the idea of a meaningful choice but didn’t tell me how it would impact you if it was removed


I know exactly what I’m talking about. The 2 week time gate is perfect.

Actual choices with actual consequences.

Imagine that.


Racial abilities are 1% Covenants are 20 to upwards of 40 percent it will matter just stop.


No you very clearly have no idea what you are talking about since you think this is similar to vanilla in any way whatsoever. There was no timegate on changing spec or talents in vanilla there never has been in the history of the game.

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I did. repeatedly. The restriction reinforces the choice. The removal of the restriction makes the choice less meaningful. It’s not hard to understand, if you, again accept that different people play the game for different reasons.

Simple version: It harms the realism of the RPG experience if you can just swap around willy-nilly.


But you don’t have to swap your covenant ever if you don’t want to

So it has little to no baring at all and the only thing you seem to have going for you is you like the idea of a meaningful choice?


It’s not actually 60 loadouts per week because many of the conduits are spec specific including at points it narrows to two choices. In actual realistic play it’s 6 (3 souldbinds*2 paths) and some of the passive are markedly worse than other for all specs so it’s not even necessarily 6.


Whew! You sure are stuck in your own bubble aren’t ya?

It took my wife two weeks of casual, laid back gaming to earn the gold she needed to respect in vanilla (while using the gold for other important stuff like abilities).

Because unlike your elitists bubble, some people take months to level.

Point being, this is actually a punishment. It’s perfect. I know exactly what it is and embrace it with open arms. You don’t need to accept my opinion, but you sure as hell need to accept the fact that others have differing opinions than your own.

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A 40% damage difference isn’t unplayable to you? So you would be willing to go from full bis corruptions to no corruptions at all? That’s the level of damage difference we are talking about in some cases.

Yes! Verisimilitude in an RPG is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME. PERIOD.

I completely understand that, for other people it is not important. I agree to disagree.

Why can’t you?


I second this.

Tired of seeing mid maxers ruin the game I’ve been playing for 15 years. Enjoy Covenants while they are here before the next expansion ends them.


Maybe because it’s the stupidest reason that could be offered and I needed to be 100% sure


Except for the whole aiding other covenants getting quests to defend other covenants and attack their enemies. Literally the only difference outside of character power is your weekly event. But hey I don’t get to make the choice based on that or cosmetics because they tied character power to it.

Remove character power from the equation and make it take 2 months plus to swap. You get your near permanent choice I get to get my best power and get to chose to help the angels instead of having a “choice” between a super strong aoe buff/debuff field and a single target wimpy arcane dot but cool armor and story


Sounds more like you don’t play the game and you just exist in it if that’s you’re stance

If you’d played the game you’d know why this system is completely bung and doesn’t even make sense from an RP standpoint

I don’t know how this isn’t viewed as the best solution

I don’t think this debate would be happening if they released it like that from the start

So and so doesn’t agree with me, he clearly doesn’t play the game!

Great one buddy, really glad the forums and their insane cries of woe are the minority. It’s comically immature to make such an assumption.

Laughable. This is my game as much as yours. Deal with it and grow up.


So you like it to spite the ‘elitists’ then? What about regular players that want to mess around with new abilities without losing massive amounts of progress?

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Yes! And talents are also not all viable, but we still have a total of 2,187 talent combinations per spec.

Even if a few of the conduit loadouts are not perfectly optimal for every spec, the end result is that players still have 20 different ways to manipulate each conduit.

The #pulltheripcord players are being very disingenuous by stating, “You only get 3 soulbinds, and the conduits are locked in place for the whole week!”

Yes, that’s 100% true, but it’s disingenuous.

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